One Mathematical Model Of Modern Monetary Operations

This post collates three previous posts on modelling the domestic financial aspects of Modern Monetary Theory. There is a PDF of this post attached on my Patreon page, to aid offline reading. The Minsky model is also attached, and Minsky (which is free and Open Source) can be downloaded from This model uses features that are not in the current release version (version 2.18) so if you wish to run it, and 2.18 is still the release version, please download the latest beta version instead from

I confess immediately that I chose the title because its acronym is a palindrome.

This model considers only the monetary aspects of MMT: the Job Guarantee and inflation management components are not yet incorporated. International trade and financial flows are not considered. However, the assertions of MMT about domestic monetary dynamics remain in dispute in economic and political circles, so it is worth putting these into a mathematical model where their veracity can be tested.

The primary stimulus for developing the model was the publication of Stephanie Kelton’s The Deficit Myth. Stephanie has written the book for non-technical readers, and she’s done a very good job: it’s a very easy read that explains why many conventional wisdoms about government spending are wrong. But MMT is facing heavy resistance in political and economic circles, with my favourite to date being a motion before the US Congress, posted by Representative Kevin Hern, to resolve:

That the House of Representatives (1) realizes that deficits are unsustainable, irresponsible, and dangerous; and (2) recognizes— (A) that the implementation of Modern Monetary Theory would lead to higher deficits and higher inflation; and (B) the duty of the House of Representatives to condemn Modern Monetary Theory.

The objective of this series of posts is to allow the assessment of the first part of this motion—the assertion that “deficits are unsustainable, irresponsible, and dangerous”.

The models in this document are built in the Open Source system dynamics program Minsky, whose unique feature is the capacity to build models of financial flows using what are called Godley Tables (in honour of Wynne Godley, the pioneer of stock-flow-consistent-modelling). These tables enforce the “law of accounting” that (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: A blank Godley Table

Once an account is flagged as an “Asset” for one entity, Minsky knows that it has to also be shown as a “Liability” for another entity. This
makes it possible to take an integrated look at the financial system, which allows us to assess Hern’s motion from the perspective of the entire monetary system, and not just the Government’s view of it.

An Integrated View of Deficits, Surpluses, and Equity

This Minsky model is a simple but complete model of a domestic monetary system. It has six sectors which can be divided into five components:

  • The Treasury, and the Central Bank, which together constitute the Government Sector;
  • The Banking Sector;
  • The Firm Sector, Capitalists and Workers, which constitute the “NonBank Private Sector“;
  • The NonBank Private Sector and the Banking Sector, which constitute the “NonGovernment Sector“; and
  • The sum of the Government and the NonBank Private Sector, which constitute the “NonBank Sector“.

For simplicity, taxes—and government spending—are levied only on the Firm Sector, and banks make loans only to firms (the aggregate outcome would be the same if the model were generalized to have taxes and spending and loans in all sectors—it would just be much harder to read the tables).

There are just thirteen financial flows:

  • Treasury spends on firms (Spend);
  • Treasury taxes firms (Tax);
  • Treasury sells bonds to the Banking Sector to cover any deficit (BondB);
  • Treasury pays interest on Treasury Bonds owned by the Banking Sector (InterestBonds);
  • The Central Bank buys and sells Treasury Bonds in “Open Market Operations” (BondCB);
  • Banks lend to firms (Lend);
  • Firms pay interest to Banks (Interest);
  • Firms repay some debt to banks (Repay);
  • Firms hire workers (Wages);
  • Firms pay dividends (Dividends);
  • Workers buy goods from firms (ConsW);
  • Capitalists buy goods from firms (ConsK); and
  • Bankers buy goods from firms (ConsB).

Minsky provides an integrated view of how these flows interact to determine the financial position of each of the six sectors in the model in interlocking double-entry bookkeeping tables. It generates differential equations from these flows that show how the stocks—the financial accounts—change over time.

The danger to which Hern alludes is immediately apparent when we look at the Treasury’s Equity—the final column in Figure 2: if Treasury spending plus interest payments on outstanding Treasury Bonds exceeds taxation revenue, then its Equity will fall.

Figure 2: The Treasury’s accounts

Mathematically, the rate of change of Treasury Equity is the sum of the flows Tax minus Spending minus Interest payments on Bonds held by the Banking Sector:


Given the initial conditions used in this post, in which Treasury Equity starts as zero, a deficit will immediately put the Treasury into negative equity.

This is not offset by the Central Bank, which comes out with no impacts on its equity position at all (note, this is not what I expected when I started building this model).

Figure 3: The Central Bank’s accounts

The rate of change of the Government’s Equity is therefore equal to its surplus—or the negative of its deficit, since the government has normally been in deficit for as long as records have been kept—see Figure 4. The only periods in which the Government has been in surplus for a sustained period are:

  • The 1920s, between mid-1920 and mid-1931, a period of 11 years;
  • The immediate post-WWII period, between early 1947 and mid-1949, a period of 2 years; and
  • The late 1990s till early 2000s, between 1998 and early 2002, a period of 4 years.

Figure 4: US Government Surplus Divided by GDP. The average value is minus 2.48% of GDP

Returning to the model in this post, the impact of the Government deficit on the Government itself is entirely borne by the Treasury:


Summing the Treasury and Central Bank Equity equations to show the dynamics of the Government’s equity yields Equation :


Looked at just from the point of view of the Government sector then, running deficits is clearly “unsustainable, irresponsible, and dangerous”. If the government wants to have positive equity, then it should run a surplus. It’s an open and shut case—or so it appears, when looking just at the government’s books.

But in this model (and the real economy itself), one entity’s Asset is another’s Liability. So, to know whether a government surplus is a good idea for the system as a whole, we have to ask what the impact is of a government surplus on the rest of the economy?

The rest of the economy is the NonGovernment Sector, the sum of the Banking Sector, and the “Non-Bank Private Sector“: the three non-Government and non-Bank sectors, Firms, Capitalists, and Workers. This model has been set up so that Capitalists and Workers are not directly affected by government spending and taxation, or interest payments on bonds, so we can answer this question just by looking at the economy from the Banking Sector’s point of view (Figure 5) and the Firm Sector’s point of view (Figure 6). The government actions that affect the equity of the Banking Sector and the Firm sector are shown at the top of each table.

The first line in Figure 5 shows that what is a negative for the equity of the Government Sector—paying interest to banks for their holdings of Treasury Bonds—is a positive for the Banking Sector.

Figure 5: The Banking Sector’s accounts

Similarly, first two lines of Figure 6 show that what is a negative for the equity of the Government sector is a positive for the Firm Sector, and that what is a positive for the Government is likewise a negative for the Firm Sector: Government spending increases the equity of the Firm Sector, and taxation reduces it.

Figure 6: The Firm Sector’s accounts

The non-Government net financial position is therefore the mirror image of the Government’s:


The deficit defines the flow, in dollars per year. Equity is the accumulation of that flow over time, in dollars. The NonGovernment sector’s equity is, like its deficit, the negative of the Government Sector’s Equity:


An integrated perspective on government finances thus reveals two undeniably uncomfortable truths:

  • For the Government to run a surplus, the NonGovernment sector must run a deficit; and
  • For the NonGovernment sector to be in positive equity, the Government Sector must be in identical negative equity.

Like two halves of a see-saw, both cannot be up at the same time. If the government runs a surplus—if the sum of interest payments on bonds plus spending is less than taxation—then the non-government sector is forced to run an identical deficit at that point in time. If the NonGovernment Sector is in positive equity, then the Government Sector must be in identical negative equity.

These outcomes are the macroeconomic consequences of the fact that one entity’s Asset is another’s Liability. The flows in Equations and show changes in Equity at one moment in time. Because these flows are identical in magnitude, but opposite in sign, at the aggregate level, the Equity of an entire economy is zero, and the rate of change of aggregate Equity is also zero.

Therefore, if one subset of the economy has positive equity, the remainder of the economy has identical negative equity. Equally, if the rate of change of one sector’s equity is positive, then the rate of change of the equity of the remainder of the economy is identical in magnitude, and negative. This is shown by Equation , where the first instance of a flow term is shown in black and the second instance in red: there are nine terms, each repeated twice, once as a positive and once as a negative. The sum is zero.


The question therefore is not whether deficits—and negative equity—are good or bad, but whose deficits and negative equity are sustainable or non-sustainable.

There is one sector that cannot be in persistent negative equity in a sustainable economic system: the Banking Sector. A bank must have positive Equity: it’s Assets must exceed the value of its Liabilities, otherwise it is bankrupt. Therefore, for a sustainable economic system, the Banking sector must necessarily be in positive Equity (periods when the Banking Sector as a whole is in negative equity are periods of extreme financial crisis, like 2007 and 1929).

It follows that the NonBank Sector—which is the sum of the Government plus, in this model, Firms, Capitalists and Workers—must be in negative equity. This is unavoidable, given that the sum of all Equity is zero. The only question is which subset of the non-Bank economy—the Government, or the NonBank Private Sector—will be in negative equity? Which sector is better placed to handle being in negative equity?


That question and others are considered in the next section.

The dynamics of money

The previous section finished with the observation that, since the sum of all Equity is zero, and the banking sector must be in positive equity, part of the remainder of the economy—the government, or the non-bank public—must be in negative equity. So which sector is better equipped to handle that: the non-bank public, or the government?

This will raise the age-old question that is perennially thrown at those who advocate government spending: “How are you going to pay for it?”, or “Where’s the money going to come from?”. To answer both these questions, we first need to know how money is created in general.

Since money, exclusively in this model and primarily in the real world, is the sum of the Banking Sector’s Liabilities and Equity, any action which increases Bank Liabilities and Equity creates money. Since every transaction is recorded twice, operations which increase the money supply must therefore occur on both the Assets and the Liabilities/Equity sides of the banking sector’s ledger. Operations which occur exclusively on either the Assets side, or the Liabilities/Equity side, shift money between accounts and do not create money.

So the answer to the “where’s the money going to come from?” question is “from any operation which increases the Assets and Liabilities/Equity of the banking sector”. Equally, any operation that reduces Assets and Liabilities/Equity destroys money.

Only 5 of the 13 flows in this model affect both the Asset and Liabilities/Equity sides of the banking sector’s ledger: Lending (and Repayment); Government spending (and Taxation); and interest payments on Treasury Bonds. These are shown in the top 5 rows of Figure 7. All other operations are either Liability/Equity swaps, or Asset swaps, and they don’t create money.

Figure 7: The Banking Sector’s Ledger

Operations that don’t create money include the usual suspects—payment of interest on loans by firms (which transfers money from the Firm Sector to the Banking Sector), purchases of goods from the Firm Sector by workers, capitalists and bankers. But they also include two operations that figure large in conventional arguments about how to pay for government spending: sales of Treasury Bonds to the finance sector; and purchases of Treasury Bonds from the finance sector by the Central Bank in “Open Market Operations” (which are primarily used to control the rate of interest). Neither of these operations create money.

They are asset swaps: the sale of Treasury Bonds to the finance sector (the “Banking Sector” in this model) reduces Reserves and increases the Banking Sector’s stock of Treasury Bonds. The purchase of Treasury Bonds from the Banking Sector by the Central Bank reduces the Banking Sector’s stock of Treasury Bonds and increases the Banking Sector’s Reserves. Neither operation affects the amount of money in the economy—the sum of the Liabilities plus Equity of the Banking Sector.

Since it’s an asset swap for the Banking sector to buy Treasury Bonds using Reserves, the answer to “where’s the money going to come from?” is “from operations that increase the sum of Reserves and Bonds”. You can work this out by adding up the entries in the Reserves and Bonds columns of Figure 7: the Banking sector assets Reserves plus Bonds will grow if government spending plus interest payments on Treasury Bonds exceed taxation:


The Reserves that are used to buy the Bonds thus come from the deficit itself. The deficit—the extent to which government spending and interest payments exceeds taxation—creates money in private sector bank accounts (the Firm Sector and Bank Equity only in this model). This boosts the Liabilities and Equity of the Banking Sector. The corresponding Asset that is increased by the deficit is the Reserve accounts of the banking sector. If no interest is paid on Reserves—the “usual” situation, and sometimes made worse by charging negative interest on Reserves in the false belief that this will encourage Banks to lend more—then the Banks have a positive incentive to use these reserves to buy Treasury Bonds instead.

So the answer to the “Where’s the money going to come from?” to pay for the deficit question is that it comes from the deficit itself: the deficit creates money that can be spent in the private sector; and it creates Reserves, which are (usually) non-interest earning Assets of the Banking Sector that are liabilities of the Central Bank—see Figure 8.

Figure 8: The Central Bank’s Ledger

Reserves are Assets of the Banking Sector that earn it no income. But if the Treasury issues bonds to cover the deficit—if the total value of Treasury Bonds offered for sale is equal to the deficit itself—then the Banking Sector is offered a deal to swap a non-income-earning asset for an income-earning one.

What do you think the banks would do, when offered that deal? They take it, of course: this is why Treasury Bond Auctions have always been over-subscribed. Selling the bonds themselves is not a problem. It is, as Kelton emphasises in The Deficit Myth, a “no brainer” swap of a zero-income-asset for a positive-income-asset.

The money needed to buy the bonds has already been created, and is sitting in the Reserve account. Banks then transfer their funds from one Asset that earns no income (Reserves) to another Asset that does (Treasury Bonds). This Asset is a liability, not of the Central Bank, but of the Treasury itself—see Figure 9.

Figure 9: The Treasury’s Ledger

This table also shows that the increase in Reserves is caused by the fall in the Government’s equity: Reserves (and hence money) rise if the Government runs a deficit; Reserves and money fall if the Government runs a surplus:


How does the Treasury pay the interest on the bonds? The same way it pays for spending in excess of taxation: it runs up its own negative equity—see the final column in Figure 9.

This can be done in two ways, as indeed can overall deficit-financing itself: by the Treasury having a negative balance in its account at the Central Bank; or if the Treasury borrows from the Central Bank to pay Interest on the Bonds (the second last row of Figure 9). If it does so, the negative equity from paying interest on the bonds remains, but the Treasury Account at the Central Bank can be kept non-negative.

A third option is that the Central Bank buys the bonds off the Banking Sector in Open Market Operations (or QE). If it does so, the amount of interest the Treasury needs to pay falls. Also, since the Treasury is the effective owner of the Central Bank, it doesn’t need to pay interest to the Central Bank on its holdings of Treasury Bonds—or if it does, the interest payments come back to the Treasury in Central Bank profits.

So the Government can run a deficit, and pay interest on the Treasury Bonds issued to cover it (not finance it: the deficit is self-financing in that it creates money), so long as it is willing to countenance being in negative equity. As noted in the previous post, because Banks must be in positive equity, the non-Banking sectors (and that includes the Government) must be in negative equity. For the Government to achieve positive equity therefore—which seems desirable, if you take the partial view of the economy epitomised by Representative Hern’s motion that “deficits are unsustainable, irresponsible, and dangerous”—the non-Bank private sector must be pushed into even greater negative equity.

Does that sound like a good idea?

To show the consequences for the economy of the government running a deficit or a surplus, it’s necessary to go beyond the purely structural equations used so far, and to consider some simulations. In what follows, I’ve built an extremely simple model of monetary dynamics in which all expenditures depend on the amounts of money in relevant bank accounts. There are many other ways these expenditures could be modelled, but this way ensures fairly easily that crazy outcomes—like workers have negative bank balances, but still spending their wages—don’t happen in this very simple model.

For example, I relate consumption by workers to the level of workers deposit accounts at the private banks, using the engineering concept of a “time constant”. This is a number that tells you how long an action would take to run an account down to zero, if it’s removing money from the account, or to double it, if it’s adding money to an account. A time constant of 0.02 for workers consumption says that if workers consumed at a constant rate, and there were no other inflows or outflows in their accounts, then they would run their accounts down to zero in 1/50th of a year—roughly a week. Higher values for capitalists and bankers—say 2 for capitalists and 5 for bankers—assert that it would take 2 years and 5 years respectively for them to run their accounts down to zero through consumption alone.

You divide the relevant stock (the level of bank accounts, in the case of consumption) by the time constant to get the annual flow—see Figure 10.

Figure 10: Equations for consumption

Similarly, a time constant of 9 for bank lending says that if this was the only inflow affecting the level of debt, and it went on at a constant rate, debt would double in 9 years. Repayment with the same time constant means that the level of (private) debt remains constant.

Figure 11: Modelling interest payments, lending and repayment

GDP is treated as the turnover of money in the firm sector (it can also be treated as the sums of consumption and investment—which investment is entirely debt-financed in this model—and net government spending, but that makes it possible to end up with negative sums in deposit accounts, unless a much more complicated model is constructed).

Figure 12: Modelling GDP and income distribution

Government spending and taxation are treated as simple percentages of GDP. For the moment, I have not considered how they are financed, so the flows BondsB, BondsCB and InterestBonds are not wired up. The equations that define the system’s flows at this point are shown in Figure 13. At this stage, sales of Treasury Bonds to the Banking Sector, Central Bank purchases of Bonds from the Banks, and Treasury borrowing from the Central Bank, are not defined.

Figure 13: All the flow equations in the model (without bond sales or interest on bonds)

With no explicit financing of a government deficit, the negative equity that this causes for the government turns up as a negative balance in the Treasury’s account at the Central Bank—see Figure 14, which shows the impact of a 2% of GDP deficit for 60 years on the Treasury. It runs accumulates negative equity of $160, and that is entirely due to its account at the Central Bank being negative to the tune of $160.

Figure 14: The Treasury’s Ledger with no bond sales: negative Treasury Account and Treasury Equity

Figure 15 shows the impact of a 2% of GDP deficit for 60 years from the Central Bank’s perspective, and the key point is that the negative equity of the Treasury is the same magnitude as the positive Reserves of the Banking Sector: the accumulated deficits of the Government are precisely equal to the accumulated Reserves of the Banking Sector.

Figure 15: The Central Bank’s Ledger with no Bond sales: negative Treasury precisely equals positive Reserves

How does the picture change if we require that the Treasury’s account at the Central Bank can’t go into overdraft? Then the Treasury has to sell Bonds equal to its Deficit, and borrow from the Central Bank to pay interest on those bonds.

Figure 16: Bond sales are equal to the deficit, no Central Bank purchases of Bonds from the Banking Sector

Running this model to the same point as the previous one, where the Treasury Equity reaches minus $160, this negative equity consists of $115 in Bonds and $45.2 in Loans from the Central Bank (see Figure 17; the Treasury account at the Central Bank remains at zero). The Bond sales represent the accumulated government deficit over time, while the Loans from the Central Bank represent the accumulated interest on those bonds.

Figure 17: Treasury books with Bond sales covering the deficit

Can the Central Bank afford to lend the money to pay the interest on Treasury Bonds to the Treasury? Yes: as Figure 18 shows, the loans to the Treasury are an Asset of the Central Bank. It has the capacity to expand its balance sheet indefinitely, and none of the operations shown in this model affect its equity at all.

Figure 18: Central Bank books with Bond sales and interest payments on Bonds

I have to note that this was a surprise to me: I had guessed that the government’s negative equity would be carried by the Central Bank, and the fact that a Central Bank—unlike a private one—can operate with negative equity (David Bholat and Robin Darbyshire, 2016) would be what enabled the government as a whole to sustain negative equity. But it turned out that my guess was wrong: the Central Bank simply acts as an enabler of and conduit for the Treasury’s negative equity.

Does the fact that the Treasury is borrowing from the Central Bank (in this model) cause any difficulty? No, because while private individuals can’t pay interest on loans by borrowing from banks—without that interest ballooning with further interest and driving us bankrupt—the Treasury can pay interest on Bonds to the Banking Sector by borrowing from the Central Bank because, technically and legally, the Treasury owns the Central Bank. It therefore doesn’t have to pay interest on any loans from the Central Bank If it did, it would get that money back in dividend payments from the Central Bank anyway.

What happens if the Central Bank buys all the Bonds from the Banks? Then the negative equity of the Treasury consists entirely of its debt to the Central Bank (see Figure 19).

Figure 19: Treasury’s books with Central Bank Open Market Operations purchasing all Treasury Bonds

Since those Bonds have been purchased off the Banking Sector, the Banking Sector has Reserves of 160 (see Figure 20). This is not as desirable a situation for the Banks as when they own the bonds, because with no Treasury Bonds they receive no interest payments from the Government. Far from the finance sector in general having “Bond Vigilantes” ready to deny the government bond sales if they’re worried about the state of government finances, the “Bond Vigilantes” are vigilantly on the lookout for sales of Treasury Bonds so that they can swap out of a non-income-earning asset and into an income-earning one.

Figure 20: Banking Sector’s books with OMOs buying 100% of Bonds

In the next section, I consider what the impact is of different fiscal regimes: the government running a deficit (as the USA has for most of the last 120 years—roughly of 2.5% of GDP); the government running a surplus; the government running a surplus and the private sector borrowing from the Banking Sector; the government running a surplus and the private sector reducing its debt to the Banking Sector; and the government running a deficit while the private sector increases its debt to the Banking Sector.

Simulating monetary dynamics

The previous section confirmed the MMT assertion the deficit creates the funds (in Bank Reserves) that are used by the finance sector to buy Treasury Bonds. Therefore, leaving aside the foreign sector and countries like those in the EU that don’t issue their own currency, there is never a problem with a government selling bonds to cover a deficit: their purchase is actually a favourable asset swap for the finance sector, exchanging non-income-earning Reserves for income-earning Bonds.

Though this is still a very simple and stylized model, it lets us do something we can’t do in the real world: separate out the economic impact of the government undertaking a policy from the private sector’s reaction to that policy. This allows us to isolate causal factors when there is more than one cause at play. That’s vitally necessary to be able to interpret historical data on whether running deficits is a good idea or not, because (leaving aside the foreign sector) there are two ways to create money: by the government running a deficit, or by the banks lending out more than they get back in repayments.

Historical Deficits & Surpluses

The US government has, on average over the last 120 years, run a deficit equivalent to 2.3% of GDP. The post-WWII average has been -2.5%—see Figure 21. The peak deficit occurred during WWII, at almost 26% of GDP.

Figure 21: US Government surplus since 1900

These deficits, and some surpluses—most notably, the decade of the 1920s, and the late Clinton to early Bush II years—have led to the Government debt to GDP ratio varying substantially over time—see Figure 22.

Figure 22: The US Government’s debt to GDP ratio since 1790

The relationship between deficits and the government debt to GDP ratio is not straightforward: there are substantial periods where the government is running a deficit and the debt ratio is falling. The clearest example of this is between 1950 and 1980, when there were only brief periods of surplus and the deficit averaged 1% of GDP; the government debt ratio fell from 87% of GDP to 34% of GDP over that time. This period includes the so-called “Golden Age of Capitalism” between the start of the 1950s and the middle of the 1970s, when GDP growth was high, and unemployment and inflation were low.


Figure 23: Government Debt Ratio vs Government Surplus

But there were also “Gilded Ages”—like the 1920s and the Clinton Years till 9/11—when the government ran a surplus and the economy boomed. During these periods, surpluses were lauded as a sign of true economic success.

This was President Calvin Coolidge’s position. He maintained a 1% of GDP surplus throughout his term, and in his final State of the Union speech in December 1928, he lauded his surplus as the cause of the prosperity of the 1920s:

No Congress of the United States ever assembled, on surveying the state of the Union, has met with a more pleasing prospect than that which appears at the present time…

We have substituted for the vicious circle of increasing expenditures, increasing tax rates, and diminishing profits the charmed circle of diminishing expenditures, diminishing tax rates, and increasing profits.

Four times we have made a drastic revision of our internal revenue system, abolishing many taxes and substantially reducing almost all others. Each time the resulting stimulation to business has so increased taxable incomes and profits that a surplus has been produced. One-third of the national debt has been paid, while much of the other two-thirds has been refunded at lower rates, and these savings of interest and constant economies have enabled us to repeat the satisfying process of more tax reductions. Under this sound and healthful encouragement the national income has increased nearly 50 per cent, until it is estimated to stand well over $90,000,000,000. It has been a method which has performed the seeming miracle of leaving a much greater percentage of earnings in the hands of the taxpayers with scarcely any diminution of the Government revenue. That is constructive economy in the highest degree. It is the corner stone of prosperity. It should not fail to be continued. {Coolidge, 1928 #6057}

Looking at the data, it appears that Coolidge had a point: GDP rose from $70 billion to over $100 billion across the 1920s, as his government maintained a surplus of about $1 billion per year. Did the surplus cause the “Roaring Twenties” boom? In a classic case of “correlation is not causation”, superficially it seems that the decline into a deficit caused the Great Depression.

Figure 24: Government surplus and GDP 1920-1940

However, the decline in the growth rate, from 7% to minus 10%, preceded the change from surplus to deficit (see Figure 25), so perhaps the Great Depression caused the change from surplus to deficit. Also, after the original crash between 1920 and 1932, the rate of real economic growth was extremely high between 1933 and 1936, exceeding 10% per annum when the deficit was 5% of GDP. A return to a balanced budget (if not quite a surplus) between 1937 and 1938 coincided with a collapse in economic growth, from over 15% per annum in 1936 to almost minus 10% in 1938.

Figure 25: Surplus as % of GDP versus real GDP growth rate

This analysis ignores the factor that (following Irving Fisher and Hyman Minsky) I focus upon as the main cause of capitalism’s booms and busts: private credit. As Figure 26 shows, credit was positive during the 1920s, and negative during the 1930s—matching much more closely the pattern of GDP change. It was also much bigger than the government surplus or deficit: credit was as high as 9% of GDP in 1929, versus a surplus of 1%; and it was as low as -9% of GDP in 1933, versus a deficit of 5%.

Figure 26: Surplus, Credit, and Change in GDP

Let’s cut through this historical confusion with some simple simulations using this model in which we can separate out periods of deficit and surplus from periods of private sector leveraging and deleveraging.

Phase 1: A deficit for 100 years

The first simulation has a deficit of 2.5% of GDP—roughly equal to the average US government deficit since 1900—for 100 years. Spending is 32.5% of GDP and taxation is 30% of GDP. The Treasury sells Treasury Bonds to the Banks, and pays interest on those bonds to the Banks by borrowing from the Central Bank.

Figure 27: Deficit for 100 Years

The deficit is expansionary, and pushes the whole private sector—Firms, Capitalists and Workers as well as Banks—into positive equity, to the tune of $1,734. This positive equity is of course precisely equal in magnitude to the negative equity of the Treasury of $1,734.

At the end of this part of the simulation, the total assets of the banking sector are $1,834, backing an identical amount of money in the bank accounts of the non-bank private sector plus the banking sector’s equity. This is split between $100 in private debt (of the Firm sector), $616 in Reserves created entirely by the interest being paid on Bonds, and $1,148 in Bonds, created entirely by the government deficits.

Because there is no private sector borrowing, the private sector debt ratio also falls, from 70% of GDP at the beginning of the simulation to 6.3% by the end, as GDP rises from $140 per year to $1,588 at the end. Because the Treasury is selling Treasury Bonds to match the deficit and maintain its account at the Central Bank at a $0 balance, the ratio to GDP of Treasury Bonds owned by the Banking Sector rises from zero to 72% of GDP—at which point the “deficit hawks” are likely to intervene and insist that the government “gets its books in order” by running a surplus.

Figure 28: Banking sector’s books after 100 years of a 2.5% of GDP Deficit


Phase 2: A 1% of GDP surplus until Government Debt hits 10% of GDP

In this next phase, the government runs a 1% of GDP surplus by reducing spending to 29% of GDP. The immediate effect of this surplus is a slowdown in the rate of growth of GDP, from 4% p.a. to initially -2%. The growth rate bounces back for a while, but ultimately turns negative, and by the time the Government debt ratio has hit the 10% of GDP target (after 64 years), GDP has fallen from $1,588 per year to $1,418 per year.

Figure 29: A 1% of GDP surplus until government debr ratio hits 10%

The government’s debt level—the ratio to GDP of Treasury Bonds owned by the Banking sector—has fallen from 72% of GDP ($1,148/$1,1588) to 10% ($144/$1,430), as intended. However, the scale of the government’s negative equity has barely shifted, from $1,734 to $1,581. The reason is that a substantial part of the money that was created in Phase 1 was via interest payments on Bonds, which were financed by borrowing from the Central Bank. Even though Bonds owned by the Banks were declining at the rate of 1% of GDP per year, the interest on the outstanding debt remained high initially. These interest payments created money, countering the destruction of money by the surplus. The momentum of this plunged towards the end, hence the rate of decline of GDP increased.

The same effect applies with private sector equity, which reaches a peak when the additions to private sector equity from interest on Treasury Bonds is matched by the cancellation of bonds by the surplus. Then it falls as the scale of the government’s negative equity also falls. A surplus thus depresses economic activity, and reduces private sector equity.

But that’s not what Calvin Coolidge saw, and claimed: he claimed that a surplus causes the economy to boom, not slump. What was he, and this simulation, missing?

Phase 3: A surplus and Private sector borrowing

It, and Calvin Coolidge, missed the private sector borrowing. This simulation starts from the same point as Phase 2, but as well as the government running a 1% of GDP surplus, there is also net private sector borrowing as the time constant on lending falls to 5 years and that for repayment rises to 9 years. Credit is as high as 11% of GDP.


Figure 30: A surplus and private sector borrowing

Here the economic performance appears much better: GDP growth is sustained, and by the time the government debt ratio hits the target of 10% of GDP—after a mere 38 years in this simulation versus 64 year in the surplus-only case—GDP has risen from $1,588 per year to $3,529—a total boom.

However, because this was a boom financed by the firm sector borrowing money from the banks, by the end of it, the private debt to GDP ratio has risen from 6% to 79% of GDP. This is a bigger rise in private debt that occurred during the 1920s—and then abruptly went into reverse in 1920 (see Figure 31).

Figure 31: Private sector debt and credit (change in private debt per year) 1920-1940

Figure 32: The Banking sector’s books after 38 years of a 1% of GDP surplus and private sector borrowing.

What happens to the economy in this model if the private sector switches from borrowing to deleveraging while the government is still running a surplus?

Phase 4: Government surplus and private sector deleveraging

The answer, in so many words, is a Depression. With both the government surplus and private sector deleveraging taking money out of the economy, GDP plunges, from $3,529 when deleveraging began to $1614 just 12 years later.

Figure 33: The private sector switches from borrowing to deleveraging

What happens if, as occurred during the 1930s, the government switches from a 1% of GDP surplus to a 5% of GDP deficit, while the private sector continues to de-lever?

The result is a return to growth, as the deficit counteracts the reduction in the money supply caused by private sector deleveraging.

Figure 34: Government switches from Coolidge surplus to Roosevelt Deficit

Phase 0: What should be done?

I hope the previous simulations have clarified that some deficits are indeed “unsustainable, irresponsible, and dangerous”, as Representative Hern’s motion puts it. The question is though, “which deficits?”. The clearly dangerous deficit is the private sector’s. The government can sustain deficits and accumulate substantial negative equity because it owns its own bank. The private sector cannot sustain deficits for a substantial period of time, because it doesn’t. Since one sector’s negative equity is the rest of society’s positive equity, the safe situation is for the government to have negative equity and the private sector to have positive equity.

It is possible for this to occur with the government running a deficit and the non-bank private sector borrowing from the banks at the same time. This final simulation shows the impact of a sustained government deficit of 2.5% of GDP—roughly the average for the USA for the last 120 years—and the private sector borrowing with a 7-year time constant for lending and 11 for repayment. This results in a nominal rate of growth of 5.25% p.a., a private debt ratio of 57.5% of GDP and a government debt ratio of 47.5%. That is the combination to which we should aspire, in our current monetary regime.

Figure 35: Deficits and limited credit, the ideal situation



The obsession politicians have with running a government surplus results from a partial perspective on the monetary system. With a holistic view, the real danger is the private sector’s deficit—which is the mirror image of the government’s. The best situation for the long term is to enable the private sector to sustain a surplus, which requires that the government sustains a deficit. This is possible for the government because, with a Treasury, a Central Bank, and a fiat currency, the Treasury can sustain and finance its negative equity indefinitely (leaving aside what happens on the external account for now).

If the government instead becomes obsessed with achieving positive equity itself, then the private sector is pushed towards negative equity. The private sector response to this can be to gamble on financial assets: to borrow from banks and take levered positions in assets like property and shares. I haven’t included these factors in this simple model, but it is notable that the two periods where the US Government ran a surplus coincided with the two biggest stock market bubbles in American history, and the aftermath were its two deepest downturns (before Covid).

The scale of speculative borrowing when Coolidge was lauding his government’s surplus is staggering: margin debt rose from about 1% of GDP when he came to office to over 12% by the time of the 1929 Crash. It plunged even faster than it rose in the aftermath, to bottom at ½% of GDP in 1933. During the post-WWII period, it remained well below 1% of GDP until the Clinton administration came to power—obsessed, as Coolidge was, with achieving a government surplus.

Figure 36: When governments run surpluses, the private sector gambles

Correlation is not causation, but once again, the level of margin debt rose, from ½% of GDP in 1992 to the Triple Peaks of 2000, 2007, and … now (the data is incomplete because of changes in how it is recorded—whoever designed the latest data set at needs to do some basic courses in data management!).

Figure 37: Margin debt over the long term

The bottom line of this set of posts is that we have to think about finances in an integrated manner, and not just focus upon one component, as “deficit hawks” like Hern do. With an integrated perspective, the sensible conclusion is the one MMT reaches: that the government should run deficits and be in negative equity, to enable the private sector to run surpluses and be in positive equity. Periods of apparent prosperity that coincided with the surpluses of the Coolidge and Clinton eras were the result of private sector levered speculation by a private sector that was experiencing (identical) deficits at the time. Rather than “saving for a rainy day”, these government surpluses helped set off speculative bubbles whose later crashes caused the greatest economic downturns in America’s pre-Covid history.

Private sector deficits are “unsustainable, irresponsible, and dangerous”. Public sector deficits are sustainable, responsible (subject to their impact on inflation and the balance of trade), and safe. It’s time for the “Deficit Hawks” to worry about private sector deficits, not the public sector deficit.

Postscript: The model

Figure 38 shows the full six Godley Tables that constitute this model, and Equations to show the equations of this model. If you’d like to explore this model yourself (it is attached to this post), download the latest beta release of Minsky from The beta has features used here than are not in the current release version (Version 2.18) and it is very close to being a new release itself. If the release version is later than 2.18 by the time you read this paper, then download the release version instead (unless you feel like being adventurous with the beta).

Figure 38: Full Minsky MMT Model






The Mathematical Model of Modern Monetary Theory 3

The previous post in this series confirmed the MMT assertion the deficit creates the funds (in Bank Reserves) that are used by the finance sector to buy Treasury Bonds. Therefore, leaving aside the foreign sector and countries like those in the EU that don’t issue their own currency, there is never a problem with a government selling bonds to cover a deficit: their purchase is actually a favourable asset swap for the finance sector, exchanging non-income-earning Reserves for income-earning Bonds.

Though this is still a very simple and stylized model, it lets us do something we can’t do in the real world: separate out the economic impact of the government undertaking a policy from the private sector’s reaction to that policy. This allows us to isolate causal factors when there is more than one cause at play. That’s vitally necessary to be able to interpret historical data on whether running deficits is a good idea or not, because (leaving aside the foreign sector) there are two ways to create money: by the government running a deficit, or by the banks lending out more than they get back in repayments.

Historical Deficits & Surpluses

The US government has, on average over the last 120 years, run a deficit equivalent to 2.3% of GDP. The post-WWII average has been -2.5%—see Figure 1. The peak deficit occurred during WWII, at almost 26% of GDP.

Figure 1: US Government surplus since 1900

These deficits, and some surpluses—most notably, the decade of the 1920s, and the late Clinton to early Bush II years—have led to the Government debt to GDP ratio varying substantially over time—see Figure 2.

Figure 2: The US Government’s debt to GDP ratio since 1790

The relationship between deficits and the government debt to GDP ratio is not straightforward: there are substantial periods where the government is running a deficit and the debt ratio is falling. The clearest example of this is between 1950 and 1980, when there were only brief periods of surplus and the deficit averaged 1% of GDP; the government debt ratio fell from 87% of GDP to 34% of GDP over that time. This period includes the so-called “Golden Age of Capitalism” between the start of the 1950s and the middle of the 1970s, when GDP growth was high, and unemployment and inflation were low.


Figure 3: Government Debt Ratio vs Government Surplus

But there were also “Gilded Ages”—like the 1920s and the Clinton Years till 9/11—when the government ran a surplus and the economy boomed. During these periods, surpluses were lauded as a sign of true economic success.

This was President Calvin Coolidge’s position. He maintained a 1% of GDP surplus throughout his term, and in his final State of the Union speech in December 1928, he lauded his surplus as the cause of the prosperity of the 1920s:

No Congress of the United States ever assembled, on surveying the state of the Union, has met with a more pleasing prospect than that which appears at the present time…

We have substituted for the vicious circle of increasing expenditures, increasing tax rates, and diminishing profits the charmed circle of diminishing expenditures, diminishing tax rates, and increasing profits.

Four times we have made a drastic revision of our internal revenue system, abolishing many taxes and substantially reducing almost all others. Each time the resulting stimulation to business has so increased taxable incomes and profits that a surplus has been produced. One-third of the national debt has been paid, while much of the other two-thirds has been refunded at lower rates, and these savings of interest and constant economies have enabled us to repeat the satisfying process of more tax reductions. Under this sound and healthful encouragement the national income has increased nearly 50 per cent, until it is estimated to stand well over $90,000,000,000. It has been a method which has performed the seeming miracle of leaving a much greater percentage of earnings in the hands of the taxpayers with scarcely any diminution of the Government revenue. That is constructive economy in the highest degree. It is the corner stone of prosperity. It should not fail to be continued. {Coolidge, 1928 #6057}

Looking at the data, it appears that Coolidge had a point: GDP rose from $70 billion to over $100 billion across the 1920s, as his government maintained a surplus of about $1 billion per year. Did the surplus cause the “Roaring Twenties” boom? In a classic case of “correlation is not causation”, superficially it seems that the decline into a deficit caused the Great Depression.

Figure 4: Government surplus and GDP 1920-1940

However, the decline in the growth rate, from 7% to minus 10%, preceded the change from surplus to deficit (see Figure 5), so perhaps the Great Depression caused the change from surplus to deficit. Also, after the original crash between 1920 and 1932, the rate of real economic growth was extremely high between 1933 and 1936, exceeding 10% per annum when the deficit was 5% of GDP. A return to a balanced budget (if not quite a surplus) between 1937 and 1938 coincided with a collapse in economic growth, from over 15% per annum in 1936 to almost minus 10% in 1938.

Figure 5: Surplus as % of GDP versus real GDP growth rate

This analysis ignores the factor that (following Irving Fisher and Hyman Minsky) I focus upon as the main cause of capitalism’s booms and busts: private credit. As Figure 6 shows, credit was positive during the 1920s, and negative during the 1930s—matching much more closely the pattern of GDP change. It was also much bigger than the government surplus or deficit: credit was as high as 9% of GDP in 1929, versus a surplus of 1%; and it was as low as -9% of GDP in 1933, versus a deficit of 5%.

Figure 6: Surplus, Credit, and Change in GDP

Let’s cut through this historical confusion with some simple simulations using this model in which we can separate out periods of deficit and surplus from periods of private sector leveraging and deleveraging.

Phase 1: A deficit for 100 years

The first simulation has a deficit of 2.5% of GDP—roughly equal to the average US government deficit since 1900—for 100 years. Spending is 32.5% of GDP and taxation is 30% of GDP. The Treasury sells Treasury Bonds to the Banks, and pays interest on those bonds to the Banks by borrowing from the Central Bank.

Figure 7: Deficit for 100 Years

The deficit is expansionary, and pushes the whole private sector—Firms, Capitalists and Workers as well as Banks—into positive equity, to the tune of $1,734. This positive equity is of course precisely equal in magnitude to the negative equity of the Treasury of $1,734.

At the end of this part of the simulation, the total assets of the banking sector are $1,834, backing an identical amount of money in the bank accounts of the non-bank private sector plus the banking sector’s equity. This is split between $100 in private debt (of the Firm sector), $616 in Reserves created entirely by the interest being paid on Bonds, and $1,148 in Bonds, created entirely by the government deficits.

Because there is no private sector borrowing, the private sector debt ratio also falls, from 70% of GDP at the beginning of the simulation to 6.3% by the end, as GDP rises from $140 per year to $1,588 at the end. Because the Treasury is selling Treasury Bonds to match the deficit and maintain its account at the Central Bank at a $0 balance, the ratio to GDP of Treasury Bonds owned by the Banking Sector rises from zero to 72% of GDP—at which point the “deficit hawks” are likely to intervene and insist that the government “gets its books in order” by running a surplus.

Figure 8: Banking sector’s books after 100 years of a 2.5% of GDP Deficit


Phase 2: A 1% of GDP surplus until Government Debt hits 10% of GDP

In this next phase, the government runs a 1% of GDP surplus by reducing spending to 29% of GDP. The immediate effect of this surplus is a slowdown in the rate of growth of GDP, from 4% p.a. to initially -2%. The growth rate bounces back for a while, but ultimately turns negative, and by the time the Government debt ratio has hit the 10% of GDP target (after 64 years), GDP has fallen from $1,588 per year to $1,418 per year.

Figure 9: A 1% of GDP surplus until government debr ratio hits 10%

The government’s debt level—the ratio to GDP of Treasury Bonds owned by the Banking sector—has fallen from 72% of GDP ($1,148/$1,1588) to 10% ($144/$1,430), as intended. However, the scale of the government’s negative equity has barely shifted, from $1,734 to $1,581. The reason is that a substantial part of the money that was created in Phase 1 was via interest payments on Bonds, which were financed by borrowing from the Central Bank. Even though Bonds owned by the Banks were declining at the rate of 1% of GDP per year, the interest on the outstanding debt remained high initially. These interest payments created money, countering the destruction of money by the surplus. The momentum of this plunged towards the end, hence the rate of decline of GDP increased.

The same effect applies with private sector equity, which reaches a peak when the additions to private sector equity from interest on Treasury Bonds is matched by the cancellation of bonds by the surplus. Then it falls as the scale of the government’s negative equity also falls. A surplus thus depresses economic activity, and reduces private sector equity.

But that’s not what Calvin Coolidge saw, and claimed: he claimed that a surplus causes the economy to boom, not slump. What was he, and this simulation, missing?

Phase 3: A surplus and Private sector borrowing

It, and Calvin Coolidge, missed the private sector borrowing. This simulation starts from the same point as Phase 2, but as well as the government running a 1% of GDP surplus, there is also net private sector borrowing as the time constant on lending falls to 5 years and that for repayment rises to 9 years. Credit is as high as 11% of GDP.


Figure 10: A surplus and private sector borrowing

Here the economic performance appears much better: GDP growth is sustained, and by the time the government debt ratio hits the target of 10% of GDP—after a mere 38 years in this simulation versus 64 year in the surplus-only case—GDP has risen from $1,588 per year to $3,529—a total boom.

However, because this was a boom financed by the firm sector borrowing money from the banks, by the end of it, the private debt to GDP ratio has risen from 6% to 79% of GDP. This is a bigger rise in private debt that occurred during the 1920s—and then abruptly went into reverse in 1920 (see Figure 11).

Figure 11: Private sector debt and credit (change in private debt per year) 1920-1940

Figure 12: The Banking sector’s books after 38 years of a 1% of GDP surplus and private sector borrowing.

What happens to the economy in this model if the private sector switches from borrowing to deleveraging while the government is still running a surplus?

Phase 4: Government surplus and private sector deleveraging

The answer, in so many words, is a Depression. With both the government surplus and private sector deleveraging taking money out of the economy, GDP plunges, from $3,529 when deleveraging began to $1614 just 12 years later.

Figure 13: The private sector switches from borrowing to deleveraging

What happens if, as occurred during the 1930s, the government switches from a 1% of GDP surplus to a 5% of GDP deficit, while the private sector continues to de-lever?

The result is a return to growth, as the deficit counteracts the reduction in the money supply caused by private sector deleveraging.

Figure 14: Government switches from Coolidge surplus to Roosevelt Deficit

Phase 0: What should be done?

I hope the previous simulations have clarified that deficits are indeed “unsustainable, irresponsible, and dangerous”, as Representative Hern’s motion puts it. The question is though, “which deficits?”. The clearly dangerous deficit is the private sector’s. The government can sustain deficits and accumulate substantial negative equity because it owns its own bank. The private sector cannot sustain deficits for a substantial period of time, because it doesn’t. Since one sector’s negative equity is the rest of society’s positive equity, the safe situation is for the government to have negative equity and the private sector to have positive equity.

It is possible for this to occur with the government running a deficit and the non-bank private sector borrowing from the banks at the same time. This final simulation shows the impact of a sustained government deficit of 2.5% of GDP—roughly the average for the USA for the last 120 years—and the private sector borrowing with a 7-year time constant for lending and 11 for repayment. This results in a nominal rate of growth of 5.25% p.a., a private debt ratio of 57.5% of GDP and a government debt ratio of 47.5%. That is the combination to which we should aspire, in our current monetary regime.

Figure 15: Deficits and limited credit, the ideal situation


The obsession politicians have with running a government surplus results from a partial perspective on the monetary system. With a holistic view, the real danger is the private sector’s deficit—which is the mirror image of the government’s. The best situation for the long term is to enable the private sector to sustain a surplus, which requires that the government sustains a deficit. This is possible for the government because, with a Treasury, a Central Bank, and a fiat currency, the Treasury can sustain and finance its negative equity indefinitely (leaving aside what happens on the external account for now).

If the government instead becomes obsessed with achieving positive equity itself, then the private sector is pushed towards negative equity. The private sector response to this can be to gamble on financial assets: to borrow from banks and take levered positions in assets like property and shares. I haven’t included these factors in this simple model, but it is notable that the two periods where the US Government ran a surplus coincided with the two biggest stock market bubbles in American history, and the aftermath were its two deepest downturns (before Covid).

The scale of speculative borrowing when Coolidge was lauding his government’s surplus is staggering: margin debt rose from about 1% of GDP when he came to office to over 12% by the time of the 1929 Crash. It plunged even faster than it rose in the aftermath, to bottom at ½% of GDP in 1933. During the post-WWII period, it remained well below 1% of GDP until the Clinton administration came to power—obsessed, as Coolidge was, with achieving a government surplus.

Figure 16: When governments run surpluses, the private sector gambles

Correlation is not causation, but once again, the level of margin debt rose, from ½% of GDP in 1992 to the Triple Peaks of 2000, 2007, and … now (the data is incomplete because of changes in how it is recorded—whoever designed the latest data set at needs to do some basic courses in data management!).

Figure 17: Margin debt over the long term

The bottom line of this set of posts is that we have to think about finances in an integrated manner, and not just focus upon one component, as “deficit hawks” like Hern do. With an integrated perspective, the sensible conclusion is the one MMT reaches: that the government should run deficits and be in negative equity, to enable the private sector to run surpluses and be in positive equity. Periods of apparent prosperity that coincided with the surpluses of the Coolidge and Clinton eras were the result of private sector levered speculation by a private sector that was experiencing (identical) deficits at the time. Rather than “saving for a rainy day”, these government surpluses helped set off speculative bubbles whose later crashes caused the greatest economic downturns in America’s pre-Covid history.

Private sector deficits as “unsustainable, irresponsible, and dangerous”. Public sector deficits are sustainable, responsible (subject to their impact on inflation and the balance of trade), and safe. It’s time for the “Deficit Hawks” to worry about private sector deficits, not the public sector deficit.

Eulogy to David Graeber

This is not at all what I thought I’d be writing about tonight, let alone what I wanted to do. I am writing a eulogy for my friend and intellectual companion, David Graeber.

These are the tweets and DMs that I first sent in reaction to this shock:

Oh David! @davidgraeber. . They say only the good die young, but why did you have to be one of them? There’s even more bullshit in the world now that you are no longer with us. It was a pleasure to know you, and it is a tragedy to say goodbye.

I’m an agnostic and so was David @davidgraeber. But if he’s doing anything at all right now, it’s an anthropological study of Heaven. Preceded by a brief study of Hell, but just for comparative reasons. The Devil was sad to see him go.

I’m agnostic, but for the very first time, I am wishing that there is life after death, I told @stacyherbert , when she wrote “He’s actually trending in America now on Twitter! I wonder if he would be mortified by that or laughing his ass off . . . I suspect the latter?”

So yes David, this fellow agnostic wishes he’s wrong, and I hope you can read this and are laughing at what a sentimental twat I’m being. And being jealous of me getting smashed on Tequila as I write this—though I suppose Heaven has much better Tequila than we get down here on the Purgatory that is Earth in 2020.


Personally, David’s death feels as if 2020 is a mugger, who’s watched me escape relatively free from the chaos of 2020, and thought “OK boy, I’m going to get you where it hurts”.

So congratulations, 2020, I feel—at least to some tiny degree—the suffering that people are going through now, from losing a loved one to the Coronavirus.

I’d been exempt until now from 2020’s travails. I was in Amsterdam during Sydney’s fires, which threatened my family, but fortunately they weren’t affected. I jumped ship from Amsterdam to Thailand when it became apparent that Thailand was doing a much better job of containing it; now it has in fact eliminated it—though in more “2020 Sucks” news, Thailand has just reported its community transmission/unknown origin first case in over 100 days).

In a year of tragedy, I’ve generally managed to be an observer.

And now, one of my best friends, one of the people I admired and learnt from, whose company I all too infrequently enjoyed, and who happens to be one of the intrinsically nicest people I have ever known, has died.

“Take that Keen”, says 2020.

I’m still an observer though, compared to David’s wife, Nika. God knows how she must be feeling now. I was delighted to meet her with David at an Extinction Rebellion meeting in 2018, I enjoyed having dinner and chatting with them. I saw how much happier David was with her in his life, and how happy they were together. I thought they were set for a long life of happiness together. And now he is gone, and she is on her own.

They were married only recently, but they met a very long time ago: I’ve probably got parts of the story wrong, but they were neighbours in New York, and there was attraction then but Nika was married. That marriage ended and Nika contacted David. The rest is their love story, which I saw and, as one does a great relationship, I envied.

They understood and appreciated each other as very few couples do. Max and Stacy, I think you’re another such couple. Ross and Megan, you too. There are very double acts in this contrarian world I inhabit: just those three really. And now we’ve lost one of them. Or, rather we and Nika have lost David.

David was special for many, many reasons.

The first I’ll mention is what I expect is the foundation of David’s appeal to Nika: his trusting innocence. There was a boyish openness and lack of ego in David that made you trust him, because you could.

He was, at the same time, extremely intelligent and extremely funny. He had a nervy aspect, very befitting of someone raised in New York. But he was fundamentally funny, and looked on the world with a sense of bemusement, and all the while, incisive insight. He was intrinsically an anthropologist, in that he was capable of living amongst people and seeing their customs more clearly than they could themselves, while all the while celebrating those aspects, the good and the bad, because they were his people as well.

There was a selflessness to David too. There wasn’t an ounce of David’s body that was in it for David’s benefit alone. Well, he enjoyed his pleasures, but they could never be had at the expense of another person. That made him someone you could trust with your life.

On top of that, he was an excellent if sometimes rambling speaker, whose charisma attracted support which was worth giving. David, I believe, came up with the slogan “We’re the 99%”. David, I believe, developed Occupy Wall Street’s voting system, which was a very powerful form of democracy that still respected the rights of the minority. He was a true leader in large part because he didn’t want to be.

He was also an excellent historian of money and debt. If you haven’t read Debt: the first 5000 Years, buy a copy and do so. It’s such a pity that David won’t be here to chronicle the start of its next 5000 Years.

That’s the other thing: the suddenness. I knew David wasn’t feeling well—I’d exchanged a few messages with Nika where David’s health came up. Maybe it was Covid—I still don’t know. I won’t speculate.

But it is so bloody awful to lose such a brilliant, lovely, funny, warm human being. It’s the unkindest cut of all that 2020 has managed to deliver.

Now we know why we speak of 20:20 vision, and 20:20 hindsight. We thought it was an ophthalmologist’s crazy numbering system. In fact, it was a warning from a time traveller.

The Mathematical Model of Modern Monetary Theory 2

The previous post finished with the observation that, since the sum of all Equity is zero, and the banking sector must be in positive equity, part of the remainder of the economy—the government, or the non-bank public—must be in negative equity. So which sector is better equipped to handle that: the non-bank public, or the government?

This will raise the age-old question that is perennially thrown at those who advocate government spending: “How are you going to pay for it?”, or “Where’s the money going to come from?”. To answer both these questions, we first need to know how money is created in general.

Since money, exclusively in this model and primarily in the real world, is the sum of the Banking Sector’s Liabilities and Equity, any action which increases Bank Liabilities and Equity creates money. Since every transaction is recorded twice, operations which increase the money supply must therefore occur on both the Assets and the Liabilities/Equity sides of the banking sector’s ledger. Operations which occur exclusively on either the Assets side, or the Liabilities/Equity side, shift money between accounts and do not create money.

So the answer to the “where’s the money going to come from?” question is “from any operation which increases the Assets and Liabilities/Equity of the banking sector”. Equally, any operation that reduces Assets and Liabilities/Equity destroys money.

Only 5 of the 13 flows in this model affect both the Asset and Liabilities/Equity sides of the banking sector’s ledger: Lending (and Repayment); Government spending (and Taxation); and interest payments on Treasury Bonds. These are shown in the top 5 rows of Figure 1. All other operations are either Liability/Equity swaps, or Asset swaps, and they don’t create money.

Figure 1: The Banking Sector’s Ledger

Operations that don’t create money include the usual suspects—payment of interest on loans by firms (which transfers money from the Firm Sector to the Banking Sector), purchases of goods from the Firm Sector by workers, capitalists and bankers. But they also include two operations that figure large in conventional arguments about how to pay for government spending: sales of Treasury Bonds to the finance sector; and purchases of Treasury Bonds from the finance sector by the Central Bank in “Open Market Operations” (which are primarily used to control the rate of interest). Neither of these operations create money.

They are asset swaps: the sale of Treasury Bonds to the finance sector (the “Banking Sector” in this model) reduces Reserves and increases the Banking Sector’s stock of Treasury Bonds. The purchase of Treasury Bonds from the Banking Sector by the Central Bank reduces the Banking Sector’s stock of Treasury Bonds and increases the Banking Sector’s Reserves. Neither operation affects the amount of money in the economy—the sum of the Liabilities plus Equity of the Banking Sector.

Since it’s an asset swap for the Banking sector to buy Treasury Bonds using Reserves, the answer to “where’s the money going to come from?” is “from operations that increase the sum of Reserves and Bonds”. You can work this out by adding up the entries in the Reserves and Bonds columns of Figure 1: the Banking sector assets Reserves plus Bonds will grow if government spending plus interest payments on Treasury Bonds exceed taxation:


The Reserves that are used to buy the Bonds thus come from the deficit itself. The deficit—the extent to which government spending and interest payments exceeds taxation—creates money in private sector bank accounts (the Firm Sector and Bank Equity only in this model). This boosts the Liabilities and Equity of the Banking Sector. The corresponding Asset that is increased by the deficit is the Reserve accounts of the banking sector. If no interest is paid on Reserves—the “usual” situation, and sometimes made worse by charging negative interest on Reserves in the false belief that this will encourage Banks to lend more—then the Banks have a positive incentive to use these reserves to buy Treasury Bonds instead.

So the answer to the “Where’s the money going to come from?” to pay for the deficit question is that it comes from the deficit itself: the deficit creates money that can be spent in the private sector; and it creates Reserves, which are (usually) non-interest earning Assets of the Banking Sector that are liabilities of the Central Bank—see Figure 2.

Figure 2: The Central Bank’s Ledger

Reserves are Assets of the Banking Sector that earn it no income. But if the Treasury issues bonds to cover the deficit—if the total value of Treasury Bonds offered for sale is equal to the deficit itself—then the Banking Sector is offered a deal to swap a non-income-earning asset for an income-earning one.

What do you think the banks would do, when offered that deal? They take it, of course: this is why Treasury Bond Auctions have always been over-subscribed. Selling the bonds themselves is not a problem. It is, as Kelton emphasises in The Deficit Myth, a “no brainer” swap of a zero-income-asset for a positive-income-asset.

The money needed to buy the bonds has already been created, and is sitting in the Reserve account. Banks then transfer their funds from one Asset that earns no income (Reserves) to another Asset that does (Treasury Bonds). This Asset is a liability, not of the Central Bank, but of the Treasury itself—see Figure 3.

Figure 3: The Treasury’s Ledger

This table also shows that the increase in Reserves is caused by the fall in the Government’s equity: Reserves (and hence money) rise if the Government runs a deficit; Reserves and money fall if the Government runs a surplus:


How does the Treasury pay the interest on the bonds? The same way it pays for spending in excess of taxation: it runs up its own negative equity—see the final column in Figure 3.

This can be done in two ways, as indeed can overall deficit-financing itself: by the Treasury having a negative balance in its account at the Central Bank; or if the Treasury borrows from the Central Bank to pay Interest on the Bonds (the second last row of Figure 3). If it does so, the negative equity from paying interest on the bonds remains, but the Treasury Account at the Central Bank can be kept non-negative.

A third option is that the Central Bank buys the bonds off the Banking Sector in Open Market Operations (or QE). If it does so, the amount of interest the Treasury needs to pay falls. Also, since the Treasury is the effective owner of the Central Bank, it doesn’t need to pay interest to the Central Bank on its holdings of Treasury Bonds—or if it does, the interest payments come back to the Treasury in Central Bank profits.

So the Government can run a deficit, and pay interest on the Treasury Bonds issued to cover it (not finance it: the deficit is self-financing in that it creates money), so long as it is willing to countenance being in negative equity. As noted in the previous post, because Banks must be in positive equity, the non-Banking sectors (and that includes the Government) must be in negative equity. For the Government to achieve positive equity therefore—which seems desirable, if you take the partial view of the economy epitomised by Representative Hern’s motion that “deficits are unsustainable, irresponsible, and dangerous”—the non-Bank private sector must be pushed into even greater negative equity.

Does that sound like a good idea?

To show the consequences for the economy of the government running a deficit or a surplus, it’s necessary to go beyond the purely structural equations used so far, and enable simulations. In what follows, I’ve built an extremely simple model of monetary dynamics in which all expenditures depend on the amounts of money in relevant bank accounts. There are many other ways these expenditures could be modelled, but this way ensures fairly easily that crazy outcomes—like workers have negative bank balances, but still spending their wages—don’t happen in this very simple model.

For example, I relate consumption by workers to the level of workers deposit accounts at the private banks, using the engineering concept of a “time constant”. This is a number that tells you how long an action would take to run an account down to zero, if it’s removing money from the account, or to double it, if it’s adding money to an account. A time constant of 0.02 for workers consumption says that if workers consumed at a constant rate of there were no other inflows or outflows in their accounts, then they would run their accounts down to zero in 1/50th of a year—roughly a week. Higher values for capitalists and bankers—say 2 for capitalists and 5 for bankers—assert that it would take 2 years and 5 years respectively for them to run their accounts down to zero through consumption alone.

You divide the relevant stock (the level of bank accounts, in the case of consumption) by the time constant to get the annual flow—see Figure 4.

Figure 4: Equations for consumption

Similarly, a time constant of 9 for bank lending says that if this was the only inflow affecting the level of debt, and it went on at a constant rate, debt would double in 9 years. Repayment with the same time constant means that the level of (private) debt remains constant.

Figure 5: Modelling interest payments, lending and repayment

GDP is treated as the turnover of money in the firm sector (it can also be treated as the sums of consumption and investment—which investment is entirely debt-financed in this model—and net government spending, but that makes it possible to end up with negative sums in deposit accounts, unless a much more complicated model is constructed).

Figure 6: Modelling GDP and income distribution

Government spending and taxation are treated as simple percentages of GDP. For the moment, I have not considered how they are financed, so the flows BondsB, BondsCB and InterestBonds are not wired up. The equations that define the system’s flows at this point are shown in Figure 7. At this stage, sales of Treasury Bonds to the Banking Sector, Central Bank purchases of Bonds from the Banks, and Treasury borrowing from the Central Bank, are not defined.

Figure 7: All the flow equations in the model (without bond sales or interest on bonds)

With no explicit financing of a government deficit, the negative equity that this causes for the government turns up as a negative balance in the Treasury’s account at the Central Bank—see Figure 8, which shows the impact of a 2% of GDP deficit for 60 years on the Treasury. It runs accumulates negative equity of $160, and that is entirely due to its account at the Central Bank being negative to the tune of $160.

Figure 8: The Treasury’s Ledger with no bond sales: negative Treasury Account and Treasury Equity

Figure 9 shows the impact of a 2% of GDP deficit for 60 years from the Central Bank’s perspective, and the key point is that the negative equity of the Treasury is the same magnitude as the positive Reserves of the Banking Sector: the accumulated deficits of the Government are precisely equal to the accumulated Reserves of the Banking Sector.

Figure 9: The Central Bank’s Ledger with no Bond sales: negative Treasury precisely equals positive Reserves

How does the picture change if we require that the Treasury’s account at the Central Bank can’t go into overdraft? Then the Treasury has to sell Bonds equal to its Deficit, and borrow from the Central Bank to pay interest on those bonds.

Figure 10: Bond sales are equal to the deficit, no Central Bank purchases of Bonds from the Banking Sector

Running this model to the same point as the previous one, where the Treasury Equity reaches minus $160, this negative equity consists of $115 in Bonds and $45.2 in Loans from the Central Bank (see Figure 11; the Treasury account at the Central Bank remains at zero). The Bond sales represent the accumulated government deficit over time, while the Loans from the Central Bank represent the accumulated interest on those bonds.

Figure 11: Treasury books with Bond sales covering the deficit

Can the Central Bank afford to lend the money to pay the interest on Treasury Bonds to the Treasury? Yes: as Figure 12 shows, the loans to the Treasury are an Asset of the Central Bank. It has the capacity to expand its balance sheet indefinitely, and none of the operations shown in this model affect its equity at all.

Figure 12: Central Bank books with Bond sales and interest payments on Bonds

I have to note that this was a surprise to me: I had guessed that the government’s negative equity would be carried by the Central Bank, and the fact that a Central Bank—unlike a private one—can operate with negative equity {Bholat, 2016 #6037} would be what enabled the government as a whole to sustain negative equity. But it turned out that my guess was wrong: the Central Bank simply acts as an enabler of and conduit for the Treasury’s negative equity.

Does the fact that the Treasury is borrowing from the Central Bank (in this model) cause any difficulty? No, because while private individuals can’t pay interest on loans by borrowing from banks—without that interest ballooning with further interest and driving us bankrupt—the Treasury can pay interest on Bonds to the Banking Sector by borrowing from the Central Bank because, technically and legally, the Treasury owns the Central Bank. It therefore doesn’t have to pay interest on any loans from the Central Bank If it did, it would get that money back in dividend payments from the Central Bank anyway.

What happens if the Central Bank buys all the Bonds from the Banks? Then the negative equity of the Treasury consists entirely of its debt to the Central Bank (see Figure 13).

Figure 13: Treasury’s books with Central Bank Open Market Operations purchasing all Treasury Bonds

Since those Bonds have been purchased off the Banking Sector, the Banking Sector has Reserves of 160 (see Figure 14). This is not as desirable a situation for the Banks as when they own the bonds, because with no Treasury Bonds they receive no interest payments from the Government. Far from the finance sector in general having “Bond Vigilantes” ready to deny the government bond sales if they’re worried about the state of government finances, the “Bond Vigilantes” are vigilantly on the lookout for sales of Treasury Bonds so that they can swap out of a non-income-earning asset and into an income-earning one.

Figure 14: Banking Sector’s books with OMOs buying 100% of Bonds

In the next post, I’ll consider what the impact is of different fiscal regimes: the government running a deficit (as the USA has for most of the last 120 years—roughly of 2.5% of GDP); the government running a surplus; the government running a surplus and the private sector borrowing from the Banking Sector; the government running a surplus and the private sector reducing its debt to the Banking Sector; and the government running a deficit while the private sector reduces its debt to the Banking Sector.

The Mathematical Model of Modern Monetary Theory

One Mathematical Model of Modern Monetary Operations

I confess immediately that I chose the title and subtitle for this post because their acronyms are palindromes.

The subtitle is more accurate than the title, because this model considers only the monetary aspects of MMT: the Job Guarantee and inflation management components are not yet incorporated. But the monetary assertions of MMT remain in dispute in economic and political circles, so it is worth putting these into a mathematical model where their veracity can be tested.

The primary stimulus for developing the model was the publication of Stephanie Kelton’s The Deficit Myth. Stephanie has written the book for non-technical readers, and she’s done a very good job: it’s a very easy read that explains why many conventional wisdoms about government spending are wrong. But MMT is facing heavy resistance in political and economic circles, with my favourite to date being a motion before the US Congress, posted by Representative Kevin Hern, to resolve:

That the House of Representatives (1) realizes that deficits are unsustainable, irresponsible, and dangerous; and (2) recognizes— (A) that the implementation of Modern Monetary Theory would lead to higher deficits and higher inflation; and (B) the duty of the House of Representatives to condemn Modern Monetary Theory.

The objective of this series of posts is to allow the assessment of the first part of this motion—the assertion that “deficits are unsustainable, irresponsible, and dangerous”.

The models in this post are built in the Open Source system dynamics program Minsky, whose unique feature is the capacity to build models of financial flows using what are called Godley Tables (in honour of Wynne Godley, the pioneer of stock-flow-consistent-modelling). These tables enforce the “law of accounting” that (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: A blank Godley Table

Once an account is flagged as an “Asset” for one entity, Minsky knows that it has to also be shown as a “Liability” for another entity. This
makes it possible to take an integrated look at the financial system, which allows us to assess Hern’s motion from the perspective of the entire monetary system, and not just the Government’s view of it.

An Integrated View of Deficits, Surpluses, and Equity

This Minsky model is a simple but complete model of a domestic monetary system. It has six sectors which can be divided into five components:

  • The Treasury, and the Central Bank, which together constitute the Government Sector;
  • The Banking Sector;
  • The Firm Sector, Capitalists and Workers, which constitute the “NonBank Private Sector“;
  • The NonBank Private Sector and the Banking Sector, which constitute the “NonGovernment Sector“; and
  • The sum of the Government and the NonBank Private Sector, which constitute the “NonBank Sector“.

For simplicity, taxes—and government spending—are levied only on the Firm Sector, and banks make loans only to firms (the aggregate outcome would be the same if the model were generalized to have taxes and spending and loans in all sectors—it would just be much harder to read the tables).

There are just thirteen financial flows:

  • Treasury spends on firms (Spend);
  • Treasury taxes firms (Tax);
  • Treasury sells bonds to the Banking Sector to cover any deficit (BondB);
  • Treasury pays interest on Treasury Bonds owned by the Banking Sector (InterestBonds);
  • The Central Bank buys and sells Treasury Bonds in “Open Market Operations” (BondCB);
  • Banks lend to firms (Lend);
  • Firms pay interest to Banks (Interest);
  • Firms repay some debt to banks (Repay);
  • Firms hire workers (Wages);
  • Firms pay dividends (Dividends);
  • Workers buy goods from firms (ConsW);
  • Capitalists buy goods from firms (ConsK); and
  • Bankers buy goods from firms (ConsB).

Minsky provides an integrated view of how these flows interact to determine the financial position of each of the six sectors in the model in interlocking double-entry bookkeeping tables. It generates differential equations from these flows that show how the stocks—the financial accounts—change over time.

The danger to which Hern alludes is immediately apparent when we look at the Treasury’s Equity—the final column in Figure 2: if Treasury spending plus interest payments on outstanding Treasury Bonds exceeds taxation revenue, then its Equity will fall.

Figure 2: The Treasury’s accounts

Mathematically, the rate of change of Treasury Equity is the sum of the flows Tax minus Spending minus Interest payments on Bonds held by the Banking Sector:


Given the initial conditions used in this post, in which Treasury Equity starts as zero, a deficit will immediately put the Treasury into negative equity.

This is not offset by the Central Bank, which comes out with no impacts on its equity position at all (note, this is not what I expected when I started building this model).

Figure 3: The Central Bank’s accounts

The rate of change of the Government’s Equity is therefore equal to its surplus—or the negative of its deficit, since the government has normally been in deficit for as long as records have been kept—see Figure 4. The only periods in which the Government has been in surplus for a sustained period are:

  • The 1920s, between mid-1920 and mid-1931, a period of 11 years;
  • The immediate post-WWII period, between early 1947 and mid-1949, a period of 2 years; and
  • The late 1990s till early 2000s, between 1998 and early 2002, a period of 4 years.

Figure 4: US Government Surplus Divided by GDP. The average value is minus 2.48% of GDP

Returning to the model in this post, the impact of the Government deficit on the Government itself is entirely borne by the Treasury:


Summing the Treasury and Central Bank Equity equations to show the dynamics of the Government’s equity yields Equation :


Looked at just from the point of view of the Government sector then, running deficits is clearly “unsustainable, irresponsible, and dangerous”. If the government wants to have positive equity, then it should run a surplus. It’s an open and shut case—or so it appears, when looking just at the government’s books.

But in this model (and the real economy itself), one entity’s Asset is another’s Liability. So, to know whether a government surplus is a good idea for the system as a whole, we have to ask what the impact is of a government surplus on the rest of the economy?

The rest of the economy is the NonGovernment Sector, the sum of the Banking Sector, and the “Non-Bank Private Sector“: the three non-Government and non-Bank sectors, Firms, Capitalists, and Workers. This model has been set up so that Capitalists and Workers are not directly affected by government spending and taxation, or interest payments on bonds, so we can answer this question just by looking at the economy from the Banking Sector’s point of view (Figure 5) and the Firm Sector’s point of view (Figure 6). The government actions that affect the equity of the Banking Sector and the Firm sector are shown at the top of each table.

The first line in Figure 5 shows that what is a negative for the equity of the Government Sector—paying interest to banks for their holdings of Treasury Bonds—is a positive for the Banking Sector.

Figure 5: The Banking Sector’s accounts

Similarly, first two lines of Figure 6 show that what is a negative for the equity of the Government sector is a positive for the Firm Sector, and that what is a positive for the Government is likewise a negative for the Firm Sector: Government spending increases the equity of the Firm Sector, and taxation reduces it.

Figure 6: The Firm Sector’s accounts

The non-Government net financial position is therefore the mirror image of the Government’s:


The deficit defines the flow, in dollars per year. Equity is the accumulation of that flow over time, in dollars. The NonGovernment sector’s equity is, like its deficit, the negative of the Government Sector’s Equity:


An integrated perspective on government finances thus reveals two undeniably uncomfortable truths:

  • For the Government to run a surplus, the NonGovernment sector must run a deficit; and
  • For the NonGovernment sector to be in positive equity, the Government Sector must be in identical negative equity.

Like two halves of a see-saw, both cannot be up at the same time. If the government runs a surplus—if the sum of interest payments on bonds plus spending is less than taxation—then the non-government sector is forced to run an identical deficit at that point in time. If the NonGovernment Sector is in positive equity, then the Government Sector must be in identical negative equity.

These outcomes are the macroeconomic consequences of the fact that one entity’s Asset is another’s Liability. The flows in Equations and show changes in Equity at one moment in time. Because these flows are identical in magnitude, but opposite in sign, at the aggregate level, the Equity of an entire economy is zero, and the rate of change of aggregate Equity is also zero.

Therefore, if one subset of the economy has positive equity, the remainder of the economy has identical negative equity. Equally, if the rate of change of one sector’s equity is positive, then the rate of change of the equity of the remainder of the economy is identical in magnitude, and negative. This is shown by Equation , where the first instance of a flow term is shown in black and the second instance in red: there are nine terms, each repeated twice, once as a positive and once as a negative. The sum is zero.


The question therefore is not whether deficits—and negative equity—are good or bad, but whose deficits and negative equity are sustainable or non-sustainable.

There is one sector that cannot be in persistent negative equity in a sustainable economic system: the Banking Sector. A bank must have positive Equity: it’s Assets must exceed the value of its Liabilities, otherwise it is bankrupt. Therefore, for a sustainable economic system, the Banking sector must necessarily be in positive Equity (periods when the Banking Sector as a whole is in negative equity are periods of extreme financial crisis, like 2007 and 1929).

It follows that the NonBank Sector—which is the sum of the Government plus, in this model, Firms, Capitalists and Workers—must be in negative equity. This is unavoidable, given that the sum of all Equity is zero. The only question is which subset of the non-Bank economy—the Government, or the NonBank Private Sector—will be in negative equity? Which sector is better placed to handle being in negative equity?


That question and others will be considered in a subsequent post.


Figure 7 shows the full six Godley Tables that constitute this model, and Equation shows the differential equations generated by this model. If you’d like to explore this model yourself (it is attached to this post), download the latest beta release of Minsky from The beta (currently version 2.19.0-beta.25) has features used here than are not in the current release version (Version 2.18). A subsequent post will define the flows used here to enable simulations, but the basic points of MMT are structural: they can be gleaned from the differential equations themselves, as I have done in this post.

Figure 7: Full Minsky MMT Model



Personal #Coronavirus Update 05 July 16th 2020: four completed papers, reviewing Kelton, and moving to Bangkok

Another two months has passed since my last update, and as with the last, much has changed in just two months. For those who want just a quick summary, the main news in this bulletin is that:

Moving to Bangkok

It’s just four months since I made the decision to leave Amsterdam and move to Thailand, which was feasible because my partner is Thai. We arrived on March 19th, one day before the Thai authorities started to prevent non-residents entering Thailand, and before quarantine or even compulsory self-isolation was introduced. Now, the country is only allowing citizens (or those on official business) to come here, and everyone must undergo strict quarantine.

Those who, like me, were here as tourists, have had their visa waivers extended till July 31st (what happens after that date is still unknown). No local transmission case has occurred in almost two months now. So long as the authorities remain vigilant about border control, Thailand will be virus-free. I now plan to make this move to Thailand a permanent one.

Patron Neil Goddard’s Covid-19 visualisation tool makes it easy to reflect on this decision. I was in Sydney meeting with the development team for Minsky between February 18 and March 11; I arrived back in Amsterdam on March 13, and I made the decision to leave for Thailand on March 15. Across these dates, the infection data changed dramatically. Though Thailand had cases first (and was, for a time, the country with the 2nd most cases after China), the rate of growth of cases there plunged compared to both Europe and Australia.

When we arrived, a surge in cases occurred in all 4 countries that I had to option to live in (Australia, the UK, Netherlands, and Thailand). But only Thailand crushed the curve: Australia let a few cases spread through quarantine and it’s now combating the feared “second wave”.

A plot of new cases per day per million people emphasises just how well Thailand handled this pandemic versus wealthier and supposedly more savvy countries. The peak rate of infection in Thailand was 2 cases per million people; in the UK and Netherlands it was over 80. Australia’s rate, which was falling towards zero, is now rising again after lapses in quarantine and testing allowed a new outbreak to commence (I hope it gets on top of this trend in the next two weeks and joins the smattering of countries that have eliminated the virus, but I won’t hold my breath).

Now that we know Thailand is safe, we’ve decided to move to Bangkok, mainly for my partner’s benefit: I can work and keep mentally stimulated anywhere there’s a power point and an internet connection, but she needs the stimulus of city life which Trang lacks. We’ve located a place not far from her family home, and will move there at the end of July.

Productivity despite volatility

Though my travails are nothing compared to those facing people still living in countries where the virus is rampant, moving countries and setting up house here have made this a wild few months that I expected would trash my productivity. It did trash my fitness: I haven’t worked out in five months, and I’ve gained as many kilos. But I’ve managed to get several significant pieces of research done:

All four papers are attached to this post. The first three have already found refereed-publication homes: the first on Nordhaus will appear in the journal Globalisations soon; the second will appear in the Review of Political Economy next year; the third is a chapter in a Springer book on system dynamics in economics. The fourth will evolve into a paper with Matheus Grasselli and Tim Garrett, once I get time to work on it again after the move to Bangkok.

Reviewing Kelton

I’ve been working on the above tasks for so long, and so intensely, that it feels like a bit of a let-down to finish them. I could have tried to dive into the next set of tasks, but I was feeling the pressure of so much work at once that I feel bit of a lull is in order. Since I won’t have time to start any major new project between now and our move to Bangkok at the end of next week, I’ve decided to use the time to review Stephanie Kelton’s The Deficit Myth instead. I’ll try to use Minsky models to illustrate my review, and I will probably record a quick video, using Minsky, on the fundamental points of MMT as well.

Keep Safe!

That’s it for now. Thanks again to my Patrons for their support, without which very little of the research detailed here would have been possible.

A model of production with energy and matter on the Planet of the Iron Giants (corrected)

This is the third in a series of posts documenting the development of a single commodity model of production with energy and matter. In the first I published what appeared to work as a model, but which had obvious scaling issues. In the second, I explained that this first model had errors that I spotted when working with Matheus and Tim: there was no formal link between the output of the energy sector and the energy consumption of all three sectors (energy mining, iron ore mining, factory turning iron ore into iron plus slag).

In this post, I can report on an error-free model. Following Matheus’s suggestion, I modelled the system as effectively vertically integrated: the output of both energy and mining was set to meet the needs of the whole economy. Energy output (E, not shown in the model below) was equal to the needs of energy in all three sectors; mining output (or iron ore) was identical, by the conservation of matter, to the matter output of the factory sector (which consists of both iron, and slag).

This made it possible to work with a composite of capital, rather than modelling capital and output in three separate sectors. It led to some complicated constants, but it worked. The product was the expected “Goodwin cycle”, but in this first model occurring in the wage rate (in kilograms of iron per year) and aggregate capital (measured in kilograms of iron).

Now that we’ve completed it, one of the research outputs of our group will be a paper linking the original Goodwin model to these two extensions. They were done both for their own sake—to replace the “ad hoc” productivity in the Goodwin model with something derived from the reality that all production is based on energy—and as a foundation for integrated modelling of economics and ecology. Waste output is easily added to this model, and related to the output of iron; CO2 is easily added and linked to the consumption of energy. Feedbacks can be added from waste generation (both slag and CO2) to the productivity of the economy—the sort of realism that is notably absent from the “Integrated Assessment Models” produced by Neoclassical eCONomists like William Nordhaus and Richard Tol.

I’ll close this Patron-only post with the observation that this project showed up a weakness of Minsky as it stands. Though I’m showing the simulation in Minsky, it was actually easier to do the logical work in Mathcad (see the two files attached to this post; the image below is an excerpt from one of those Mathcad files).

The flowchart paradigm is very useful when you are modelling a causal sequence, but there was a lot of algebraic logic needed to get this model right, and there the direct equation entry capabilities of Mathcad were far easier to use than Minsky’s flowchart.

This is one of the reasons that we plan to add the capability to enter parameter and variable definitions on new tabs within Minsky (currently labelled “parameters” and “variables”). It will take some time and programming nous (supplied by Russell Standish and Wynand Dednam rather than me), but I want to have the same capability to write equations just as you would on paper in Minsky—and then simulate them there.

It’s also much easier to read equations—sometimes—than it is to read a flowchart. The first yellow highlighted equation in the figure above is:


If you’re into reading math, then that’s pretty easy to get your head around. Not so the flowchart version of the same, which also takes up much more space:

Anyway, I’m posting these files for the interest of those of you who are into mathematical modelling, and as a courtesy to young students, who will often think, when they see a completed work by an academic, that they couldn’t do the same thing. In fact, a lot of research involves making mistakes which are gradually corrected over time. What you see in a journal paper is often the product of a lot of mistakes that get corrected over time. So don’t ever be discouraged by reading a refereed paper.

More is Different—the Class Economists Failed to Attend

An Australian friend of mine tweeted that he was seeing economists criticizing #MMT for its lack of microfoundations:

This typical display of ignorance—by economists, not Con!—masquerading as wisdom prompted me to reply:

Looking for an accessible PDF of Anderson’s 1972 paper {Anderson, 1972 #4697} led to finding the one linked in the tweet above: an open access reprint of the article in a 2014 issue of the journal Emergence: Complexity & Organization. I’ve attached that reprint to this post, and encourage you to read it, both the original and the fascinating commentary on how the article came to be.

The introduction to Anderson’s paper, written by Jeffrey Goldstein, explains that Anderson was involved in an acrimonious debate within physics over the role of reductionism, and it had echoes of the obsession with microfoundations that Con had experienced in his Twitter feed:

It is worthwhile to recognize that Anderson’s paper was written within the context of an ongoing, and at the time vituperative debate, between particle physicists, on the one hand, with their highly effective Standard Model of the so-called fundamental forces (such as weak, strong, electro-magnetic on up to their final unified “theory of everything”) and mostly negative attitude towards emergence in the past, and solid state or condensed matter physics, on the other hand, whose investigations into phenomena such as phase transitions, superconductivity, ferromagnetism and so on required the introduction of constructs and methods pertaining to higher scale dynamics, organizing principles, and emergent collectivities. Two of the chief antagonists in this conceptual battle have been the Nobel Laureate particle physicist Steven Weinberg known for his work on the unification of the electro-magnetic and the weak forces and Anderson who of course is another Nobel Prize winning physicist (on this dispute see Silberstein, 2009). This clash shows itself in this classic paper through Anderson’s attack on strident reductionism, of which Weinberg has long been a vigorous proponent, along with Victor Weiskopf whose reductionist stance involving extensive and intensive explanatory strategies Anderson takes on in his paper. (Goldstein, pp. 118-19)

The key point in Anderson’s paper was not a rejection of reductionism per se, but the obverse of reductionism, which he termed “constructionism”:

In his classic paper, Anderson did not then, nor does he now, completely renounce reductionism as such as if he were calling for an embrace of some kind of “holism”. Instead his criticism is of the totalizing type which he describes through his notion of the “constructionist hypothesis”: “The ability to reduce everything to simple fundamental laws does not imply the ability to start from those laws and reconstruct the universe“. (Goldstein, p. 119)

This attitude is the essence of the microfoundations obsession: the belief that everything should be constructed from its lower level foundations: that macro should be constructed from micro. Leaving aside that Neoclassical micro itself is a logical and empirical travesty, Anderson’s key point was that, though a hierarchy of sciences can be constructed:

according to the idea: The elementary entities of science X obey the laws of science Y. But this hierarchy does not imply that science X is “just applied Y*” At each stage entirely new laws, concepts, and generalizations are necessary, requlring inspiration and creativity to just as great a degree as in the previous one. Psychology is not applied biology, nor s biology applied chemistry. (Anderson, p. 393).

Likewise, macroeconomics is not applied microeconomics—but that is what economists have been trying to do ever since Muth developed the fantasy of “rational expectations” {Muth, 1961 #1900}.

It would be better to start with Anderson’s paper, rather than the introduction—ironically the introduction is more difficult and more specialized than the original paper (though it is still worth reading if you’re, like me, an obsessive about these things.

Answering some questions on the evolution of my approach to economics

1. What was the driving force behind writing the paper Finance and Economic Breakdown: Modeling Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis?


I had become a critic of mainstream economics way back in 1971, in my first year at University, courtesy of being exposed to the “Theory of the Second Best” (Lancaster 1966) by our brilliant lecturer Frank Stilwell (Butler, Jones et al. 2009), and then discovering the “Cambridge Controversies” (Harcourt 1972) on my own in the economic department’s library. I was particularly struck by Samuelson’s concession of defeat in 1966 (Samuelson 1966), since we were using Samuelson’s textbook at the time, and there was no sign of this debate in his textbook, let alone the fact that he conceded that the rebels were right.

I was also doing first year mathematics at the time, and loved differential equations, but they simply did not turn up in my economics courses, where the mathematical techniques used seemed arcane by comparison.

Like all critics, I looked for alternative analyses to Neoclassical economics. None of the alternative literature really inspired me, until I read Minsky. Marxian economics had an obvious flaw to me that I spotted when I first read Capital in 1973: Marx’s dialectical philosophy contradicted the Labour Theory of Value (Keen 1993; Keen 1993). Austrian economics was watered-down Neoclassicism. Post Keynesian was realistic but felt arbitrary—there was no unifying theory of value.

Most of the critiques of capitalism argued that it had a tendency to stagnation (Baran 1968), something that in my own experience I couldn’t see. My Arts Degree coincided with a huge boom, driven largely by real estate in Sydney (Daly 1982), and it seemed to me there was a tendency to euphoria rather than depression. Then the boom busted spectacularly in 1975 when I was completing my Law degree. There were financial failures everywhere, and unemployment trebled. I wanted a theory that would explain that process.

I finally found this theory when I went back to university in my mid-30s to do a Masters degree as a prelude to undertaking my PhD. Bill Junor, an excellent Keynesian lecturer there, set us the task of reviewing a major book in the Macroeconomics module in 1987. Minsky’s John Maynard Keynes (Minsky 1975) was one of the books on the list. I’d heard of his name before, but I hadn’t read anything by him. So, I chose to review it.

It was a revelationary experience. Finally, I had found a critic of capitalism who appeared to understand its tendency to credit-driven booms and busts, and who was free of the proclivity to reason in equilibrium terms:

“we are dealing with a system that is inherently unstable, and the fundamental instability is “upward.”” (Minsky 1975, p. 162)

However to me, there was one obvious weakness in Minsky’s analysis: the mathematical model he had tried to build of his Financial Instability Hypothesis was based on Hicks’s 2nd order difference equation model of the trade cycle:


I already knew that this was a bad model in itself, because I had applied my mathematics training to analyzing it in another course, and showed that it was economically invalid. It was derived from adding together, as Hicks defined them, actual savings and desired investment . There is no economic theory, Keynesian or otherwise, that says that this addition makes any sense (Keen 2020). But at the same time, Minsky’s verbal model was eminently suited to treating in differential equation terms. It considered an economy in historical time, as opposed to the faux equilibrium “time” of Neoclassical models, and even the logical time of Robinson’s “Golden Age” analysis. It had the “initial condition” that it began after a preceding economic crisis—because we are dealing with the real world where such a history exists, rather than the stale blackboard abstractions of Neoclassicism.

While I did my Masters, I also sat in on undergraduate mathematics courses at the University of New South Wales, since it was by then more than 15 years since I had last studied mathematics. The staff there alerted me to the fact that the department’s by-then-deceased founder, the John Blatt, had turned his formidable mathematical skills to critiquing economics, in a brilliant book entitled Dynamic Economic Systems: A Post Keynesian Approach (Blatt 1983). In it, Blatt praised Richard Goodwin’s “A growth cycle” model(Goodwin 1967), and explained it far more clearly than Goodwin himself had done. He concluded that one flaw of the model—that its equilibrium was “not unstable”!—could be remedied by introducing a financial sector:

Of course, the model is far from perfect. In particular, we feel that the existence of an equilibrium which is not unstable (it is neutral) is a flaw in this model; so is the possibility of arbitrarily large cycles. The first flaw can be remedied in several ways: (1) introduction of more disaggregation in the nature of the output, e.g., separate outputs of consumer goods and investment goods; (2) introduction of a financial sector, including money and credit as well as some index of business confidence. Either or both of these changes are likely to make the equilibrium point locally unstable, as is desirable. (Blatt 1983, p. 210)

I took that as my lead, and added the private debt ratio as a third system state to the two in Goodwin’s model, the employment rate and the wages share of GDP. I was astonished to see that the resulting model not only reproduced the prediction Minsky made—that capitalism could fall into a debt-deflationary trap after a series of credit-driven boom and bust cycles—but also generated an unexpected result, that the cycles in the economic growth rate would diminish at first and then rise.

This discovery forced me to take seriously the nascent area of chaos and complexity studies, since it turned out that this phenomenon was first identified in studies of fluid dynamics (Pomeau and Manneville 1980) inspired by Lorenz’s work on turbulence (Lorenz 1963).

Because I have primarily explored the private-sector-only model since then, it is worth noting that I also developed a model of a counter-cyclical government, which generated another model displaying far from equilibrium dynamics. This replicated Minsky’s observation that “Big Government” could stabilize an unstable economy.

2. What influenced the interest in data from the United States if you have previously analyzed Australia?

I first became aware that my Minsky model was becoming an empirical reality when I was asked to write an Expert Witness opinion in a law case over predatory lending, in December 2005 (Keen 2005). Looking at the data through both Minsky’s eyes and the lens of my model, it was apparent to me that this was “It”: the crisis about which Minsky asked “Can “It” Happen Again?”. Minsky had argued that a combination of government deficits and lender of last resort interventions by the Central Bank could prevent a deep crisis (Minsky 1963; Minsky 1982), but Neoliberal ideology had weakened both of these since he wrote. It seemed to me that a repeat of “the Big One”—the bust that led to the Great Depression—was imminent, though its severity would be attenuated by an inevitable rise in net government spending once it occurred. Someone had to warn about it, and at least in Australia, that somebody was me.

I established the blog, went on the media as much as I could, and successfully raised the alarm in Australia—only to see its government enact policies that re-started the Australian housing bubble (see FHB Boost is Australia’s “Sub-prime Lite”) and thus prevent a deep crisis in Australia, while one occurred in the USA.

I copped a lot of flak in Australia for being wrong—”there wasn’t a crisis, so what were you worried about?”, while the fact that this was a global crisis was ignored. That alone encouraged me to focus less on my own country and more on the rest of the world.

Also, one of the original difficulties in doing this work was that the core data—the level and rate of change of private debt—wasn’t recorded in a systematic way by any international authority. But then the Bank of International Settlements, following the lead of its superb research director Bill White (Bill was the only person in an official capacity to have read and understood Minsky, and was thus aware of the potential for a crisis, and warning of it via official BIS publications), started publishing an excellent database on private and government debt with data from over 40 countries. This made it easy to analyse debt at the global level.

Despite its problems, America is still the biggest economy on the planet, and the most self-contained. So extraneous factors—like for example, Chinese demand to buy housing, or export price and exchange rate volatility, don’t wash out the inherent dynamics as much in the USA as they can in Australia, Canada, the UK, etc. So it made sense to focus on the USA so that the general principles of monetary macroeconomics were more obvious.

3.Why do you think so few economists predicted the crisis from the year 2008? what should we learn from this lesson?

It’s the same reason that no Ptolemaic astronomer predicted the return of Halley’s comet: they were using the wrong paradigm. In Ptolemy’s model of astronomy, the Earth was at the centre of the Universe, the Heavens were perfect and unchanging, and the Earth was where change and decay occurred. In that paradigm, comets were atmospheric phenomena and therefore couldn’t be predicted.

Likewise, according to the Neoclassical paradigm, credit (which I define as the annual change in private debt), is simply a transfer of money from one non-bank agent to another, and it simply redistributes spending power, without changing its magnitude. With this perspective, increasing or falling levels of credit can’t be predicted to have any significant impact on the economy, unless you know in advance which agents have a higher propensity to spend: it’s quite possible that a fall in credit could cause an increase in aggregate demand because savers had a higher propensity to spend than borrowers. This is exactly the reason that Ben Bernanke, who was in a position to see the data on private debt, and do something about it rising too quickly, completely ignored it instead. He asked the right questions about the Great Depression—what caused aggregate demand to plunge and stay so low:

Because the Depression was characterized by sharp declines in both output and prices, the premise of this essay is that declines in aggregate demand were the dominant factor in the onset of the Depression. This starting point leads naturally to two questions: First, what caused the worldwide collapse in aggregate demand in the late 1920s and early 1930s (the “aggregate demand puzzle”)? Second, why did the Depression last so long? In particular, why didn’t the “normal” stabilizing mechanisms of the economy, such as the adjustment of wages and prices to changes in demand, limit the real economic impact of the fall in aggregate demand (the “aggregate supply puzzle”)? (Bernanke 2000, p. ix)

You can see his Neoclassical paradigm getting in the way already—the belief that capitalism has “”normal” stabilizing mechanisms of the economy, such as the adjustment of wages and prices to changes in demand”. But at least he’s starting from the right question, which is what caused aggregate demand to plunge so much.

But he then rejected the most accurate explanation for what caused that plunge—Irving Fisher’s “Debt Deflation Theory of Great Depressions” (Fisher 1932; Fisher 1933) because it relied on changes in bank lending causing changes in aggregate demand, and in his Neoclassical, “Loanable funds” paradigm, that couldn’t happen:

The idea of debt-deflation goes back to Irving Fisher (1933). Fisher envisioned a dynamic process in which falling asset and commodity prices created pressure on nominal debtors, forcing them into distress sales of assets, which in turn led to further price declines and financial difficulties.” His diagnosis led him to urge President Roosevelt to subordinate exchange-rate considerations to the need for reflation, advice that (ultimately) FDR followed. Fisher’s idea was less influential in academic circles, though, because of the counterargument that debt-deflation represented no more than a redistribution from one group (debtors) to another (creditors). Absent implausibly large differences in marginal spending propensities among the groups, it was suggested, pure redistributions should have no significant macroeconomic effects. (Bernanke 2000, p. 24)

All it would have taken is a look at the data, which was available when Bernanke wrote his Essays on the Great Depression (Census 1949; Census 1975). But he didn’t even look, because his paradigm told him that data was irrelevant.

So much for being irrelevant. But still, over a decade after the crisis, Neoclassicals are ignoring this data, and the Central Banks that are telling them that their textbook models of banking are wrong (Krugman 2014; McLeay, Radia et al. 2014; Deutsche Bundesbank 2017).

What we should learn is that economics is dominated by a paradigm that is as wrong about capitalism as Ptolemaic astronomy was about the universe. We need a new paradigm, and there is virtually nothing in the old paradigm that will be of use in the new.

4. What do you think about consequences from the covid-19 crisis for the World economy?

In the medium run I think it will end the fetish for globalisation, which has really been about the West exploiting low wages and the East using this to industrialize rapidly. The perverse outcome this has led to with Covid-19 is that southeast Asia and China in particular were well prepared for the pandemic by having the manufacturing capability to supply their populations with personal protective equipment (whereas the developed nations, which had outsourced their manufacturing, could not), and the social capacity to enforce social distancing policies. Now China, most of southeast Asia, maybe Japan and South Korea, and a handful of non-Asian countries—including New Zealand and perhaps Australia, but also Norway, Switzerland, Croatia, Lithuania, Angola and Zambia, and other scattered countries—will be a virus-free block. America, Europe, especially the UK, Russia and South America will be in a virus-zone.

It’s a division of the planet unlike anything in our history. Previous blocks have united countries with similar histories or politics; nothing of the sort applies here. But they will form because it will be easy to travel between virus-free countries, difficult to travel between virus-afflicted, and very difficult to cross the viral border. It is a fractured planet.

Figure 1: The website’s map of the fractured planet

This will have all sorts of effects on the global economy, some of them contradictory. China’s power and prestige will be enhanced, as will its dominance of its local region—unless Japan manages to overcome the virus as well. Seaborne transportation of manufactured goods will be severely compromised, since ships need crews, who would need to be quarantined at either end of their journeys, drastically increasing the costs and creating points of weakness in disease control measures. Bulk transport of oil and coal and other minerals might still work, but more likely rail transport and pipelines would dominate. This could strengthen Russia over Saudi Arabia, for example.

At the macroeconomic level, it promises a debt-deflation at the end of the measures used to contain the virus. These measures have been successful trials of many progressive ideas—such as a Universal Basic Income, or direct funding of the UK Treasury by the Bank of England—which we might have thought would never see the light of day.

However, governments are likely to revert to Neoliberal type, cut back government supports too early, and institute austerity again to try to reduce government debt levels, even though austerity is a major reason why they were unprepared for the pandemic in the first place. This could lead to a debt-deflationary crisis in the USA, UK and Europe—and even Australia, which is already imposing austerity measures.

One worrying trend here has been a huge jump in corporate indebtedness, probably due to companies borrowing to be able to sustain unavoidable outlays in the midst of a collapse in their cash flows.

There could be a wave of evictions of renters and mortgagors too, thanks to the huge rise in unemployment and collapse in “the gig economy” jobs that kept many households barely solvent before the crisis.

My fear is that the government response to the aftermath of the crisis will be as bad as the response to it during the crisis, generally speaking, was good. So bankruptcies and poverty effects which were minimized during the crisis by the large scale government financing that was needed, will instead occur after the crisis.

That still assumes that there will be an “after”, which depends on the development of a vaccine and its effective distribution to enough of the world’s population to drive the vaccine extinct. That is still a speculation rather than a certainty. It is also possible that Covid-19 is just the first wave in a sequence of global environmental crises that are caused by the excessive pressure of human industrial society on the planet.


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The Appallingly Bad Neoclassical Economics of Climate Change

This is the draft of an invited paper for the journal Globalizations on “Economics and the Climate Crisis“. As I’ve argued for some time, Neoclassical economists—especially William Nordhaus and Richard Tol—bear enormous responsibility for trivializing the dangers of climate change on intellectually spurious grounds. This paper is the most comprehensive overview I’ve done of this issue, and it includes new material on Nordhaus’s misreading of scientific literature. Word has deleted the footnotes, which you can find in the attached PDF.


William Nordhaus was awarded the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel (Mirowski 2020) in 2018 for his work on climate change. His first major paper in this area was “World Dynamics: Measurement Without Data” (Nordhaus 1973), which attacked the pessimistic predictions in Jay Forrester’s World Dynamics (Forrester 1971; Forrester 1973) on the grounds, amongst others, that they were not firmly grounded in empirical research:

The treatment of empirical relations in World Dynamics can be summarised as measurement without dataNot a single relationship or variable is drawn from caactual data or empirical studies. (Nordhaus 1973, p. 1157. Italics in original. Subsequent emphases added.)

There is no explicit or apparent reference to data or existing empirical studies. (Nordhaus 1973, p. 1182)

Whereas most scientists would require empirical validation of either the assumptions or the predictions of the model before declaring its truth content, Forrester is apparently content with subjective plausibility. (Nordhaus 1973, p. 1183)

Sixth, there is some lack of humility toward predicting the future. Can we treat seriously Forrester’s (or anybody’s) predictions in economics and social science for the next 130 years? Long-run economic forecasts have generally fared quite poorly… And now, without the scantest reference to economic theory or empirical data, Forrester predicts that the world’s material standard of living will peak in 1990 and then decline. (Nordhaus 1973, p. 1183)

After this paper, Nordhaus’s own research focused upon the economics of climate change. One could rightly expect, from his critique of Forrester, that Nordhaus was scrupulous about basing his modelling upon sound empirical data.

One’s expectations would be dashed. Whereas Nordhaus characterised Forrester’s work as “measurement without data”, Nordhaus’s can be characterised as “making up numbers to support a pre-existing belief”: specifically, that climate change could have only a trivial impact upon the economy. This practice was replicated, rather than challenged, by subsequent Neoclassical economists—with some honourable exceptions, notably Weissman (Weitzman 2011; Weitzman 2011), de Canio (DeCanio 2003), Cline (Cline 1996), Darwin (Darwin 1999), Kaufmann (Kaufmann 1997; Kaufmann 1998), and Quiggin and Horowitz (Quiggin and Horowitz 1999).

The end product is a set of purported empirical estimates of the impact of climate change upon the economy that are utterly spurious, and yet which have been used to calibrate the “Integrated Assessment Models” (IAMs) that have largely guided the political responses to climate change. Stephen de Canio expressed both the significance and the danger of this work very well in his neglected book Economic Models of Climate Change: a Critique:

Perhaps the greatest threat from climate change is the risk it poses for large-scale catastrophic disruptions of Earth systems…

Business as usual amounts to conducting a one-time, irreversible experiment of unknown outcome with the habitability of the entire planet.

Given the magnitude of the stakes, it is perhaps surprising that much of the debate about the climate has been cast in terms of economics

Nevertheless, it is undeniably the case that economic arguments, claims, and calculations have been the dominant influence on the public political debate on climate policy in the United States and around the world… It is an open question whether the economic arguments were the cause or only an ex post justification of the decisions made by both administrations, but there is no doubt that economists have claimed that their calculations should dictate the proper course of action. (DeCanio 2003, pp. 2-4)

The impact of these economists goes beyond merely advising governments, to actually writing the economic components of the formal reports by the IPCC (“Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change”), the main authority coordinating humanity’s response, such as it is, to climate change. The sanguine conclusions they state—such as the following from the 2014 IPCC Report (Field, Barros et al. 2014)—carry more weight with politicians, obsessed as they are with their countries’ GDP growth rates, than the far more alarming warnings in the sections of the Report written by actual scientists:

Global economic impacts from climate change are difficult to estimate. Economic impact estimates completed over the past 20 years vary in their coverage of subsets of economic sectors and depend on a large number of assumptions, many of which are disputable, and many estimates do not account for catastrophic changes, tipping points, and many other factors. With these recognized limitations, the incomplete estimates of global annual economic losses for additional temperature increases of ~2°C are between 0.2 and 2.0% of income. (Arent, Tol et al. 2014, p. 663. Emphasis added)

This is a prediction, not of a drop in the annual rate of economic growth—which would be significant even, at the lower bound of 0.2%–but a prediction that the level of GDP will be between 0.2% and 2% lower, when global temperatures are 2°C higher than pre-industrial levels, compared to what they would have been in the complete absence of global warming. This involves a trivial decline in the predicted rate of economic growth between 2014 and when the 2°C increase occurs, even at the upper bound of 2%.

Given the impact that economists have had on public policy towards climate change, and the immediacy of the threat we now face from climate change, this work could soon be exposed as the most significant and dangerous hoax in the history of science.

Fictional Empirics

The numerical relationships that economists assert exist between global temperature change and GDP change were summarized in Figure 1 of the chapter “Key Economic Sectors and Services” (Arent, Tol et al. 2014) in the 2014 IPCC Report Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability (Field, Barros et al. 2014). It is reproduced below as Figure 1.

Figure 1: Figure 10.1 from Chapter 10 “Key Economic Sectors and Services” of the IPCC Report Climate Change 2014 Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability

The sources of these numbers—as I explain below, they cannot be called “data points”—are given in Table SM10-1 from the supplement to this report (Arent 2014). Four classifications of the approaches used were listed by the IPCC: “Enumeration” (ten studies); “Statistical” (5 studies); “CGE” (“Computable General Equilibrium”: 2 studies—one with 2 results); and “Expert Elicitation” (1 study).

Enumeration: It’s what you don’t count that counts

The bland description of what the “Enumeration” approach entails given by Tol makes it seem unobjectionable:

In this approach, estimates of the “physical effects” of climate change are obtained one by one from natural science papers, which in turn may be based on some combination of climate models, impact models, and laboratory experiments. The physical impacts must then each be given a price and added up. For agricultural products, an example of a traded good or service, agronomy papers are used to predict the effect of climate on crop yield, and then market prices or economic models are used to value the change in output. (Tol 2009, pp. 31-32)

However, this analysis commenced from the perspective, in the very first reference in this tradition (Nordhaus 1991), that climate change is a relatively trivial issue:

it must be recognised that human societies thrive in a wide variety of climatic zones. For the bulk of economic activity, non-climate variables like labour skills, access to markets, or technology swamp climatic considerations in determining economic efficiency. (Nordhaus 1991, p. 930. Emphasis added)

If there had been a decent evaluation process in place at this time for research into the economic impact of climate change, this paragraph alone should have raised alarm bells: yes, it is quite likely that climate today is a less important determinant of “economic efficiency” today than “labour skills, access to markets, or technology”, when one is comparing one region or country with another today. But what is the relevance of this cross-sectional comparison to assessing the impact of drastically altering the entire planet’s climate over time, via the retention of additional solar energy from additional greenhouse gases?

Nordhaus then excludes 87% of US industry from consideration, on the basis that it takes place “in carefully controlled environments that will not be directly affected by climate change”:

Table 5 shows a sectoral breakdown of United States national income, where the economy is subdivided by the sectoral sensitivity to greenhouse warming. The most sensitive sectors are likely to be those, such as agriculture and forestry, in which output depends in a significant way upon climatic variables. At the other extreme are activities, such as cardiovascular surgery or microprocessor fabrication in ‘clean rooms’, which are undertaken in carefully controlled environments that will not be directly affected by climate change. Our estimate is that approximately 3% of United States national output is produced in highly sensitive sectors, another 10% in moderately sensitive sectors, and about 87% in sectors that are negligibly affected by climate change. (Nordhaus 1991, p. 930. Emphasis added)

The examples of “cardiovascular surgery or microprocessor fabrication in ‘clean rooms'” might seem reasonable activities to describe as taking place in “carefully controlled environments”. However, Nordhaus’s list of industries that he simply assumed would be negligibly impacted by climate change is so broad, and so large, that it is obvious that what he meant by “not be directly affected by climate change” is anything that takes place indoors—or, indeed, underground, since he includes mining as one of the unaffected sectors. Table 1, which is an extract from Nordhaus’s Table 5 (Nordhaus 1991, p. 931), lists the subset of industries that he considered would be “negligibly affected by climate change”.

Table 1: Extract from Nordhaus’s breakdown of economic activity by vulnerability to climatic change in US 1991 $ terms (Nordhaus 1991, p. 931 )

Since this was the first paper in a research tradition, one might hope that subsequent researchers challenged this assumption. However, instead of challenging it, they replicated it. The 2014 IPCC Report repeats the assertion that climate change will be a trivial determinant of future economic performance:

For most economic sectors, the impact of climate change will be small relative to the impacts of other drivers (medium evidence, high agreement). Changes in population, age, income, technology, relative prices, lifestyle, regulation, governance, and many other aspects of socioeconomic development will have an impact on the supply and demand of economic goods and services that is large relative to the impact of climate change. (Arent, Tol et al. 2014, p. 662)

It also repeats the assertion that indoor activities will be unaffected. The one change between Nordhaus in 1991 and the IPCC Report 23 years later is that it no longer lumps mining in the “not really exposed to climate change” bracket. Otherwise it repeats Nordhaus’s assumption that anything done indoors will be unaffected by climate change:

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 10.3 | Are other economic sectors vulnerable to climate change too?

Economic activities such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and mining are exposed to the weather and thus vulnerable to climate change. Other economic activities, such as manufacturing and services, largely take place in controlled environments and are not really exposed to climate change. (Arent, Tol et al. 2014, p. 688)

All the intervening papers between Nordhaus in 1991 and the IPCC in 2014 maintain this assumption: neither manufacturing, nor mining, transportation, communication, finance, insurance and non-coastal real estate, retail and wholesale trade, nor government services, appear in the “enumerated” industries in the “Coverage” column in Table 3. All these studies have simply assumed that these industries, which account for of the order of 90% of GDP, will be unaffected by climate change.

There is a “poker player’s tell” in FAQ quoted above which implies that these Neoclassical economists are on a par with Donald Trump in their understanding of what climate change really entails. This is the statement that “Economic activities such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and mining are exposed to the weather and thus vulnerable to climate change“. Explicitly, they are saying that if an activity is exposed to the weather, it is vulnerable to climate change, but if it is not, it is “not really exposed to climate change”. They are equating the climate to the weather.

This is a harsh judgment to pass on academics, who are supposed to have sufficient intellect to not make such mistakes. But there is no other way to make sense of their collective decision to exclude almost 90% of GDP from their enumeration of damages from climate change. Nor is there any other way to interpret the core assumption of their other dominant method of making up numbers for the models, the so-called “statistical” or “cross-sectional” method.

The “Statistical approach”

While locating the fundamental flaw in the “enumeration” approach took some additional research, the flaw in the statistical approach was obvious in the first reference I read on it, Richard Tol’s much-corrected (Tol 2014) and much-criticised paper (Gelman 2014; Gelman 2015; Nordhaus and Moffat 2017, p. 10; Gelman 2019), “The Economic Effects of Climate Change”:

An alternative approach, exemplified in Mendelsohn’s work (Mendelsohn, Morrison et al. 2000; Mendelsohn, Schlesinger et al. 2000) can be called the statistical approach. It is based on direct estimates of the welfare impacts, using observed variations (across space within a single country) in prices and expenditures to discern the effect of climate. Mendelsohn assumes that the observed variation of economic activity with climate over space holds over time as well; and uses climate models to estimate the future effect of climate change. (Tol 2009, p. 32)

If the methodological fallacy in this reasoning is not immediately apparent—bearing in mind that numerous academic referees have let pass papers making this assumption—think what it would mean if this assumption were correct.

Within the United States, it is generally true that very hot and very cold regions have a lower level of per capita income than median temperature regions. Using the States of the contiguous continental USA for those regions, Florida (average temperature 22.5°C) and North Dakota (average temperature 4.7°C), for example, have lower per capita incomes than New York (average temperature 7.4°C). But the difference in average temperatures is far from the only reason for differences in income, and in the greater scheme of things, the differences are trivial anyway: as American States, at the global level they are all in the high per capita income range (respectively $26,000, $26,700 and $43,300 per annum in 2000 US dollars). A statistical study of the relationship between “Gross State Product” (GSP) per capita and temperature will therefore find a weak, nonlinear relationship, with GSP per capita rising from low temperatures, peaking at medium ones, and falling at higher temperatures.

If you then assume that this same relationship between GDP and temperature will apply as global temperatures rise with Global Warming, you will conclude that Global Warming will have a trivial impact on global GDP. Your conclusion is your assumption.

This is illustrated by Figure 2, which shows a scatter plot of deviations from the national average temperature by State in °C, against the deviations from the national average (GDP per capita) of Gross State Product per capita in percent of GDP (the source data is in Table 4), and a quadratic fit to this data, which has a coefficient of -0.00318, and, as expected, a weak correlation coefficient of 0.31.


Figure 2: Correlation of temperature and USA Gross State Product per capita

This regression thus yields a very poor, but not entirely useless, “in-sample” model of how of temperature deviations from the USA average affect deviations from average US GDP per capita today:


In words, this asserts that Gross State Product per capita falls by 0.318% (of the national average GDP per capita) for every 1°C difference in temperature (from the national average temperature) squared.

An absurd “out of sample” policy recommendation from this model would be that the US’s GDP would increase if hotter and colder States could move towards the average temperature for the USA. This absurd recommendation could be “refined” by using this same data to calculate the optimum temperature for the USA’s GDP, and then proposing that all States move to that temperature. Of course, these “policies” are clearly impossible, simply because the States can’t change their location on the planet.

However, the economists doing these studies reasoned that Global Warming would achieve the same result over time (with the drawback that it would be applied equally to all regions). So they did indeed calculate optimum temperatures for each of the sectors they expected to be affected by climate change—and their calculations excluded the same list of sectors that the “enumeration” approach assumed would be unaffected (manufacturing, mining, services, etc.):

Both the reduced-form and cross-sectional response functions imply that the net productivity of sensitive economic sectors is a hill-shaped function of temperature (Mendelsohn, Schlesinger et al. 2000). Warming creates benefits for countries that are currently on the cool side of the hill and damages for countries on the warm side of the hill. The exact optimum temperature varies by sector. For example, according to the Ricardian model, the optimum temperatures for agriculture, forestry, and energy are 14.2, 14.8 and 8.6°C, respectively. With the reduced form model, the optimum temperatures for agriculture and energy are 11.7 and 10.0. (Mendelsohn, Morrison et al. 2000, p. 558)

They then estimated the impact on GDP of increasing global temperatures, assuming that the same coefficients they found for the relationships between temperature and output today (using what Tol called “the statistical” and Mendelsohn called the “cross-sectional” approach) could be used to estimate the impact of global warming. This resulted in more than one study which concluded that increasing global temperatures via global warming would be beneficial to the economy. Here, for example, is Meldelsohn, Schlesinger et al. on the impact of a 2.5°C increase in global temperatures:

Compared to the size of the economy in 2100 ($217 trillion), the market effects are small… The Cross-sectional climate-response functions imply a narrower range of impacts across GCMs: from $97 to $185 billion of benefits with an average of $145 billion of benefits a year. (Mendelsohn, Schlesinger et al. 2000, p. 41. Italics added)

The, once more, explicit assumption these economists are making is that it doesn’t matter how you alter temperature. Whether this is hypothetically done by altering a region’s location on the planet—which is impossible—or by altering the temperature of the entire planet—which is what Climate Change is going—they assumed that the impact on GDP would be the same.

Expert Opinions—Real and Imagined

Nordhaus conducted the only two surveys of “expert opinions” to estimate the impact of global warming on GDP, in 1994 (Nordhaus 1994), and 2017 (Nordhaus and Moffat 2017). The former asked people from various academic backgrounds to give their estimates of the impact on GDP of three global warming scenarios: (A) a 3°C rise by 2090; (B) a 6°C rise by 2175; and (C) a 6°C rise by 2090. The numbers used by the IPCC from this study in Figure 1 were a 3°C temperature rise for a 3.6% fall in GDP.

Expert opinions are a valid procedure to aggregate knowledge in areas that require a large number of disparate fields to be aggregated, as the climate scientist Tim Lenton and co-authors explained in their paper “Tipping elements in the Earth’s climate system” (Lenton, Held et al. 2008):

formal elicitations of expert beliefs have frequently been used to bring current understanding of model studies, empirical evidence, and theoretical considerations to bear on policy-relevant variables. From a natural science perspective, a general criticism is that expert beliefs carry subjective biases and, moreover, do not add to the body of scientific knowledge unless verified by data or theory. Nonetheless, expert elicitations, based on rigorous protocols from statistics and risk analysis, have proved to be a very valuable source of information in public policymaking. It is increasingly recognized that they can also play a valuable role for informing climate policy decisions. (Lenton, Held et al. 2008, p. 1791)

I cite this paper in contrast to Nordhaus’s here for two reasons: (1) it shows how expert opinion surveys should be conducted; (2) Nordhaus later cites this survey in support of his use of a “damage function” for climate change which lacks tipping points, when this survey explicitly rejects such functions.

Lenton et al.’s survey was sent to 193 scientists, of whom 52 responded. Respondents were specifically instructed to stick to their area of knowledge, rather than to speculate more broadly: “Participants were encouraged to remain in their area of expertise” (Lenton, Held et al. 2008, p. 10). These are listed in Table 2.

Table 2: Fields of expertise for experts surveyed in (Lenton, Held et al. 2008); abridged from Table 1 in (Lenton, Held et al. 2008, p. 10)

Nordhaus’s survey began with a letter requesting 22 people to participate, 18 of whom fully complied, and one partially. Nordhaus describes them as including 10 economists, 4 “other social scientists”, and 5 “natural scientists and engineers”, but also describes eight of the economists as coming from “other subdisciplines of economics (those whose principal concerns lie outside environmental economics)” (Nordhaus 1994, p. 48)—which ipso facto should rule them out from taking part in this expert survey in the first place.

One of them was Larry Summers—who is probably the source of the choicest quotes in the paper, such as “For my answer, the existence value [of species] is irrelevant—I don’t care about ants except for drugs” (Nordhaus 1994, p. 50).

Lenton’s survey combined the expertise of its interviewees in specific fields of climate change to compile a list of large elements of the planet’s climate system (>1,000km in extent) which could be triggered by increases in global temperature of between 0.5°C (disappearance of Arctic summer sea ice) and 6°C (amplified En Nino causing drought in Southeast Asia and elsewhere), on timescales varying from 10 years (Arctic summer sea ice) to 300 years (West Antarctic Ice Shelf disintegration) (Lenton, Held et al. 2008, p. 1788).

Nordhaus’s survey was summarised by a superficially bland pair of numbers—3°C temperature rise and a 3.6% fall in GDP—but that summary hides far more than it reveals. There was extensive disagreement, well documented by Nordhaus, between the relatively tiny cohort of actual scientists surveyed, and in particular the economists “whose principal concerns lie outside environmental economics”. The quotes from the economists surveyed also reveal the source of the predisposition by economists in general to dismiss the significance of climate change.

As Nordhaus noted, “Natural scientists’ estimates [of the damages from climate change] were 20 to 30 times higher than mainstream economists'” (Nordhaus 1994, p. 49). The average estimate by “Non-environmental economists” (Nordhaus 1994, Figure 4, p. 49) of the damages to GDP a 3°C rise by 2090 was 0.4% of GDP; the average for natural scientists was 12.3%, and this was with one of them refusing to answer Nordhaus’s key questions:

Also, although the willingness of the respondents to hazard estimates of subjective probabilities was encouraging, it should be emphasized that most respondents proffered these estimates with reservations and a recognition of the inherent difficulty of the task. One respondent (19), however, was a holdout from such guesswork, writing:

I must tell you that I marvel that economists are willing to make quantitative estimates of economic consequences of climate change where the only measures available are estimates of global surface average increases in temperature. As [one] who has spent his career worrying about the vagaries of the dynamics of the atmosphere, I marvel that they can translate a single global number, an extremely poor surrogate for a description of the climatic conditions, into quantitative estimates of impacts of global economic conditions. (Nordhaus 1994, pp. 50-51)

Comments from economists lay at the other end of the spectrum from this self-absented scientist. Because they had a strong belief in the ability of “human societies” to adapt—born of their acceptance of the Neoclassical model of capitalism, in which “the economy” always returns to equilibrium after a “exogenous shock”—they could not imagine that climate change itself could do significant damage to the economy, whatever it might do to the biosphere itself:

One respondent suggested whimsically that it was hardly surprising, given that the economists know little about the intricate web of natural ecosystems, whereas natural scientists know equally little about the incredible adaptability of human societies

There is a clear difference in outlook among the respondents, depending on their assumptions about the ability of society to adapt to climatic changes. One was concerned that society’s response to the approaching millennium would be akin to that prevalent during the Dark Ages, whereas another respondent held that the degree of adaptability of human economies is so high that for most of the scenarios the impact of global warming would be “essentially zero”.

An economist explains that in his view energy and brain power are the only limits to growth in the long run, and with sufficient quantities of these it is possible to adapt or develop new technologies so as to prevent any significant economic costs. (Nordhaus 1994, pp. 48-49. All emphases added)

Given this extreme divergence of opinion between economists and scientists, one might imagine that Nordhaus’s next survey would examine the reasons for it. In fact, the opposite applied: his methodology excluded non-economists entirely.

Rather than a survey of experts, this was a literature survey (Nordhaus and Moffat 2017), which ipso facto is another legitimate method to provide data for a topic subject that is difficult to measure, and subject to high uncertainty. He and his co-author searched for relevant articles using the string “”(damage OR impact) AND climate AND cost” (Nordhaus and Moffat 2017, p. 7), which is reasonable, if rather too broad (as they themselves admit in the paper).

The key
flaw in this research was where they looked: they executed their search string in Google, which returned 64 million results, Google Scholar, which returned 2.8 million, and the economics-specific database Econlit, which returned just 1700 studies. On the grounds that there were too many results in Google and Google Scholar, they ignored the results from Google and Google Scholar, and simply surveyed the 1700 articles in Econlit (Nordhaus and Moffat 2017, p. 7). These are, almost exclusively, articles written by economists.

Nordhaus and Moffat read the abstracts of these 1700 to rule out all but 24 papers from consideration. Reading these papers led to just 11 they included in their survey results. The supplemented this “systematic research synthesis (SRS)” with:

a second approach, known as a “non-systematic research summary.” In this approach, the universe of studies was selected by a combination of formal and informal methods, such as the SRS above, the results of the Tol survey, and other studies that were known to the researchers. (Nordhaus and Moffat 2017, p. 8)

Their labours resulted in the addition of just five studies which had not been used either by the IPCC or by Tol in his aggregation papers (Tol 2009; Tol 2018; Tol 2018), with additional 6 results, and 4 additional authors—Cline, Dellink, Kemfert and Hambel—who had not already cited in the empirical estimates literature (though Cline was one of Nordhaus’s interviewees in his 1994 survey).

Remarkably, given that Nordhaus was the lead author of this study, one of the previously unused studies was by Nordhaus himself in 2010 (Nordhaus 2010). (Nordhaus and Moffat 2017)
does not provide details of this paper, or any other paper they uncovered, but I presume it is (Nordhaus 2010), given the date, and the fact that the temperature and damages estimates given in it—a 3.4°C increase in temperature causing a 2.8% fall in GDP—are identical to those given in this paper’s Table 2.

It may seem strange that Nordhaus did not notice that a paper by himself, estimating the damages from climate change, was not included in previous studies. But in fact, there is a good reason for this omission: (Nordhaus 2010) was not an enumerative study, nor a statistical one, let alone the results of an “expert elicitation”, but the output of a run of Nordhaus’s own “Integrated Assessment Model” (IAM), DICE! Treating this as a “data point” is using an output of a model to calibrate the model itself. Nonetheless, these numbers—and the five additional pairs from the four additional studies uncovered by their survey—were added to the list of numbers from which economists like Nordhaus could calibrate what they call their “damage functions”.

Damage Functions

“Damage functions” are the way in which Neoclassical economists connect estimates from scientists of the change in global temperature to their own, as shown in previous sections, utterly unsound estimates of future GDP, given this change in temperature. They reduce GDP from what they claim it would have been in the total absence of climate change, to what they claim it will be, given different levels of temperature rise. The form these damage functions take is normally simply a quadratic:


Nordhaus justifies using a quadratic to describe such an inherently discontinuous as climate change by misrepresenting the scientific literature—specifically, the careful survey of expert opinions carried out by Lenton et al (Lenton, Held et al. 2008) and contrasted earlier to Nordhaus’s survey of largely non-experts (Nordhaus 1994). Nordhaus makes the following statement in his DICE manual, and repeats it in (Nordhaus and Moffat 2017, p. 35):

The current version assumes that damages are a quadratic function of temperature change and does not include sharp thresholds or tipping points, but this is consistent with the survey by Lenton et al. (2008) (Nordhaus and Sztorc 2013, p. 11. Emphasis added)

In The Climate Casino (Nordhaus 2013), Nordhaus states that:

There have been a few systematic surveys of tipping points in earth systems. A particularly interesting one by Lenton and colleagues examined the important tipping elements and assessed their timing… Their review finds no critical tipping elements with a time horizon less than 300 years until global temperatures have increased by at least 3°C. (Nordhaus 2013, p. 60)

These claims can only be described as blatant misrepresentations of “Tipping elements in the Earth’s climate system”(Lenton, Held et al. 2008). The very first element in the summary table of their findings meets two of the three criteria that Nordhaus claimed were not met: Arctic summer sea-ice could be triggered by global warming of between 0.5–2°C, and in a time span measured in decades—see Figure 3.

Figure 3: An extract from Table 1 of “Tipping elements in the Earth’s climate system”,(Lenton, Held et al. 2008, p. 1788)

Nordhaus justifies his omission of Arctic summer sea ice in his table N1 (Nordhaus 2013, p. 333) via a column headed “Level of concern (most concern = ***)”, where it receives the lowest ranking (*)—thus apparently justifying his statement that there was “no critical tipping point” in less than 300 years, and with less than a 3°C temperature increase.

However, no such column exists in Table 1 of Lenton, Held et al. (2008), while their discussion of the ranking of threats puts Arctic summer sea ice first, not last:

We conclude that the greatest (and clearest) threat is to the Arctic with summer sea-ice loss likely to occur long before (and potentially contribute to) GIS melt (Lenton, Held et al. 2008, pp. 1791-92. Emphasis added).

Their treatment of time also differs substantially from that implied by Nordhaus, which is that decisions about tipping elements with time horizons of several centuries can be left for decision makers several centuries hence. While Lenton et al, do give a timeframe of more than 300 years for the complete melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS), for example, they note that focused on tipping elements whose fate would be decided this century:

Thus, we focus on the consequences of decisions enacted within this century that trigger a qualitative change within this millennium, and we exclude tipping elements whose fate is decided after 2100. (Lenton, Held et al. 2008, p. 1787)

Thus, while the GIS might not melt completely for several centuries, the human actions that will decide whether that happens or not will be taken in this century, not in several hundred years from now.

Finally, the paper’s conclusion began with the warning that smooth functions should not be used, noted that discontinuous climate tipping points were likely to be triggered this century, and reiterated that the greatest threats were Arctic summer sea ice and Greenland:

Society may be lulled into a false sense of security by smooth projections of global change. Our synthesis of present knowledge suggests that a variety of tipping elements could reach their critical point within this century under anthropogenic climate change. The greatest threats are tipping the Arctic sea-ice and the Greenland ice sheet, and at least five other elements could surprise us by exhibiting a nearby tipping point. (Lenton, Held et al. 2008, p. 1792. Emphasis added)

There is thus no empirical or scientific justification for choosing a quadratic to represent damages from climate change—the opposite in fact applies. Regardless, this is the function that Nordhaus ultimately adopted. Given this assumed functional form, the only unknowns are the values of the coefficients a, b and c in Equation .

Ever since Nordhaus started using a quadratic, he has consistently reduced the value of its parameters, from an initial 0.0035 for the quadratic term—which means that global warming is assumed to reduce GDP by 0.35% times the temperature (change over pre-industrial levels) squared—to a final value of 0.00227 (see Equation ). Source documents here are (Nordhaus and Sztorc 2013, pp. 83, 86, 91 & 97 for the 1992, 1999, 2008 and 2013 versions of DICE.; Nordhaus 2017, p. 1 for 2017; Nordhaus 2018, p. 345 for 2018):


This reduction progressively reduced his already trivial predictions of damage to GDP from global warming. For example, his prediction for the impact on GDP of a 4°C increase in temperature—the level he describes as optimal in his “Nobel Prize” lecture, since according to his model, it minimises the joint costs of damage and abatement (Nordhaus 2018, Slides 6 & 7)—was reduced from a 7% fall in 1992 to a 3.6% fall in 2018 (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: How low can you go? Nordhaus’s downward revisions to his damage function

I now turn to doing what Nordhaus himself said a scientist should do, when deriding Forrester’s model—”require empirical validation of either the assumptions or the predictions of the model
before declaring its truth content” (Nordhaus 1973, p. 1183). This is clearly something neither Nordhaus nor other Neoclassical climate change economists did themselves—apart from the honourable mentions noted earlier.

Deconstructing Neoclassical Delusions: GDP and Energy

Nordhaus justified the assumption that 87% of GDP will be unaffected by climate change on the basis that:

for the bulk of the economy—manufacturing, mining, utilities, finance, trade, and most service industries—it is difficult to find major direct impacts of the projected climate changes over the next 50 to 75 years. (Nordhaus 1991, p. 932)

In fact, a direct effect can easily be identified by surmounting the failure of economists in general—not just Neoclassicals—to appreciate the role of energy in production. Almost all economic models use production functions that assume that “Labour” and “Capital” are all that are needed to produce “Output”. However, neither Labour nor Capital can function without energy inputs: “to coin a phrase, labour without energy is a corpse, while capital without energy is a sculpture” (Keen, Ayres et al. 2019, p. 41). Energy is directly needed to produce GDP, and therefore if energy production has to fall because of global warming, then so will GDP.

The only question is how much, and the answer, given our dependence on fossil fuels, is a lot. Unlike the trivial correlation between local temperature and local GDP used by Nordhaus and colleagues in the “statistical” method, the correlation between global energy production and global GDP is overwhelmingly strong. A simple linear regression between energy production and GDP has a correlation coefficient of 0.997—see Figure 5.

Figure 5: Energy determines GDP

GDP in turn determines excess CO2 in the atmosphere. A linear regression between GDP and CO2 has a correlation coefficient of 0.998—see Figure 6.

Figure 6: Without significant de-carbonization, GDP determines CO2

Lastly, CO2 very tightly determines the temperature excess over pre-industrial levels. A linear regression between CO2 and the Global Temperature Anomaly has a correlation of 0.992 using smoothed data (which excludes the effect of non-CO2 fluctuations such as the El Nino effect).

Figure 7: CO2 determines Global Warming

Working in reverse, if climatic changes caused by the increase in global temperature persuade the public and policymakers that we must stop adding CO2 to the atmosphere “now”, whenever “now” may be, then global GDP will fall roughly proportionately to the ratio of fossil-fuel energy production to total energy production at that time.

As of 2020, fossil fuels provided roughly 85% of energy production. So, if 2020 were the year humanity decided that the growth in CO2 had to stop, GDP would fall by of the order of 85%. Even if the very high rate of growth of renewables in 2015 were maintained—when the ratio of renewables to total energy production was growing at about 3% per annum—renewables would still yield less than 40% of total energy production in 2050—see Figure 8. This implies a drop in GDP of about 50% at that time. The decision by Neoclassical climate change economists to exclude “manufacturing, mining, utilities, finance, trade, and most service industries” from any consequences from climate change is thus utterly unjustified.

Figure 8: Renewable energy as a percentage of total energy production

Deconstructing Neoclassical Delusions: Statistics

The “cross-sectional approach” of using the coefficients from the geographic temperature:GDP relationship as a proxy for the global temperature:GDP relationship is similarly unjustified. It assumes that it doesn’t matter how one alters temperature: the effect on GDP will be the same. This belief was defended by Tol in an exchange on Twitter between myself, the Climate scientist Daniel Swain, and the Professor of Computational Astrophysics Ken Rice on June 17-18 2019:

Richard Tol:    10K is less than the temperature distance between Alaska and Maryland (about equally rich), or between Iowa and Florida (about equally rich). Climate is not a primary driver of income.

Daniel Swain:    A global climate 10 degrees warmer than present is not remotely the same thing as taking the current climate and simply adding 10 degrees everywhere. This is an admittedly widespread misconception, but arguably quite a dangerous one.

Richard Tol:    That’s not the point, Daniel. We observe that people thrive in very different climates, and that some thrive and others do not in the same climate. Climate determinism therefore has no empirical support.

Richard Tol:    And if a relationship does not hold for climate variations over space, you cannot confidently assert that it holds over time.

Steve Keen:    The cause of variations over space is utterly different to that over time. That they are comparable is the most ridiculous and dangerous “simplifying assumption” in the history of economics.

Ken Rice:    Can I just clarify. Are you actually suggesting that a 10K rise in global average surface temperature would be manageable?

Richard Tol:    We’d move indoors, much like the Saudis have.

As with the decision to exclude ~90% of GDP from damages from climate change, Tol’s assumed equivalence of weather changes across space with climate change over time ignores the role of energy in causing climate change. This can be illustrated by annotating his third tweet above with respect to the amount of energy needed to bring about a 10°C temperature increase for the atmosphere:

And if a relationship does not hold for climate variations over space [without changing the energy level of the atmosphere], you cannot confidently assert that it holds over time [as the Solar energy retained in the atmosphere rises by more than 50,000 million Terajoules]. (Trenberth 1981)

To put this level of energy in more comprehensible terms, this is the equivalent of 860 million Hiroshima atomic bombs. That amount of additional energy in the atmosphere would lead to sustained “wet bulb” temperatures that would be fatal for humans in the Tropics and much of the sub-tropics (Raymond, Matthews et al. 2020; Xu, Kohler et al. 2020). A 10°C temperature increase is of the order of that which caused the end-Permian extinction event, the most extreme mass-extinction in Earth’s history (Penn, Deutsch et al. 2018). It is five times the level of global temperature increase that climate scientists fear could trigger “tripping cascades” could transform the planet into a “Hothouse Earth” (Steffen, Rockström et al. 2018; Lenton, Rockström et al. 2019), which could potentially be incompatible with human existence:

Hothouse Earth is likely to be uncontrollable and dangerous to many, particularly if we transition into it in only a century or two, and it poses severe risks for health, economies, political stability (especially for the most climate vulnerable), and ultimately, the habitability of the planet for humans. (Steffen, Rockström et al. 2018, p. 8256)

It therefore very much does matter how one alters the temperature. At the planetary level, there are 3 main determinants of the temperature at any point on the globe:

  1. Variations in the solar energy reaching the Earth;
  2. Variations in the amount of this energy retained by greenhouse gases; and
  3. Differences in location on the planet—primarily differences in distance from the Equator

What the “cross-sectional method” did was derive parameters for the third factor, and then simply assume that the same parameters applied to the second. This is comparable to carefully measuring the terrain of a mountain in the North-South direction, and then using that information to advise on the safety of traversing it East to West.

Econometrics before Ecology

This weakness of the “cross-sectional approach” has been admitted in a more recent paper in this tradition:

Firstly, the literature relies primarily on the cross-sectional approach (see, for instance, Sachs and Warner 1997, Gallup et al. 1999, Nordhaus 2006, and Dell et al. 2009), and as such does not take into account the time dimension of the data (i.e., assumes that the observed relationship across countries holds over time as well). (Kahn, Mohaddes et al. 2019, p. 2. Emphasis added)

This promising start was unfortunately neutered by their eventual simple linear extrapolation of the change in the relationship temperature to GDP relationship between 1960 and 2014 forward to 2100:

We start by documenting that the global average temperature has risen by 0:0181 degrees Celsius per year over the last half century… We show that an increase in average global temperature of 0:04°C per year— corresponding to the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5 scenario (see Figure 1), which assumes higher greenhouse gas emissions in the absence of mitigation policies— reduces world’s real GDP per capita by 7.22 percent by 2100. (Kahn, Mohaddes et al. 2019, p. 4)

Their predictions for GDP change as a function of temperature change is the shaded region in Figure 9 (which reproduces their Figure 2). The linearity of their projection is evident: it presumes no structural change in the relationship between global temperature and GDP, even as temperature rises by 3.2°C over their time horizon of 80 years (0.04°C per year from 2020 till 2100).

Figure 9: Kahn and Mohaddes’s linear extrapolation of the temperature:GDP relationship from 1960-2014 out till 2100 (Kahn, Mohaddes et al. 2019, p. 6)

The failure of this paper to account for the obvious discontinuities such a temperature increase will wreak on the planet’s climate was acknowledged by one of the authors on Twitter on October 31st 2019:

Kamiar Mohaddes:    I also want to be clear that we cannot, and do not, claim that our empirical analysis allows for rare disaster events, whether technological or climatic, which is likely to be an important consideration. From this perspective, the counterfactual outcomes that we discuss… in Section 4 of the paper (see: should be regarded as conservative because they only consider scenarios where the climate shocks are Gaussian, without allowing for rare disasters. ;

Steve Keen:    Kamiar, the whole point of #GlobalWarming is that it shifts the entire distribution. What is “rare” in our current climate—like for example the melting of Greenland—becomes a certainty at higher temperatures.

What Mohaddes called “rare disaster events”—such as, for example, the complete disappearance of the Arctic Ice sheet during summer—would indeed be rare at our current global temperature. But they become certainties as the temperature rises another 3°C (Steffen, Rockström et al. 2018, Figure 3, p. 8255). This forecast is as useful as a study of the relationship between temperature and speed skating, which concludes that it would be advantageous to increase the temperature of the ice from -2°C to +2°C.

This recent paper alerted me to one potentially promising study I had previously missed: the significant outlier in Figure 9 by Burke et al. (Burke, Hsiang et al. 2015). This was at least outside the economic ballpark, if not in that of scientists like Steffen, who expect a 4°C increase in temperature to lead to the collapse of civilisation (Moses 2020).

As its title “Global non-linear effect of temperature on economic production” implies, it did at least consider nonlinearities in the Earth’s climate. But once again, this was restricted to nonlinearities in the relationship between 1960 and 2010, and it was then extrapolated to a future planet with a vastly different climate:

We quantify the potential impact of warming on national and global incomes by combining our estimated non-linear response function with ‘business as usual’ scenarios of future warming and different assumptions regarding future baseline economic and population growth. This approach assumes future economies respond to temperature changes similarly to today’s economies—perhaps a reasonable assumption given the observed lack of adaptation during our 50-year sample… climate change reduces projected global output by 23% in 2100 relative to a world without climate change, although statistical uncertainty allows for positive impacts with probability 0.29 (Burke, Hsiang et al. 2015, pp. 237-38. Emphasis added)

As applies to so much of this research, these two recent papers show the authors delighting in the ecstasy of econometrics, while failing to appreciate the irrelevance of their framework to the question at hand.

GIGO: Garbage In, Garbage Out

When I began this research, I expected that the main cause of Nordhaus’s extremely low predictions of damages from climate change would be the application of a very high discount rate to climate damages estimated by scientists, and that a full critique of his work would require explaining why an equilibrium-based Neoclassical model like DICE was the wrong tool to analyse something as dynamic and far from equilibrium as climate change (DeCanio 2003). Instead, I found that the computing adage “Garbage In, Garbage Out” (GIGO) applied: it does not matter how good or how bad the actual model is, when it is fed “data” like that concocted by Nordhaus and his coterie of like-minded Neoclassical economists. The numerical estimates to which they fitted their inappropriate models are, as shown here, utterly unrelated to the phenomenon of global warming. Even an appropriate model of the relationship between climate change and GDP would return garbage predictions if it were trained on “data” like this.

This raises the key question: how did such transparently inadequate work get past academic referees?

Simplifying Assumptions and the Refereeing Process: the Poachers becomes the Gatekeepers

One undeniable reason why this research agenda was not drowned at birth was the proclivity for Neoclassical economists to make assumptions on which their conclusions depend, and then dismiss any objections to them on the grounds that they are merely “simplifying assumptions”.

As Paul Romer observed, the standard justification for this is “Milton Friedman’s (1953) methodological assertion from unnamed authority that “the more significant the theory, the more unrealistic the assumptions” (Romer 2016, p. 5). Those who make this defence do not seem to have noted Friedman’s footnote that “The converse of the proposition does not of course hold: assumptions that are unrealistic (in this sense) do not guarantee a significant theory” (Friedman 1953, p. 14).

A simplifying assumption is something which, if it is violated, makes only a small difference to your analysis. Musgrave points out that “Galileo’s assumption that air-resistance was negligible for the phenomena he investigated was a true statement about reality, and an important part of the explanation Galileo gave of those phenomena” (Musgrave 1990, p. 380). However, the kind of assumptions that Neoclassical economists frequently make, are ones where if the assumption is false, then the theory itself is invalidated (Keen 2011, pp. 158-174).

This is clearly the case here with the core assumptions of Nordhaus and his Neoclassical colleagues. If activities that occur indoors are, in fact, subject to climate change; if the temperature to GDP relationships across space cannot be used as proxies for the impact of global warming on GDP, then their conclusions are completely false. Climate change will be at least one order of magnitude more damaging to the economy than their numbers imply—working solely from the spurious assumption that 90% of the economy will be unaffected by it. It could be far, far worse.

Unfortunately, referees who accept Friedman’s dictum that “a theory cannot be tested by the “realism” of its “assumptions”” (Friedman 1953, p. 23) are unlikely to reject a paper because of its assumptions, especially if that paper otherwise makes assumptions that Neoclassical economists accept. Thus, Nordhaus’s initial sorties in this area received a free pass.

After this, a weakness of the refereeing process took over. As any published academic knows, once you are published in an area, you will be selected by journal editors as a referee for that area. Thus, rather than peer review providing an independent check on the veracity of research, it can allow the enforcement of a hegemony. As one of the first of the very few Neoclassical economists to work on climate change, and the first to proffer empirical estimates of the damages to the economy from climate change, this put Nordhaus in the position to both frame the debate, and to play the role of gatekeeper. One can surmise that he relishes this role, given not only his attacks on Forrester and the Limits to Growth (Meadows, Randers et al. 1972; Nordhaus 1973; Nordhaus 1992), but also his attack on his fellow Neoclassical economist Nicholas Stern for using a low discount rate in The Stern Review (Nordhaus 2007; Stern 2007).

The product has been a degree of conformity in this community that even Tol acknowledged:

it is quite possible that the estimates are not independent, as there are only a relatively small number of studies, based on similar data, by authors who know each other well… although the number of researchers who published marginal damage cost estimates is larger than the number of researchers who published total impact estimates, it is still a reasonably small and close-knit community
who may be subject to group-think, peer pressure, and self-censoring. (Tol 2009, pp. 37, 42-43)


Conclusion: Drastically underestimating damages from Global Warming

Were climate change an effectively trivial area of public policy, then the appallingly bad work done by Neoclassical economists on climate change would not matter greatly. It could be treated, like the intentional Sokal hoax (Sokal 2008), as merely a salutary tale about the foibles of the Academy.

But the impact of climate change upon the economy, human society, and the viability of the Earth’s biosphere in general, are matters of the greatest importance. That work this bad has been done, and been taken seriously, is therefore not merely an intellectual travesty like the Sokal hoax. If climate change does lead to the catastrophic outcomes that some scientists now openly contemplate (Kulp and Strauss 2019; Lenton, Rockström et al. 2019; Wang, Jiang et al. 2019; Yumashev, Hope et al. 2019; Lynas 2020; Moses 2020; Raymond, Matthews et al. 2020; Xu, Kohler et al. 2020), then these Neoclassical economists will be complicit in causing the greatest crisis, not merely in the history of capitalism, but potentially in the history of life on Earth.


Table 3: Table SM10-1, p. SM10-4 of “Key Economic Sectors, plus other studies by economists

Table 4: USA average temperature, GDP/GSP and Population data


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