An awful year ends well for me—and bracing for the impact of 2024

I’m not in the habit of writing retrospectives and expectations at the end of the calendar year, but the 2020s have necessitated paying attention to both hindsight and foresight. As I said in response to David Graeber’s untimely death in 2020, “Now we know why we speak of 20:20 vision, and 20:20 hindsight. We thought it was an ophthalmologist’s crazy numbering system. In fact, it was a warning from a time traveller.”

I subsequently described the 2020s as the “Hold My Beer” decade in my retrospective on 2021, “Saying goodbye to 2021 & hello to 2022, the 3rd year of the 2020s—the “Hold My Beer” Decade“. 2022 certainly delivered, with the Ukraine War adding to the miseries caused by Covid and mounting climatic disturbances around the world. 2023 has given us the Gaza Genocide, and the largest jump ever recorded in the global average temperature.

As bad as 2020, 2021, 2022 and now 2023 were, I’m frankly terrified at the thought of what 2024 will bring, and that fear comes from knowing and corresponding with some of the world’s leading climate scientists. We can only speculate as to what a global average temperature more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels will do to our food systems. Maybe we will be lucky in 2024, but it will only be luck than enables stable food supplies from now on.

The “fun” should start when the Northern Summer gets rolling. Though the Southern Summer still has two months to run, and it will doubtless have its unpleasant surprises, it’s the North that sets the political agenda for the planet.

One of the most troubling arguments I’ve seen is Paul Beckwith’s suggestion that the loss of Arctic summer sea ice could mean that Greenland, and not the North Pole, could be the centre of air circulation in the polar region. If that happens in 2024 then a 1,000km shift in weather patterns will wreak havoc on farming.

So, while I certainly won’t be cheering in the New Year, I’ll nonetheless celebrate surviving 2023 on New Year’s Eve night with my wife and some good friends here in Amsterdam. But despite the general gloom I feel, my 2023 was pretty good—very good in fact, since it finished with three more of the intellectual epiphanies that have blessed my academic life.

2023 didn’t start too badly either. The report I wrote in December 2022 for Carbon Tracker, “Rolling the DICE Against Pensions“, was finally published in July 2023 (Keen 2023; Keen and Hanley 2023). This gave me a means to put some teeth into my critique of the Panglossian nonsense that Neoclassical economists like William Nordhaus and Richard Tol have written. Sadly, humans are more likely to stress about their financial futures than they are about the viability of the ecosphere. Climate activists are starting to use the report to make pension funds know that they are potentially breaching their fiduciary duties by relying upon the work of economists to “safeguard” pensions. Instead, they are putting people’s pensions at jeopardy.

Shortly after that report was released, I began work at the Budapest Centre for Long Term Sustainability. It started badly, with my first dose of Covid starting 4 days after I arrived (I now wear my fancy mask in my office—my guess being that I caught Covid via the air conditioning, even though I’m the only person in my 80 sqm office). But it’s gone very well since.

My responsibilities to BC4LS are to write (a) a 30,000 word book and (b) two 3,000 word blog posts. I had 90% of the book—now over 60,000 words in length—finished by the time I left Budapest to spend Xmas and New Year in Amsterdam. But there was still one difficult chapter not yet tackled: modelling price dynamics in a Minsky model. I cracked the core of that chapter—on pricing and inflation—on Friday.

The maths was quite simple in the end, and I lucked out with parameter values that illustrate the point I wanted to make: that while prices can work to stabilize a cyclical economy, in the presence of debt they can also lead to a debt-deflation. The next four figures show how this combination of factors plays out.

The simplest model, with no debt or prices, generates cycles of a fixed amplitude and frequency—Richard Goodwin’s classic growth cycle (Goodwin 1967).

Figure 1: A growth cycle model with no debt or price system

A model with prices shows price fluctuations leading the system to converge to equilibrium—which is the “magical” power of prices that so enamours our Neoclassical overlords.

Figure 2: The model with a price system but no debt

But our overlords ignore the role of private debt and credit in the economy, and when you include those, but not prices, you get a model which can experience a debt-crisis—though the simulation shown in Figure 3 has a borderline value for the key instability parameter (the slope of the investment function), so it gets locked in cycles rather than collapsing or converging.

Figure 3: The model with debt but no price system

When you introduce prices as well as debt, it initially appears that you get the best of both worlds: a rapid convergence to equilibrium and perfect cycle-free stability with growth at a rock solid 5% per year for decades.

However, behind the apparent equilibrium is a slowly rising level of debt, which comes at the expense of the workers—even though they do no borrowing whatsoever—as their share of income falls precisely as much as the share going to bankers rises. But you ignore that data, because you don’t think the distribution of income matters, you’re convinced that private debt is irrelevant to macroeconomics, and you’re obsessed with the rate of economic growth and its stability, which doesn’t waver an iota in 80 years. You proudly proclaim “The Great Moderation”, assert that your economic policies created it (Bernanke 2004b, 2004a), and sit back to wait for the “Nobel” to arrive.


Figure 4: The model with both debt and a price system

Then suddenly, there’s a collapse: the long period of deflation has caused a slowly rising debt level, since falling prices increase the real burden of debt. The deflation accelerates, leading to an explosion in the debt to GDP ratio. As Irving Fisher put it so well almost a century ago in “The Debt Deflation Theory of Great Depressions“:

deflation caused by the debt reacts on the debt. Each dollar of debt still unpaid becomes a bigger dollar, and if the over-indebtedness with which we started was great enough, the liquidation of debts cannot keep up with the fall of prices which it causes.

In that case, the liquidation defeats itself. While it diminishes the number of dollars owed, it may not do so as fast as it increases the value of each dollar owed. Then, the very effort of individuals to lessen their burden of debts increases it, because of the mass effect of the stampede to liquidate in swelling each dollar owed.

Then we have the great paradox which, I submit, is the chief secret of most, if not all, great depressions: The more the debtors pay, the more they owe. The more the economic boat tips, the more it tends to tip. It is not tending to right itself, but is capsizing. (Fisher 1933, p. 344)

To be able to reproduce this brilliant insight in mathematical form, even with an exaggerated period of stability before The Crash, is a great delight to me. I’ve wanted to do this ever since I read Fisher’s poignant paper for the first time, way back in the 1970s, well over a decade before I first read Minsky—who also based his economics primarily on Fisher rather than Keynes.

So just this week, I’ve completed a set of ambitions that I’ve had since I first decided to pursue an academic career.

The ambitions didn’t all come at once, but rather sequentially, and though I doubted that I could achieve any of them, I ended up fulfilling all of them. They form a cohesive whole that are my approach to economics, and they’ll be spelt out in full—bar the very first topic of dialectical philosophy as a foundation for economics—in the book I’m writing for BC4LS, Rebuilding Economics from the Top Down.

The first was to show that Marx’s dialectical philosophy contradicted the Labour Theory of Value. I did that in my Masters thesis, which led to my first two refereed economics papers (Keen 1993a, 1993b). Next came modelling Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis, which was the objective of my PhD (Keen 1995).

Then I wrote Debunking Economics (Keen 2001, 2011), largely as a gift to social activists who had been trying to achieve some equitable goal, and were blocked by economists who asserted that their goal wasn’t socially optimal. Without deep knowledge of economic theory, including the many logical fallacies and empirical absurdities on which it was based, these activists were made to look emotional and unscientific by economists—when in fact the economists were the ones living in a fantasy world.

I’d been in the same place, but I knew how to derail the economists, by pointing out that the intellectual foundations of their confident policy pronouncements were unsound, and I wanted to give other activists the same advantage.

I had no intention or expectation of contributing anything new to the many critiques of Neoclassical economics that already existed when I started writing the first edition in 2000. But when I was trying to explain why, according to Neoclassical economic theory, equating marginal cost and marginal revenue maximized profits, I spotted a contradiction between what was supposed to be profit maximizing behaviour for a monopoly—which worked at the aggregate level of the market—and for a “perfectly competitive” industry—which didn’t.

That led to a swathe of papers which annoyed the crap out of Neoclassical economists (Keen 2003, 2004b, 2004a, 2005; Keen and Standish 2005, 2006; Keen 2009; Keen and Standish 2010, 2015) and consumed several years of my intellectual life, until a paid commission as an expert witness on predatory lending took me back to my focus on financial instability, just before the Global Financial Crisis began (Keen 2007).

I was also dissatisfied with how I treated money in my model of financial instability—which was to model only debt, rather than money created by debt. Therefore, the next pressing desire was to work out how to model money properly, and the breakthrough came in 2005 (Chapman and Keen 2006). Though I am somewhat embarrassed by that paper today, it led ultimately to the development of Minsky.

That left “just” one major topic on my intellectual wish list: to work out the role of energy in production, since both Neoclassical and Post Keynesian production functions ignore energy completely. The insight that “labour without energy is a corpse, while capital without energy is a sculpture” (Keen, Ayres, and Standish 2019)—which occurred to me out of the blue—really did feel like something bestowed on me by a Santa Claus in academic dress.

I was more than content with that list of contributions, but writing this book for BC4LS has led to three more: a proof that the real-world profit maximization strategy is to sell as many units as possible; showing that the Cobb-Douglas Production Function is contradicted by energy data; and now this simple model of deflation amplifying a debt crisis.

So, even though 2023 has been a horrible year for the world, it’s been good to me.

In 2024, as for the last five years, my focus will be on exposing the nonsense that Neoclassical economists have written about global warming. It’s taken 4 years to go from realising that their banal damage predictions were based on empirical nonsense, to getting a major report out (Keen 2023) which is having some media impact (“When Idiot Savants Do Climate Economics“, “Economic models buckle under strain of climate reality“). But Neoclassical economists like Nordhaus will probably continue to be taken seriously on global warming until such time as the economy starts to fall apart because of it. I’m very pessimistic about the odds of policymakers and journalists realising that they’ve been conned until after it’s too late to do anything meaningful to reduce the damage.

Unless the Laws of Physics and Biology don’t apply to the economy, it’s only a matter of time before reality trumps the delusional expectations of economists. There’s no certainty that 2024 will be that year—and maybe there’s a natural explanation for the sudden jump in temperatures in 2023. But every year we continue on a business-as-usual approach brings closer the day when business-as-usual will no longer be possible.

On that cheery note, I’ll turn back to why this little model on price dynamics brings me such joy. Largely, it’s because Fisher was one of the first economists I read who hammered the point that equilibrium modelling of the economy is nonsense. That comes through in his description of the debt-deflationary process that I quoted earlier, but its scope is only apparent if you read the whole paper. His outline of why economists did not see the Great Depression coming begins with the error of assuming that equilibrium applies in the real world.


1. The economic system contains innumerable variables—quantities of “goods” (physical wealth, property rights, and services), the prices of these goods, and their values (the quantities multiplied by the prices). Changes in any or all of this vast array of variables may be due to many causes. Only in imagination can all of these variables remain constant and be kept in equilibrium by the balanced forces of human desires, as manifested through “supply and demand.”

2. Economic theory includes a study both of (a) such imaginary, ideal equilibrium—which may be stable or unstable—and (b) disequilibrium. The former is economic statics; the latter, economic dynamics. So-called cycle theory is merely one part of the study of economic dis-equilibrium …

9. We may tentatively assume that, ordinarily and within wide limits, all, or almost all, economic variables tend, in a general way, toward a stable equilibrium …

11. But the exact equilibrium thus sought is seldom reached and never long maintained. New disturbances are, humanly speaking, sure to occur, so that, in actual fact, any variable is almost always above or below the ideal equilibrium

Theoretically there may be-in fact, at most times there must be over- or under-production, over- or under-consumption, over- or under-spending, over- or under-saving, over- or under-investment, and over or under everything else. It is as absurd to assume that, for any long period of time, the variables in the economic organization, or any part of them, will “stay put,” in perfect equilibrium, as to assume that the Atlantic Ocean can ever be without a wave. (Fisher 1933, p. 337-339. Emphasis added)

Come Sunday, I’ll be raising a glass to toast Fisher, and Cantillon, Turgot, Quesnay, Marx, Schumpeter, Keynes, Goodwin, Minsky, and the many others who fought—unsuccessfully but valiantly—to drive fantasy out of economics, whose ideas moulded my approach to economics, and to whom, to some degree, I have repaid my intellectual debts.

Happy New Year everyone.

Bernanke, Ben S. 2004a. “The Great Moderation: Remarks by Governor Ben S. Bernanke At the meetings of the Eastern Economic Association, Washington, DC February 20, 2004.” In Eastern Economic Association. Washington, DC: Federal Reserve Board.

———. 2004b. “Panel discussion: What Have We Learned Since October 1979?” In Conference on Reflections on Monetary Policy 25 Years after October 1979. St. Louis, Missouri: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Chapman, Brian, and Steve Keen. 2006. ‘Hic Rhodus, Hic Salta! Profit in a Dynamic Model of the Monetary Circuit’, Storia del Pensiero Economico: Nuova Serie: 137-54.

Fisher, Irving. 1933. ‘The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions’, Econometrica, 1: 337-57.

Goodwin, Richard M. 1967. ‘A growth cycle.’ in C. H. Feinstein (ed.), Socialism, Capitalism and Economic Growth (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge).

Keen, S., and Brian P. Hanley. 2023. “Supporting Document to the DICE against pensions: how did we get here?” In. London: Carbon Tracker.

Keen, Steve. 1993a. ‘The Misinterpretation of Marx’s Theory of Value’, Journal of the history of economic thought, 15: 282-300.

———. 1993b. ‘Use-Value, Exchange Value, and the Demise of Marx’s Labor Theory of Value’, Journal of the history of economic thought, 15: 107-21.

———. 1995. ‘Finance and Economic Breakdown: Modeling Minsky’s ‘Financial Instability Hypothesis.”, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 17: 607-35.

———. 2001. Debunking economics: The naked emperor of the social sciences (Pluto Press Australia & Zed Books UK: Annandale Sydney & London UK).

———. 2003. ‘Standing on the toes of pygmies:: Why econophysics must be careful of the economic foundations on which it builds’, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 324: 108-16.

———. 2004a. ‘Deregulator: Judgment Day for Microeconomics’, Utilities Policy, 12: 109-25.

———. 2004b. ‘Improbable, Incorrect or Impossible? The Persuasive but Flawed Mathematics of Microeconomics.’ in Edward Fullbrook (ed.), A Guide to What’s Wrong with Economics (Anthem Press: London).

———. 2005. ‘Why Economics Must Abandon Its Theory of the Firm.’ in Massimo Salzano and Alan Kirman (eds.), Economics: Complex Windows (New Economic Windows series. Springer: Milan and New York: ).

———. 2007. “Deeper in Debt: Australia’s addiction to borrowed money.” In Occasional Papers. Sydney: Centre for Policy Development.

———. 2009. ‘A pluralist approach to microeconomics.’ in John Reardon (ed.), The Handbook of Pluralist Economics Education (Routledge: London).

———. 2011. Debunking economics: The naked emperor dethroned? (Zed Books: London).

———. 2023. “Loading the DICE against pension funds: Flawed economic thinking on climate has put your pension at risk ” In. London: Carbon Tracker.

Keen, Steve, Robert U. Ayres, and Russell Standish. 2019. ‘A Note on the Role of Energy in Production’, Ecological Economics, 157: 40-46.

Keen, Steve, and Russell Standish. 2005. ‘Irrationality in the neoclassical definition of rationality’, American Journal of Applied Sciences, Special Issue: 61-68.

———. 2006. ‘Profit maximization, industry structure, and competition: A critique of neoclassical theory’, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 370: 81-85.

———. 2010. ‘Debunking the theory of the firm—a chronology’, Real World Economics Review, 54: 56-94.

———. 2015. ‘Response to David Rosnick’s “Toward an Understanding of Keen and Standish’s Theory of the Firm: A Comment’, World Economic Review, 2015: 130.


Neoclassical economics and the demise of capitalism

Tipping points—elements of the Earth’s climatic system that can be flipped from one state to another with a relatively minor change in temperature, and which could then cause major and abrupt changes in the climatic system itself—are a key concern for climate scientists (Lenton et al. 2023, p. 36). One of leading scientists in this field is Tim Lenton from Exeter University in the UK, and in 2008 he conducted a survey of experts on what were then regarded as the nine major and most vulnerable such tipping points—see Table 15.105F

The paper “Tipping elements in the Earth’s climate system” concluded that:

Society may be lulled into a false sense of security by smooth projections of global change. Our synthesis of present knowledge suggests that a variety of tipping elements could reach their critical point within this century under anthropogenic climate change. The greatest threats are tipping the Arctic sea-ice and the Greenland ice sheet, and at least five other elements could surprise us by exhibiting a nearby tipping point. (Lenton et al. 2008b, p. 1792. Emphasis added)

I was first alerted to the existence of this paper by a comment in Nordhaus’s manual for DICE—”Dynamic Integrated Climate and Economy”, the mathematical model he constructed by which he converts expected temperature increases into expected economic damages—in which he stated that:

The current version assumes that damages are a quadratic function of temperature change and does not include sharp thresholds or tipping points, but this is consistent with the survey by Lenton et al. (2008) (Nordhaus and Sztorc 2013, p. 11. Emphasis added)

He then elaborated in his book The Climate Casino (Nordhaus 2013) that:

There have been a few systematic surveys of tipping points in earth systems. A particularly interesting one by Lenton and colleagues examined the important tipping elements and assessed their timing… The most important tipping points, in their view, have a threshold temperature tipping value of 3°C or higher … or have a time scale of at least 300 years … Their review finds no critical tipping elements with a time horizon less than 300 years until global temperatures have increased by at least 3°C. (Nordhaus 2013, p. 60. Emphasis added)

Pardon me for stating the obvious, but Nordhaus’s reading of this paper is almost the exact opposite of what the paper actually said.

Far from the triggering of tipping points lying 300 years in the future, Lenton et al. warned that they were likely this century;106F far from a function like a quadratic, with its gradual increase in steepness as temperatures rise, being appropriate for estimating damages, they warned that such a function could lull us into “a false sense of security”; and far from 3°C of warming being required to flip tipping elements from one state to another, they asserted that much lower levels of warming would be sufficient to tip what were then seen as the two most vulnerable, Arctic summer sea-ice107F and Greenland—see Table 15—while five of the remaining seven could “surprise us by exhibiting a nearby tipping point”.

Table 15: Key Features of Tipping elements in Table 1 of (Lenton et al. 2008b, p. 1788)

I would fail any student who submitted what Nordhaus wrote as a summary of Lenton’s paper. But instead, Nordhaus was awarded the “Nobel” Prize in Economics in 2018 for his work on climate change.

If any recipient exposed the real role of this Prize, it is Nordhaus. The Economics “Nobel” Prize was not established by Alfred Nobel, and nor is it funded by the Nobel Foundation.109F It was established by the Swedish Central Bank in 1968, as a means to counter the social-democratic approach to economic policy that was popular in Sweden at the time (Offer and Söderberg 2016). Its formal name is “The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel”, and the Nobel family has been campaigning for decades, unsuccessfully, to terminate the Economics award—or to have its name trimmed to “The Sveriges Riksbank Prize”, which doesn’t implicate or piggyback on the Nobel name.110F

Given the fact that the economics departments at top-ranked Universities are dominated by Neoclassical economists, the selection process for this Prize111F means that it is awarded, not for advancing human knowledge as is the case with the real Nobels, but for defending the Neoclassical paradigm from criticism.

Here, Nordhaus did both very well, and very badly.

He did very well, because a core belief of Neoclassical economics is that market solutions are best, except where there is an “externality” in which either the costs or benefits of something are not fully captured in the market price.

Nordhaus treated climate change as an externality, and devised a market-based solution by involving a carbon price derived from what he called the “Social Cost of Carbon” (Nordhaus and Barrage 2023, p. 25). The empirical estimates he and other Neoclassical economists have made of the economic damages from global warming, versus the costs of attenuating those damages, implied that a price of $6 per ton of CO2 in 2022, rising to $90 per ton by 2040,112F would be enough to bring about the optimum balance between damages and the costs of reducing those damages. This, he asserts, would result in a temperature increase by 2100 of 2.7°C above pre-industrial temperatures, with damages to GDP in 2100 of 2.6%, compared to what GDP in 2100 would have been in the absence of global warming (Nordhaus and Barrage 2023, pp. 22-24).

He also defended Neoclassical methodology against the challenge posed by the system dynamics approach developed by Jay Forrester, and embodied both in The Limits to Growth (Meadows, Randers, and Meadows 1972) and its predecessor World Dynamics (Forrester 1971, 1973). Nordhaus not only denigrated the system dynamics approach (Nordhaus 1973, 1992a), but also developed an alternative based on the Neoclassical Ramsey Growth model (Ramsey 1928), DICE (Nordhaus 1993b). This was the world’s first “Integrated Assessment Model” (IAM), and since then, the economic analysis of climate change has been dominated by Neoclassical models—including Richard Tol’s FUND (Tol 1995) and Chris Hope’s PAGE (Hope, Anderson, and Wenman 1993)—rather than descendants of WORLD3, the system dynamics model behind the Limits to Growth.

However, Nordhaus also did very badly, because methods by which he derived empirical estimates of the economic damages from climate change were so transparently wrong that—despite my low opinion of Neoclassical economics in general—even I was shocked that these methods were accepted by referees. The referees of the “top” economics journals are exclusively Neoclassical economists, who have a similar devotion to the Neoclassical paradigm as Nordhaus, and comparable ignorance about the real world. But I was still stunned that they did not object to the bizarre empirical assumptions that Nordhaus made.

Other disciplines would not have been so forgiving. Any climate scientist would have rejected his first technique—later dubbed the “Enumerative Method” (Tol 2009, pp. 31-32)—when Nordhaus proposed it back in 1991 in “To Slow or Not to Slow: The Economics of The Greenhouse Effect” (Nordhaus 1991, pp. 930-931). Any self-respecting statistician would have rejected the second “Statistical” or “Cross-Sectional” method, which was developed by Nordhaus’s colleague Robert Mendelsohn (Mendelsohn et al. 2000).113F The “expert surveys” Nordhaus conducted (Nordhaus 1994a; Nordhaus and Moffat 2017) would likewise have been torn apart by any experienced market researcher. Subsequent variations on these themes (Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel 2015; Kahn et al. 2021; Dietz et al. 2021a) would have been rejected by any scientist with an understanding of tipping points.

These methods do not, in Solow’s colourful phrase, “pass the smell test: does this really make sense?”. But they survived refereeing because they were evaluated by advocates of Neoclassical economics who “no doubt believe what they say, but they seem to have stopped sniffing or to have lost their sense of smell altogether” (Solow 2010).

Policymakers, media, the finance sector, and much of the general public, who are unaware of what Lenton later described as the “huge gulf” (Lenton and Ciscar 2013, p. 585) between economists and climate scientists, have acted as if the economists’ estimates of damages are based on the work of scientists, and are therefore valid. As a consequence, humanity has taken trivial actions to combat climate change to date. Fossil fuel companies may have waged the war against action on climate change, but economists have been the arms dealers who have made the weapons of mass deception with which they have waged that war.

The great irony of the success of the fossil fuel disinformation campaign against action on global warming is that the weapons crafted for them by economists are so pathetically bad. I remember, before I started reading this literature, expecting to face the difficult task of explaining to a non-mathematical audience why the Ramsey growth model was the wrong foundation for modelling climate change, or why discount rates for damages should be low rather than high, and so on.114F But in fact, there was no need.

The fatal flaws in their analysis are fundamentally due to the ridiculously low estimates they have made, using ridiculously bad methods, of the damages that global warming will do to the economy. Even if the Ramsey growth models at the core of DICE, FUND, PAGE and other IAMs were perfect descriptions of reality—and they are far from that—then feeding in the numbers that economists have made up about global warming into those models would still vastly underestimate the damages that it will do to the economy. It’s all in the numbers, and the methods they’ve used to make up those numbers are statistical nonsense.

  1. Confusing the Weather with the Climate

My first exposure to the “enumerative method” was via the bland statement made about it by Tol in “The Economic Effects of Climate Change”:

Fankhauser (1994, 1995), Nordhaus (1994a), and me [sic.] (Tol, 1995, 2002a, b) use the enumerative method. In this approach, estimates of the “physical effects” of climate change are obtained one by one from natural science papers, which in turn may be based on some combination of climate models, and laboratory experiments. The physical impacts must then each be given a price and added up. For agricultural products, an example of a traded good or service, agronomy papers are used to predict the effect of climate on crop yield, and then market prices or economic models are used to value the change in output. (Tol 2009, pp. 31-32)

Superficially, this sounds like an unobjectionable method. But, as I put it in my first paper on this topic, “it’s what you don’t count that counts” (Keen 2020, p. 3). Only when I read Nordhaus’s 1991 paper “To Slow or Not to Slow: The Economics of The Greenhouse Effect” (Nordhaus 1991)—which, for no good reason, Tol did not include in his list of relevant papers115F—did I realise that the foundation of this method is assuming that climate is equivalent to the weather.

Nordhaus assumed that sectors that were “affected by climate change” would be those whose “output depends in a significant way upon climatic variables“. He then, on that assumption, assumed that fully 87% of America’s GDP would be “negligibly affected by climate change“:

Table 5 shows a sectoral breakdown of United States national income, where the economy is subdivided by the sectoral sensitivity to greenhouse warming. The most sensitive sectors are likely to be those, such as agriculture and forestry, in which output depends in a significant way upon climatic variables. At the other extreme are activities, such as cardiovascular surgery or microprocessor fabrication in ‘clean rooms’, which are undertaken in carefully controlled environments that will not be directly affected by climate change. Our estimate is that approximately 3% of United States national output is produced in highly sensitive sectors, another 10% in moderately sensitive sectors, and about 87% in sectors that are negligibly affected by climate change. (Nordhaus 1991, p. 930. Emphasis added)

The only thing that most of the industries in Nordhaus’s list of those that are “negligibly affected by climate change” have in common is that they are not directly exposed to the weather—see Table 16.

Table 16: Summary of Table 5 in (Nordhaus 1991, p. 931)

I emphasise “most”, because amongst the industries he claims will be negligibly affected is mining—some of which is open-cut, and therefore exposed to the weather.116F He reiterated this in the text of this paper:

for the bulk of the economy—manufacturing, mining, utilities, finance, trade, and most service industries—it is difficult to find major direct impacts of the projected climate changes over the next 50 to 75 years. (Nordhaus 1991, p. 932. Emphasis added)

In a sign that he really was confusing climate with weather, he amended this to underground mining in a subsequent paper—while still making the same claim that “most of the U.S. economy has little direct interaction with climate” and is therefore “unlikely to be directly affected by climate change”:

most of the U.S. economy has little direct interaction with climate… underground mining, most services, communications, and manufacturing are sectors likely to be largely unaffected by climate change—sectors that comprise around 85 percent of GDP. (Nordhaus 1993a, p. 15)

More significant though is his admission that for “the bulk of the economy” he found it “difficult to find major direct impacts of the projected climate changes over the next 50 to 75 years”.

Nordhaus found this difficult only because he is a Neoclassical economist. The obvious direct impact is humanity’s use of fossil fuels as energy sources for all the industries he thought would be “negligibly affected by climate change”. If the impacts of climate change become catastrophic for humanity as global temperatures increase, then it is feasible that energy for these industries will be curtailed, and their output will plummet. The only reason this was not obvious to him is that the Neoclassical model of production omits any role for energy, as I explained in Chapter 13.

The mistake of believing that manufacturing occurs in “carefully controlled environments” is a classic example of confusing the map (the aggregate production function) with the territory (the real world). The use of an aggregate production function , in which output Y is a function F() of inputs of Labour L and Capital K, has led him to ignore, not only that energy and raw material inputs from the natural world are needed to enable factories (and offices) to function, but also that manufacturing doesn’t occur inside the brackets of a production function, but inside millions of factories, connected by the web of fossil-fuel-driven transportation systems that we have weaved across the surface of the planet. If storms destroy roads—as they did in 2022 in Canada, cutting Vancouver off from the rest of the country117F—then that web of output breaks down. All manufacturing does not occur exclusively in “carefully controlled environments”, and the millions of essential connections between the natural world and factories, and between factories themselves, have very large and direct interactions with climate.

Ignorant of all the above issues, this first use of the “enumerative method” led Nordhaus to conclude that 3°C of global warming would decrease future GDP by a mere one quarter of one percent:

We estimate that the net economic damage from a 3°C warming is likely to be around ¼% of national income for the United States in terms of those variables we have been able to quantify. This figure is clearly incomplete, for it neglects a number of areas that are either inadequately studied or inherently unquantifiable. We might raise the number to around 1% of total global income to allow for these unmeasured and unquantifiable factors, although such an adjustment is purely ad hoc. It is not possible to give precise error bounds around this figure, but my hunch is that the overall impact upon human activity is unlikely to be larger than 2% of total output. (Nordhaus 1991, pp. 932-933. Emphasis added)

Hunch“? What on earth is the word “hunch” doing in an allegedly scientific paper? And yet, in a sign of the cavalier way in which Neoclassical economists in general treat the topic of global warming, the Editor of the journal which published Nordhaus’s paper—the prestigious Economic Journal—glossed over this and many other flaws in Nordhaus’s paper, to observe that:

On the basis of the standard scientific benchmark, namely a doubling of carbon dioxide equivalent in the atmosphere, Nordhaus reaches the conclusion that climate change is likely to produce a combination of gains and losses. Moreover, he argues that there is no strong presumption of substantial net economic damages. As he points out, this does not necessarily mean that there is a strong case for inaction but rather that the arguments for intervention need to be thought through carefully. The assessment is certainly a sobering antidote to some of the more extravagant claims for the effects of global warming. (Greenaway 1991, p. 902. Boldface emphasis added)

This epitomises the attitude of Neoclassical economists in general. Lacking any understanding of the role of energy in production, mistaking the map (their model of production) for the territory (the actual system of production), and having no formal training in the physical sciences, the majority of Neoclassical economists simply don’t believe that climate change can be a significant problem. Nordhaus supplied the answer that they expected and wanted, and little critical attention was paid as to how he produced that answer.

  1. Confusing Space with Time

While it took some detective work to realise that “the enumerative method” was absurd, as I note in the previous chapter, the ludicrous nature of “the statistical approach” (also called “cross-sectional”) was obvious as soon as I saw it:

An alternative approach, exemplified in Mendelsohn’s work, can be called the statistical approach. It is based on direct estimates of the welfare impacts, using observed variations (across space within a single country) in prices and expenditures to discern the effect of climate. Mendelsohn assumes that the observed variation of economic activity with climate over space holds over time as well; and uses climate models to estimate the future effect of climate change. (Tol 2009, p. 32. Emphasis added)

The misconception that global warming over time from rising CO2 levels will have a trivial impact upon the economy, because human societies function across a wide range of climates today, is a common refrain by climate change deniers. But I was stunned to see it repeated by an academic—even if he was a Neoclassical economist. However, not only did Tol report on this approach in his paper, he defended it in numerous tweets in response to criticism by me, and by climate scientists—see Figure 61 and Figure 62.

Figure 61 : Twitter exchanges over “the statistical approach” on June 17-18 2019

Figure 62: Twitter exchanges over “the statistical approach” on June 18 2019

There are so many ways in which this assumption—that today’s data on temperature and GDP can be used to predict the impact of global warming on the economy—that it’s hard to know where to start.

The most obvious fallacy is that space is not interchangeable with time! Despite Tol’s blasé statement that “if a relationship does not hold for climate variations over space, you cannot confidently assert that it holds over time”,118F the former cannot be used as a proxy for the latter.

If that isn’t immediately obvious to you, there are two more technical points that show this method is absurd.

The first is that the incomes of hot, temperate, and cold regions today are not independent. Hot locations, such as Florida, gain part of their income today by selling across space today to temperate places like Maryland and cold places like Alaska, and vice versa. But a future hotter Earth can’t trade across time with the colder Earth today.

To use comparisons of income variations today due to temperature differences today as a proxy for the effect of rising global temperatures on future Gross World Product, then at the very least you would need to correct for this income dependence across space, by excluding income that a hot region gains from trading with a cold region, and vice versa. Only products that are produced and consumed in cold, temperate and hot regions respectively should be used in the comparison. This would result in a much steeper relationship between temperature and income, but this was not even contemplated by the economists who used this method, let alone done.

Secondly, the mathematical term for a system which obeys Tol’s assumption—that a relationship that holds over space also holds over time—is that it is “ergodic” (Peters 2019; Drótos, Bódai, and Tél 2016). If this assumption holds, then, as the mathematician Ole Peters put it:

dynamical descriptions can often be replaced with much simpler probabilistic ones — time is essentially eliminated from the models. (Peters 2019, p. 1216)

However, ergodicity is a valid assumption only under a very restrictive set of conditions, and economists in general are unaware of this:

The conditions for validity are restrictive, even more so for non-equilibrium systems. Economics typically deals with systems far from equilibrium — specifically with models of growth… the prevailing formulations of economic theory … make an indiscriminate assumption of ergodicity. (Peters 2019, p. 1216. Emphasis added)

Using necessarily technical language, the physicists Drótos and Tél and the meteorologist Bódai are emphatic that “ergodicity does not hold” for the climate:

In nonautonomous dynamical systems, like in climate dynamics, an ensemble of trajectories initiated in the remote past defines a unique probability distribution, the natural measure of a snapshot attractor, for any instant of time, but this distribution typically changes in time. In cases with an aperiodic driving, temporal averages taken along a single trajectory would differ from the corresponding ensemble averages even in the infinite-time limit: ergodicity does not hold. (Drótos, Bódai, and Tél 2016, p. 022214-1. Emphasis added)

Therefore, you cannot, in principle, use climate across space as a proxy for climate across time. But this is what these economists did.

They also assumed, like Nordhaus before them (Nordhaus 1991), that only industries exposed to the weather would be affected by climate change: to quote Mendelsohn et al., “A separate model is designed for each sensitive market sector: agriculture, forestry, energy, water, and coastal structures” (Mendelsohn, Schlesinger, and Williams 2000, p. 39)

Finally, like Nordhaus, they simply assumed that population and economic growth in the aggregate would continue, despite a more than doubling of CO2 over pre-industrial levels (their final numerical estimates were of damages to this assumed future GDP in the absence of global warming):

We assume that humankind commits itself to a maximum equivalent CO2 concentration of 750 ppmv, which implies a carbon dioxide concentration of 612 ppmv in 2100. We assume that global population has doubled to 10 billion and that the global gross domestic product (GDP) is 217 trillion, a ten-fold increase. (Mendelsohn, Schlesinger, and Williams 2000, p. 38. Emphasis added)

With methods like these, it’s little wonder that Mendelsohn et at. predicted an even lower level of economic damages from global warming than Nordhaus generated from his “enumerative” method. They claimed that the relationship between global warming and GDP was parabolic (which Nordhaus also assumed), they described a 2.5C increase in global temperatures by 2100 as “modest”, and they predicted effectively no impact of that warming on GDP:

The climate-response functions in these studies were quadratic in temperature… Countries that are currently cooler than optimal are predicted to benefit from warming. Countries that happen to be warmer than optimal are predicted to be harmed by warming … the modest climate-change scenarios expected by 2100 are likely to have only a small effect on the world economy. The market impacts predicted in this analysis do not exceed 0.1% of global GDP and are likely to be smaller.(Mendelsohn, Schlesinger, and Williams 2000, pp. 41, 46. Emphasis added)

  1. Surveying mainly economists about Global Warming

As I noted earlier, I was alerted to existence of an expert survey of climate scientists about global warming and tipping points (Lenton et al. 2008b) by Nordhaus’s utterly false interpretations of its results (Nordhaus and Sztorc 2013, p. 11.; Nordhaus 2013, p. 60 ). This study is an exemplar of how expert surveys should be conducted.

The survey was preceded by a workshop at which the survey was trialled, after which 193 experts were identified from the literature, 52 of whom responded. Each respondent had expertise on a specific tipping point, and they were “encouraged to remain in their area of expertise” (Lenton et al. 2008a, p. 10). The key concept of “tipping elements” was carefully defined as “large elements of the planet’s climatic system (>1,000km in extent) which could be triggered into a qualitative change of state by increases in global temperature that could occur this century” (Lenton et al. 2008b, p. 1788).

Nordhaus’s paper “Expert Opinion on Climatic Change” (Nordhaus 1994b) was a caricature of this careful process. It began with a letter to three people “two experts in climatic change and one economist who had extensive experience in surveys)” (Nordhaus 1994b, p. 45), but from that point on it was biased to select economists rather than a broad range of disciplines. It ended with 19 respondents—”10 economists, four other social scientists and five natural scientists and engineers” (Nordhaus 1994b, p. 46)—but only 3 of the scientists had expertise in climate, while Nordhaus described 8 of the 10 economists as people “whose principal concerns lie outside environmental economics” (Nordhaus 1994b, p. 48)—meaning, of course, that they were not experts.119F

Furthermore, one of the scientists refused to answer Nordhaus’s key questions about the economic impact of global warming, stating that:

I must tell you that I marvel that economists are willing to make quantitative estimates of economic consequences of climate change where the only measures available are estimates of global surface average increases in temperature. As [one] who has spent his career worrying about the vagaries of the dynamics of the atmosphere, I marvel that they can translate a single global number, an extremely poor surrogate for a description of the climatic conditions, into quantitative estimates of impacts of global economic conditions. (Nordhaus 1994b, p. 51)

The most notable aspect of the survey was the huge gulf between the 8 non-expert economists and the two climate scientists who answered Nordhaus’s key questions. This asked for a prediction of damage to GDP in 2090 from 3°C (scenario A) and 6°C of warming (scenario C) respectively. Nordhaus noted that “Natural scientists’ estimates were 20 to 30 times higher than mainstream economists”—see Figure 63—and commented that “This difference of opinion is on the list of interesting research topics” (Nordhaus 1994b, pp. 49- 50), but this research was never done.

Figure 63: (Nordhaus 1994b, p. 49) noting the difference of opinion between climate scientists and economists

Nordhaus then used the average of the predictions from his 18 respondents as the damage prediction from this paper, thus diluting the extreme concern of 2 climate scientists in the blasé confidence of 8 non-expert economists, who were generally of the mind, as one of them put it, that:

the degree of adaptability of human economies is so high that for most of the scenarios the impact of global wanning would be “essentially zero.” (Nordhaus 1994b, p. 49)

  1. A Summing Up in 2009

Tol summarised these results in his Table 1 (see Figure 64), and commented that “Given that the studies in Table 1 use different methods, it is striking that the estimates are in broad agreement on a number of points” (Tol 2009, p. 33). But this is spurious: the methods were all worse that suspect, all dramatically minimised the dangers, and the economists involved all shared the assumption that “exposed to climate change” meant “exposed to the weather”.

Figure 64: Table 1 from(Tol 2009, p. 31)

The real conclusion, which Tol also noted, is that these comparable predictions are a product of groupthink:

it is quite possible that the estimates are not independent, as there are only a relatively small number of studies, based on similar data, by authors who know each other well… although the number of researchers who published marginal damage cost estimates is larger than the number of researchers who published total impact estimates, it is still a reasonably small and close-knit community who may be subject to group-think, peer pressure, and self-censoring. (Tol 2009, pp. 37, 43. Emphasis added)

The groupthink continued with new methods developed by the small but growing army of economists making an academic career out of publishing estimates of economic damages from global warming. Though some of these subsequent estimates are much larger than the norm reported by Tol for studies between 1994 and 2006—of damages to future GDP of about 1-2% from 2.5°C of warming—they are still based on spurious assumptions, and estimate damages that far lower than we are likely to experience.

  1. Assuming No Change to the Climate from Global Warming

The economic study that predicts the highest damages from global warming is Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel’s 2015 paper “Global non-linear effect of temperature on economic production”: it predicts a 23% fall in global income in 2100 from a 4°C increase in global average temperature over pre-industrial levels:

If future adaptation mimics past adaptation, unmitigated warming is expected to reshape the global economy by reducing average global incomes roughly 23% by 2100. (Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel 2015. Emphasis added)

But what do they mean by the text I’ve highlighted—”If future adaptation mimics past adaptation?

They mean, in effect, that they are assuming no change to the climate from global warming. That might sound bizarre—it is bizarre—but it is a product of their method, which was to use a database of temperatures and GDP over the period from 1960-2010, and then to derive a quadratic relationship between change in temperature and GDP for the period 1960-2010. They then extrapolated this relationship forward to 2100—implicitly assuming that the increase in global temperatures from 2015 till 2100 would not make the relationship they derived from 1960-2010 data invalid.

This method was subsequently mimicked by (Kahn et al. 2021), using a later version of this database with data to 2014, to assert that “if temperature rises (falls) above (below) its historical norm by 0.01°C annually for a long period of time, income growth will be lower by 0.0543 percentage points per year” (Kahn et al. 2021). Using this relationship for data from 1960 till 2014, then then predicted that:

an increase in average global temperature of 0.04°C per year [from 2020] … reduces world’s real GDP per capita by 7.22 percent by 2100. (Kahn et al. 2021, p. 3)

The fact that this prediction was based on a linear extrapolation of the result they derived for 1960-2014 is obvious in their Figure 2—reproduced here as Figure 65.

Figure 65: Figure 2 from (Kahn et al. 2021, p. 4) showing point estimates by other economists and their range estimate

This approach, of course, ignores the impact of tipping points, which could change the structure of the planet’s atmospheric and water circulation systems completely, and make any knowledge garnered from the pre-tipping points climate irrelevant.

Fortunately for these economists, if not for human civilisation, another group of economists predicted that tipping 8 major components of the Earth’s climate—Arctic summer sea-ice, the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets, the Amazon rainforest, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, permafrost, ocean methane hydrates, and the Indian monsoon—would reduce global income by a mere 1% at 3°C of warming, and 1.4% at 6°C.

  1. Reducing Tipping Points to Degrees

The paper that made this claim reached the apogee of economic delusion over climate change—though there may yet be even more absurd extensions to this literature.

The first four tipping points they consider would make Earth visibly different from space: the Arctic would be deep blue, and Greenland and the West Antarctic would be brown, rather than white; the Amazon would be brown rather than green. If the AMOC stops, the distribution of heat around the planet would be drastically altered: Western Europe and Scandinavia would be 2-5°C colder (Vellinga and Wood 2008, p. 59), while other regions would be commensurately warmer, with temperatures in South Asia rising by 2-3°C (Vellinga and Wood 2008, Figure 2, p. 50). The Permafrost and Ocean Methane Hydrates contain several times as much carbon as is currently in the atmosphere. And the lives of well over a billion people are structured around the current behaviour of the Indian monsoon.

The claim that these drastic changes to the Earth’s climatic system would cause a mere 1.4% fall in future GDP is absurd, and I and several colleagues, including the climate scientist Tim Lenton, said so in a letter to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the journal that published this paper (Keen et al. 2022). In a sign of just how disconnected from reality climate economists are, the authors of this study were surprised that we thought that impacts would be larger:

Keen et al. argue the conclusions and procedures in ref. 2 do not make sense, seemingly taking it as given that the economic impacts of climate tipping points will be larger than our estimates. (Dietz et al. 2022. Emphasis added)

They also defended themselves with the claim that “Dietz et al. modeling of climate tipping points is informative even if estimates are a probable lower bound” (Dietz et al. 2022).

These comments show how apt Robert Solow’s comment was, after the “Global Financial Crisis”, that many economists seem have lost their sense of smell (Solow 2010), and can make statements that are obviously nonsense, but not see that themselves.

A 1.4% fall of future GDP is only marginally greater than no fall at all. Normal people—that is, anyone who is neither a Neoclassical economist nor a climate change denier—would guess that climatic effects as severe as this paper contemplated would mean 100% destruction of the economy, not zero. It is in no way useful today to say that the fall in GDP will be 1.4%, rather than zero—there’s virtually no difference between them. Instead, this feeds into the delusions already built into this literature, that climate change is a minor issue, by portraying the most dangerous aspect of climate change—tipping points—as an equally trivial problem.

Dietz et al. also asserted that the impact of tipping points can be modelled using a “second-order polynomial”:

Tipping points increase the temperature response to GHG emissions over most of the range of temperatures attained … Using a second-order polynomial to fit the data, 2 warming in the absence of tipping points corresponds to 2.3 warming in the presence of tipping points, for instance. … Tipping points reduce global consumption per capita by around 1% upon 3 warming and by around 1.4% upon 6 warming, based on a second-order polynomial fit of the data. (Dietz et al. 2021a, p. 5. Emphasis added)

For non-mathematical readers, a second order polynomial (AKA a “quadratic”) asserts that the value of one variable is equal to a constant, multiplied by the value of another variable squared. In this case, economic damages are alleged to be equal to a constant multiplied by the increase in global average temperature squared.

As I discuss in the next section, this is an inappropriate function to use for modelling global warming in general. But it is particularly inappropriate here, since it contradicts the formal definition of a tipping point given by scientists in “Tipping elements in the Earth’s climate system” (Lenton et al. 2008b):

a system is a tipping element if the following condition is met: 1. The parameters controlling the system can be transparently combined into a single control … , and there exists a critical control value … from which any significant variation … leads to a qualitative change … in a crucial system feature … (Lenton et al. 2008b, p. 1786)120F

In the case of tipping points triggered by global warming, the control is the global average temperature, and the critical control value is the temperature at which the state of the tipping point, say the Arctic Ocean,121F is altered from one state to another—in this example, from ice-covered during summer to ice-free. The qualitative change is that a surface which used to reflect 90% of sunlight now absorbs 90%, and hence changes from cooling the planet to warming it.

To emulate this with a smooth mathematical function, at the very least you need a function whose rate of acceleration increases as global temperatures increase past the critical level. A quadratic cannot do this, since the rate of acceleration of a quadratic never changes.

Regardless, using this paper, Nordhaus is now claiming that he has incorporated the impact of tipping points in DICE:

Second, we have added the results of a comprehensive study of tipping points (Dietz et al. 2021), which estimates an additional 1% loss of global output due to 3 °C warming. (Nordhaus and Barrage 2023, pp. 8-9).

He has done this mainly by increasing the single parameter in his quadratic damage function from 0.00227 to 0.003467, thus resulting in a small increase in expected damages—rather than the catastrophic impacts rightly anticipated by climate scientists. This is the first time since 1992 that he has increased the value of his damage parameter—see Table 17—but this in no way accounts for tipping points.

  1. Assuming Constant Acceleration in Economic Damages

Nordhaus’s damage function has taken different forms over the life of DICE from 1992 till 2023—see Table 17 for its various incarnations—but the fundamental assumption has remained that economic damages from global warming will be proportional to the temperature change squared. Table 17 shows the form this function has taken, the parameters, and the predicted damages these functions return at 3°C and 6°C increases over pre-industrial levels.

Table 17: The damage function in Nordhaus’s DICE over time

This practice is rife amongst Neoclassical climate change economists, and it has absolutely no empirical or theoretical justification. In fact, this is one aspect of their modelling which has been consistently criticized by other economists—and in language similar to mine, rather than the anodyne norms of academic discourse:

Numerous subjective judgements, based on fragmentary evidence at best, are incorporated in the point estimate of 1.8% damages at 2.5°C … The assumption of a quadratic dependence of damage on temperature rise is even less grounded in any empirical evidence. Our review of the literature uncovered no rationale, whether empirical or theoretical, for adopting a quadratic form for the damage function—although the practice is endemic in IAMs. (Stanton, Ackerman, and Kartha 2009, p.172. Emphasis added)

Modelling climate economics requires forecasts of damages at temperatures outside historical experience; there is no reason to assume a simple quadratic (or other low-order polynomial) damage function. (Stanton, Ackerman, and Kartha 2009, p.179. Emphasis added)

this damage function is made up out of thin air. It isn’t based on any economic (or other) theory or any data. Furthermore, even if this inverse quadratic function were somehow the true damage function, there is no theory or data that can tell us the values for the parameters. (Pindyck 2017, p. 104. Emphasis added)

This paper asks how much we might be misled by our economic assessment of climate change when we employ a conventional quadratic damages function and/or a thin-tailed probability distribution for extreme temperatures… These numerical exercises suggest that |we might be underestimating considerably the welfare losses from uncertainty by using a quadratic damages function. (Weitzman 2012, p. 221)

Despite this criticism, Neoclassical climate change economists persist in using such a simple and misleading function: they acknowledge, and then ignore, their critics. In manual for the latest version of DICE, Nordhaus blandly states that:

Based on recent reviews, we further assume that a quadratic damage function best captures the impact of climate change on output (Nordhaus and Moffat, 2017; Hsiang et al., 2017). (Nordhaus and Barrage 2023, p. 8. Emphasis added)

But these “reviews” were by other economists who are just as deluded as Nordhaus, and considered statistical regressions of change in temperature data today against GDP today—in other words, they were based on the fallacy that today’s variations in climate and income across space can be used to predict the consequences climate change over time on the global economy.

To illustrate just how misleading this assumption is, Brian Hanley and I decided to compare a quadratic damage function to an exponential and a logistic function in (Keen and Hanley 2023).123F The data to which we fitted these functions was the USA’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Billion Dollar Damages Database.124F Across the actual range of recorded data, the functions are indistinguishable: despite appearances, there are 3 lines in Figure 66, not just one.

Figure 66: The fit of quadratic, exponential and logistic functions to the NOAA Billion Dollar Damages database

However, when you extrapolate those functions forward, the outcome is dramatically different. The quadratic extrapolation predicts damages within the ballpark set by Nordhaus and his acolytes, of a roughly 10% fall in future GDP by 2100. But the logistic suggests complete destruction of GDP in 2100, while the exponential implies that human civilisation will end by 2080—see Figure 67.

Figure 67: The extrapolation of quadratic, exponential and logistic functions from the NOAA Billion Dollar Damages database

Neither of our “predictions” are meant as such: we dispute the very concept of finding the fingerprint of global warming in current data. But if you are going to undertake that experiment, then at least do it with reliable 3rd party data like NOAA’s database, rather than numbers you’ve made up yourselves—as economists have done. And don’t only fit functions to your “data” which by assumption assert that global warming can’t be a problem—as economists have done by persisting with quadratic damage functions.

Of course, the longer you wait, the more likely you are to find evidence of global warming in current economic damages. The whole point of climate change research—before it was hijacked by economists—was to avoid this experience in the first place, by giving humanity sufficient warning to change its ways and avoid catastrophe. Now, thanks to the appallingly bad work by economists, and its success in persuading politicians that global warming is a problem of the 22nd century rather than the 21st, we are highly likely to experience that catastrophe—and in the immediate rather than the far distant future.

  1. Modelling Weather without Precipitation

Another sign of the cavalier way economists have treated climate change is that their “Integrated Assessment Models” (IAMs) include the impact of temperature on the economy, but not precipitation. Dietz et al. note, when explaining the results of the study they used to assess the impact of losing the AMOC on the economy, that:

AMOC slowdown is expected to have physical effects other than temperature change, for instance effects on precipitation and regional sea levels, but these have yet to be incorporated in economic studies. (Dietz et al. 2021b, p. 25. Emphasis added)

This is an outrageous failing: it has been more than 30 years since the first IAM, Nordhaus’s DICE, was published in 1992 (Nordhaus 1992b). And yet no economist has yet tried to include rainfall in addition to temperature in his—they are exclusively men—model of global warming!125F

This failing lies behind possibly the most ridiculous claim in this literature, that losing the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation—which is part of the planet-spanning “Thermohaline Circulation” (THC)—will actually boost the economy. This came from a study using Tol’s IAM “FUND”, in which the authors claimed that:

If the THC slows down a little, the global impact is a positive 0.2-0.3 percent of income. This goes up to 1.3 percent for a more pronounced slowdown. (Anthoff, Estrada, and Tol 2016, p. 604. Emphasis added)

This is nonsense, as was pointed out when actual climate scientists tackled the same issue using their far more sophisticated GCMs. In a study for the OECD, which considered the impact of the collapse of the AMOC in conjunction with a 2.5°C rise in temperature, Lenton concluded that this would cause a 70% fall in the proportion of the planet’s land surface that is suitable for growing corn and wheat. Far from having a positive impact on income, he stated that:

an AMOC collapse would clearly pose a critical challenge to food security. Such a collapse combined with climate change would have a catastrophic impact. (OECD 2021, p. 151. Emphasis added)

Tol and his colleagues waved away their failure to include the impact of precipitation changes in their paper with the statement that “Integrated assessment models often assume that other climate variables scale with temperature” (Anthoff, Estrada, and Tol 2016, p. 605. Emphasis added). In plain English, this is the assumption that, if temperature “gets better”, then so does rainfall! Since an AMOC shutdown would counteract global warming for northern Europe and North America, and they are the biggest economies, ipso facto the global economy will improve from losing this fundamental component of the planet’s climate.

This is nonsense: changes in global and local temperatures will cause changes in global and local precipitation, but by no means will they be in the same qualitative direction: a change to a more pleasant local temperature could be accompanied by the region turning into a desert or a swamp from decreased or increased rainfall.

This dissembling language is typical of Neoclassical climate change economics, with the most egregious but effective example being how they state damages as a percentage fall in future GDP.

  1. The Shell and Pea Trick of Damages to Future GDP

The biggest damage estimate in this literature comes from Burke et al.’s paper “Global non-linear effect of temperature on economic production”, which asserted that a 4°C increase in global temperature by 2100 would cause future GDP to fall by almost 25%:

unmitigated warming is expected to reshape the global economy by reducing average global incomes roughly 23% by 2100. (Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel 2015, p. 235)

That sounds like a big number, but it implies a trivial fall in the rate of economic growth. If the expected growth rate without global warming was 3% per annum, then this most severe damage prediction in the Neoclassical climate change literature asserts that global warming will reduce the annual rate of economic growth by 0.33% per annum, to 2.67% per year. Therefore, rather than GDP in 2100 being 11 times larger than 2020 in 2020, it will be “only” 8.5 times—see Figure 68.

Figure 68: Burke et al.’s 23% fall in GDP in 2100 graphed against time

The superficially intelligent reaction to this prediction is the one given by Stuart Kirk in his (in)famous speech at the Financial Times conference in 2022 entitled “Why investors need not worry about climate risk”
126F where, in reference to a hypothetical 5% fall in GDP by 2100, he said “who cares, you will never notice”:

Even by the UN IPCC own numbers, climate change will have a negligible effect on the world economy. A (large) temperature rise of 3.6 degrees by 2100 means a loss of 2.6 percent of global GDP. Let’s assume 5%… What they fail to tell everybody of course is between now and 2100 economies are going to grow a lot. At about 2 percent it’s [500%] and about three percent it’s [1000%] … the world is going to be between 500 or 1000 percent richer. If you knock five percent off that in 2100 who cares? You will never notice.

This is indeed how most politicians, policymakers, journalists, and much of the public, have actually reacted: Kirk is exceptional only for voicing this attitude.

However, the deeply intelligent reaction to these predictions is “why do economists expect such trivial damages from climate change?”. If, rather than predicting “a 23% fall in GDP in 2100” from 4°C of warming, economists said “a 0.33% fall in the annual rate of economic growth”, the triviality of their estimates might have alerted scientists to the fact that economists really don’t understand what climate change is.

The “x% fall in GDP by the year yyyy” predictions of climate economists can be converted into a “change in the annual growth rate of x%” prediction by the simple formula:

Here GDPLoss represents the fall in future GDP predicted by economists (stated as a decimal rather than a percentage), and Years is how far in the future this prediction was with respect to a reference date. Table 18 applies this formula to some of the roughly 40 papers economists have written that have generated fall in future GDP predictions, and converts them into predicted falls in the annual rate of growth. Not one of them implies a decline in GDP from climate change, and many are predictions of a decline in the rate of growth which is below the 0.1% per year accuracy with which actual GDP growth is measured today.

Table 18: Some economic damage estimates converted into predicted fall in annual growth rate

These figures explain why one of Nordhaus’ respondents to his 1994 survey of “experts” remarked that:

“I am impressed with the view that it takes a very sharp pencil to see the difference between the world with and without climate change or with and without mitigation.” (Nordhaus 1994b, p. 48)

  1. Conclusion

The only explanation for how bad this work by Neoclassical climate change economists has been is the methodological topic covered in the previous chapter: consciously or otherwise, Neoclassical economists respond to a perceived attack on their paradigm by making domain assumptions that appear reasonable to them, but are insane from any outsider’s perspective. The paradigm is preserved, at the expense, when these crazy assumptions affect government policy, of harming the economy itself.

In the past, as with the Global Financial Crisis, this has simply meant that economists have blinded policymakers to economic events like the Great Depression and the Global Financial Crisis, where a corrective action by governments could ultimately attenuate the damage. But with Global Warming, their defence of their paradigm will in all likelihood put capitalism into an existential crisis. The damages from climate change will be far, far greater than economists have told policymakers they will be, and the remedies are not relatively simple economic policies like The New Deal, but engineering feats that humanity has never managed in the past, and which may be too little, too late, against the enormous forces of a perturbed climate.

Therefore, Neoclassical economics is not merely an inappropriate paradigm for the analysis of capitalism, but a deluded manner of thinking about capitalism that may end up causing the destruction of capitalism itself.

It has to go.

  1. References

    Anthoff, David, Francisco Estrada, and Richard S. J. Tol. 2016. ‘Shutting Down the Thermohaline Circulation’, The American Economic Review, 106: 602-06.

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Capitalism, with friends like these, you don’t need enemies

Though I have been interested in ecological economics ever since I read The Limits to Growth (Meadows, Randers, and Meadows 1972), E.F. Schumacher (Schumacher 1973, 1979) and Hermann Daly (Daly 1974) in the early 1970s, and I have been a critic of Neoclassical economics for just as long, I didn’t start critiquing the Neoclassical approach to climate change until 2019. This was because, though I expected it to be bad, I felt that I could not critique it until after I had made a positive contribution to ecological economics myself.

This is a chapter in my draft book Rebuilding Economics from the Top Down, which will be published early in 2024 by the Budapest Centre for Long-Term Sustainability

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That occurred when, while working with the brilliant pioneer of the economics of energy Bob Ayres, the aphorism “labour without energy is a corpse, while capital without energy is a sculpture” occurred to me, and enabled me to work out how to bring energy into mathematical models of production in a fundamental way, using the concepts explained in the last chapter. In June 2019, after our paper “A Note on the Role of Energy in Production” (Keen, Ayres, and Standish 2019, p. 41) had been published—and after William Nordhaus had been awarded the “Nobel” Prize in Economics in 2018 for his work on the economics of climate change—I sat down to read the Neoclassical literature, commencing with Richard Tol’s overview paper “The Economic Effects of Climate Change” (Tol 2009).

Minutes later, I read the sentences quoted below, and I was both horrified, and very regretful of my decision to delay taking this area on:

An alternative approach, exemplified in Mendelsohn’s work, can be called the statistical approach. It is based on direct estimates of the welfare impacts, using observed variations (across space within a single country) in prices and expenditures to discern the effect of climate. Mendelsohn assumes that the observed variation of economic activity with climate over space holds over time as well; and uses climate models to estimate the future effect of climate change. (Tol 2009, p. 32. Emphasis added)

This assumption was patently absurd—as I explain in the next chapter—and yet it had been published in a “top five” economics journal (Bornmann, Butz, and Wohlrabe 2018; Mixon and Upadhyaya 2022). Worse, as I read the literature in detail, I found that, though many other aspects of the Neoclassical economics of climate change had been criticized by other economists, (Kaufmann 1997, 1998; Darwin 1999; Quiggin and Horowitz 1999; DeCanio 2003; Schlenker, Hanemann, and Fisher 2005; Ackerman and Stanton 2008; Stanton, Ackerman, and Kartha 2009; Ackerman, Stanton, and Bueno 2010; Weitzman 2011b, 2011a; Ackerman and Munitz 2012; Pindyck 2013, 2017), no-one had criticised it for what I saw as its most obvious flaw: the simply ludicrous “data” to which Neoclassical models of climate change had been fitted.

The empirical assumptions that economists specialising in climate change have made are so—to be frank—stupid, that, even if their mathematical models perfectly captured the actual structure of the global economy precisely (which of course they don’t), their forecasts of economic damages from climate change would still be ludicrously low. They are also so obviously wrong that the mystery is why these assumptions were ever published. Therefore, before I discuss their work on climate change, I have to take a diversion into the topics of scientific and economic methodology.

  1. “Simplifying Assumptions”, Milton Friedman, and the “F-twist”

As I noted in Chapter 5, every survey that has ever been done of the cost structure of real-world firms has returned a result that contradicts Neoclassical economic theory. Rather than firms facing rising marginal cost because of diminishing marginal productivity, the vast majority of real-world firms operate with substantial excess capacity, and therefore experience constant or even rising marginal productivity as production increases. This means that marginal cost either remains constant or falls with output, rather than rising, as mainstream economic theory assumes.

In the 1930s, 40s and early 50s, a large number of papers were published reporting on these results in the leading journals of the discipline, such as Oxford Economic Papers (Hall and Hitch 1939; Tucker 1940; Andrews 1941, 1949, 1950; Andrews and Brunner 1950), the Quarterly Journal of Economics (Eiteman 1945), and the American Economic Review (Means 1936; Tucker 1937; Garver et al. 1938; Tucker 1938; Lester 1946; Oliver 1947; Eiteman 1947; Lester 1947; Eiteman 1948; Eiteman and Guthrie 1952; Eiteman 1953). These papers made the point that, since marginal cost is either constant or falling, the mainstream profit-maximisation rule, of equating marginal revenue to marginal cost, must be wrong.

Writing in the American Economic Review, Eiteman put it this way in 1947: an engineer designs a factory:

so as to cause the variable factor to be used most efficiently when the plant is operated close to capacity. Under such conditions an average variable cost curve declines steadily until the point of capacity output is reached. A marginal curve derived from such an average cost curve lies below the average curve at all scales of operation short of peak production, a fact that makes it physically impossible for an enterprise to determine a scale of operations by equating marginal cost and marginal revenues unless demand is extremely inelastic. (Eiteman 1947, p. 913. Emphasis added)

One might have expected that economists would have reacted to this empirical discovery by realising that economic theory had to change. But instead, in “The Methodology of Positive Economics” (Friedman 1953`), Milton Friedman argued that economists should ignore these papers, and criticism of economics for being unrealistic in general, on the basis that the more significant a theory was, the more “unrealistic” its assumptions would be—an argument that Samuelson dubbed “The F-twist” (Archibald, Simon, and Samuelson 1963; Wong 1973):

In so far as a theory can be said to have “assumptions” at all, and in so far as their “realism” can be judged independently of the validity of predictions, the relation between the significance of a theory and the “realism” of its “assumptions” is almost the opposite of that suggested by the view under criticism. Truly important and significant hypotheses will be found to have “assumptions” that are wildly inaccurate descriptive representations of reality, and, in general, the more significant the theory, the more unrealistic the assumptions (in this sense). The reason is simple. A hypothesis is important if it “explains” much by little, that is, if it abstracts the common and crucial elements from the mass of complex and detailed circumstances surrounding the phenomena to be explained and permits valid predictions on the basis of them alone. To be important, therefore, a hypothesis must be descriptively false in its assumptions… (Friedman 1953, p. 14. Emphasis added)

He followed up with an attack on the significance of the papers which pointed out that marginal cost does not rise with output (as well as an attack on the model of imperfect competition):

The theory of monopolistic and imperfect competition is one example of the neglect in economic theory of these propositions. The development of this analysis was explicitly motivated, and its wide acceptance and approval largely explained, by the belief that the assumptions of “perfect competition” or, “perfect monopoly” said to underlie neoclassical economic theory are a false image of reality. And this belief was itself based almost entirely on the directly perceived descriptive inaccuracy of the assumptions rather than on any recognized contradiction of predictions derived from neoclassical economic theory. The lengthy discussion on marginal analysis in the American Economic Review some years ago is an even clearer, though much less important, example. The articles on both sides of the controversy largely neglect what seems to me clearly the main issue—the conformity to experience of the implications of, the marginal analysis—and concentrate on the largely irrelevant question whether businessmen do or do not in fact reach their decisions by consulting schedules, or curves, or multivariable functions showing marginal cost and marginal revenue. (Friedman 1953, p. 15. Emphasis added)

Friedman ridiculed the survey methods behind this research:

The abstract methodological issues we have been discussing have a direct bearing on the perennial criticism of “orthodox” economic theory as “unrealistic”… A particularly clear example is furnished by the recent criticisms of the maximization-of-returns hypothesis on the grounds that businessmen do not and indeed cannot behave as the theory “assumes” they do. The evidence cited to support this assertion is generally taken either from the answers given by businessmen to questions about the factors affecting their decisions—a procedure for testing economic theories that is about on a par with testing theories of longevity by asking octogenarians how they account for their long life—or from descriptive studies of the decision-making activities of individual firms. Little if any evidence is ever cited on the conformity of businessmen’s actual market behaviour—what they do rather than what they say they do—with the implications of the hypothesis being criticized, on the one hand, and of an alternative hypothesis, on the other. (Friedman 1953, pp. 30-31. Emphasis added)

And he also ridiculed the search for more realism in general:

A theory or its “assumptions” cannot possibly be thoroughly “realistic” in the immediate descriptive sense so often assigned, to this term. A completely “realistic” theory of the wheat market would have to include not only the conditions directly underlying the supply and demand for wheat but also the kind of coins or credit instruments used to make exchanges; the personal characteristics of wheat-traders such as the color of each trader’s hair and eyes, his antecedents and education, the number of members of his family, their characteristics, antecedents, and education, etc.; the kind of soil on which the wheat was grown, its physical and chemical characteristics, the weather prevailing during the growing season; the personal characteristics of the farmers growing the wheat and of the consumers who will ultimately use it; and so on indefinitely. Any attempt to move very far in achieving this kind of “‘realism” is certain to render a theory utterly useless. (Friedman 1953, p. 32)

Friedman’s paper merely codified the standard retort that economists have always made when their assumptions have been challenged, but since his paper, he has been cited as the authority when needed. However, his paper had a definite if perverse effect on the development of Neoclassical theory: though he cautioned in a footnote that “The converse of the proposition does not of course hold: assumptions that are unrealistic (in this sense) do not guarantee a significant theory”, his claim almost led to an arms race amongst economists to make the most unrealistic assumptions possible.

  1. Domain Assumptions, Paradigms, and Scientific Revolutions

In the paper “‘Unreal Assumptions’ in Economic Theory: The F‐Twist Untwisted” (Musgrave 1981), the philosopher Alan Musgrave explained that Friedman’s dictum was true of “simplifying assumptions”, but utterly false when applied to what he called “domain assumptions”.

A simplifying assumption is a decision to omit some aspect of the real world which, if you included it, would make your model vastly more complicated, but only change your results very slightly. The items Friedman lists in his example of a “completely “realistic” theory of the wheat market” are unrealistic instances of this: an economic model including “the color of each trader’s hair and eyes” would be vastly more complicated, and would obviously have no effect on the model’s predictive power, but why would anyone bother creating such a model?

A more realistic example of a simplifying assumption is Galileo’s apocryphal proof that objects of different weight fall at the same speed by dropping lead balls out of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Such an experiment “assumes” that the balls are being dropped in a vacuum. Taking air resistance into account would result in a vastly more complicated experiment, but the result would be much the same, because given the height of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and the density and weight of lead balls, the simplifying assumption that the existence of air resistance can be ignored is reasonable.

But a domain assumption is completely different: this is an assumption which determines whether your model applies or not. If your domain assumption applies, then your theory also applies, and is valid; if it does not, then your theory does not apply and is invalid. Therefore, domain assumptions should be realistic, otherwise the resulting theory will be false. Realism in domain assumptions is essential.

This is why the target of Friedman’s ire is so important: he was defending, not a simplifying assumption, but a domain assumption which is false.

The Neoclassical theory of profit maximisation—that a firm maximizes profit by equating marginal cost and marginal revenue—applies if firms have rising marginal cost. However, the papers that Friedman advised economists not to read revealed that, for the vast majority of firms, marginal cost did not rise, and for the reasons given by Eiteman earlier: factories are designed by engineers to be most efficient at maximum output. As the mathematics in Chapter 5 showed, in this real-world situation, marginal revenue is always greater than marginal cost, and the sensible profit maximisation strategy is to sell as many units as possible. Making the domain assumption that real-world factories experience diminishing marginal productivity (and therefore rising marginal cost) is a domain assumption which leads to a false theory of profit maximisation for the real world.

This is why the results of Blinder’s survey were, as Alan Blinder put it, “overwhelmingly bad news … (for economic theory) (Blinder 1998, p. 102), because the theory of supply and demand falls apart:

  • There is no supply curve: as Blinder acknowledges, rising marginal cost is “enshrined in every textbook and employed in most economic models. It is the foundation of the upward-sloping supply curve” (Blinder 1998, p. 101).
  • Though sales necessarily equal purchases, this is not a point of equilibrium: the sellers have excess capacity and could sell more units if they could find buyers.
  • The welfare-maximising conclusions of Neoclassical economics also fall by the wayside: rather than the market equating marginal revenue and marginal cost, thus maximising consumer utility subject to the constraints of producer cost, there is a gap between the two that explains the evolutionary competitive process we actually see in the real world.
  • That competitive struggle leads to a power law distribution of firm sizes—which again, we see in the real world (Axtell 2001, 2006). Perfect competition is not a desirable state, but a myth. A very different—and much richer—theory is required to understand actual competition and actual microeconomic behaviour than the toy models of Neoclassical economics.

Acknowledging this empirical research into actual firm costs, in other words, requires a revolution in economic thought, just as Galileo’s experiment led to a revolution in scientific thought. And just as other intellectuals and the Catholic Church resisted Galileo’s findings, because they overturned beliefs that they had held for millennia, Neoclassical economists resisted these findings, because they overturn the Marshallian paradigm to which they are wedded.

This reflects the phenomenon noted by the philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn (Kuhn 1970) and the physicist Max Planck (Planck 1949), that most scientists, once they are committed to a paradigm, continue to cling to it, even after encountering contrary evidence.

Blinder’s own reaction to his own research is both instructive and pathetic. A decade after he found that diminishing marginal productivity does not apply to real-world firms, Blinder continued to teach in his textbook that real-world firms are subject to diminishing marginal productivity, and experience rising marginal cost (Baumol and Blinder 2011, pp. 127-133). In fact, Blinder’s discovery clearly disturbed him so much that the explanation he gives for diminishing marginal productivity, and one of the examples he gives of it, are both wrong, even from the point of view of Neoclassical economics.

Blinder’s behaviour is evidence of how disturbing the results of his own research were to Blinder himself, and is also a vivid example of the mental gymnastics that believers in a failed paradigm are willing to undertake to avoid abandoning the paradigm. If Blinder acknowledged his own research and followed through its consequences as I did in Chapter 5, then he could no longer be a Neoclassical economist. So instead, he ignored his own results, and does not even mention his own research into this topic in his own textbook!

Blinder’s reaction to his discovery is not an exception: it is the norm. When Neoclassical researchers finds results that contradict Neoclassical theory, they almost always make outrageous assumptions to cover them up, and so to persuade themselves that they haven’t broken the paradigm. They then describe these outrageous propositions as simplifying assumptions. Here is a by-no-means complete selection of such assumptions:

  • In 1953, William Gorman considered the question of whether a country could have its tastes represented by a single “community preference field”—which is a common assumption in the Neoclassical theory of international trade. He concluded that:

there is just one community indifference locus through each point if, and only if, the Engel curves for different individuals at the same prices are parallel straight lines. (Gorman 1953, p. 63)

This amounts to the assumption, not merely that all individuals have the same tastes (otherwise “Engel curves” would intersect), but also that all commodities are identical (otherwise they would not be straight lines). He then commented—as I noted earlier—that:

The necessary and sufficient condition quoted above is intuitively reasonable. It says, in effect, that an extra unit of purchasing power should be spent in the same way no matter to whom it is given. (Gorman 1953, p. 63)

This is not a simplifying assumption: it is an insane, false, assumption made to cling to the belief that Neoclassical trade theory is valid.

  • In 1956, Paul Samuelson, considering a related problem—whether a downward-sloping market demand curve could be derived from summing individuals who all had downward-sloping individual demand curve—concluded that this could be done for a family:

if within the family there can be assumed to take place an optimal reallocation of income so as to keep each member’s dollar expenditure of equal ethical worth, then there can be derived for the whole family a set of well-behaved indifference contours relating the totals of what it consumes: the family can be said to act as if it maximizes such a group preference function. (Samuelson 1956, p. 21)

He immediately generalised this to the whole of society:

The same argument will apply to all of society if optimal reallocations of income can be assumed to keep the ethical worth of each person’s marginal dollar equal. (Samuelson 1956, p. 21. Emphasis added)

So, a downward sloping market demand can be derived if we’re willing to assume that someone—”a benevolent central authority perhaps”
(Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green 1995, pp. 117. Emphasis added), to cite a textbook that teaches this result to students—reallocates income before consumption “to keep the ethical worth of each person’s marginal dollar equal“.

This is not a simplifying assumption: it is an insane, false, assumption made to cling to the belief that the Neoclassical theory of demand is valid.

  • In 1964, William Sharpe tried to construct a theory of asset pricing by firstly building an elaborate model of a single individual allocating his investments between a risk-free interest-paying bond and a spectrum of risky assets. Having built this model of a single individual, he extended it to a model of all investors by assuming:

homogeneity of investor expectations: investors are assumed to agree on the prospects of various investments investments-the expected values, standard deviations and correlation coefficients described in Part II (Sharpe 1964, pp. 433-34)

Not only that, as Fama confirmed when reporting on the (surprise, surprise!) empirical failure of this theory forty years later:

And this distribution is the true one—that is, it is the distribution from which the returns we use to test the model are drawn. (Fama and French 2004, p. 26)

It is little wonder that a theory of stock market prices that assumed that all investors were able to accurately predict the future failed!

This is not a simplifying assumption: it is an insane, false, assumption made to cling to the belief that the Neoclassical theory of asset prices is valid.

None of this, nor the myriad other examples I could cite, represents the behaviour of a scientific community. It is instead the behaviour of a cult, hanging on to its core beliefs despite repeated contradictions of those beliefs by reality.

Ironically, this is not unique to Neoclassical economists—Marx did the same thing when he developed a philosophical explanation for the source of value which contradicted his “Labour Theory of Value” (Keen 1993a, 1993b). Nor, even, is it unique to economists alone. Max Planck, the brilliant physicist who ushered in the era of quantum mechanics, lamented in his autobiography that:

It is one of the most painful experiences of my entire scientific life that I have but seldom—in fact, I might say, never—succeeded in gaining universal recognition for a new result, the truth of which I could demonstrate by a conclusive, albeit only theoretical proof. (Planck 1949, p. 22)

What is unique to economists is that the anomalies in science which show that a dominant paradigm—say, the Maxwellian one about the nature of energy—is false are permanent. Once the anomaly has been discovered, it can be recreated at any time by anyone with the necessary equipment. Therefore, even if existing scientists refuse to abandon the falsified paradigm, they are ultimately replaced by new scientists who, as students, know that the anomaly exists, and that they will make their intellectual mark if they can resolve the anomaly with a new paradigm. Planck’s explanation for how sciences advance was paraphrased as “science advances one funeral at a time”, but what he actually described was generational change:

A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. (Planck 1949, p. 23)

These mechanisms of change do not exist in economics. Firstly, anomalies in economics are transient. If the anomaly is an event—like, say, The Great Depression—then it can be forgotten as new events take its place. If the anomaly is a theoretical result—like the “Cambridge Controversies” over the nature of capital, which Samuelson conceded that Neoclassicals lost, ending his paper “A summing up” with this poignant concession:

If all this causes headaches for those nostalgic for the old-time parables of neoclassical writing, we must remind ourselves that scholars are not born to live an easy existence. We must respect, and appraise, the facts of life. (Samuelson 1966)

This can be forgotten by later Neoclassical economists if Neoclassical economists—including Samuelson himself—continuing to behave as if they in fact won the debate, by continuing to teach the concepts, such as the marginal productivity theory of income distribution, which this debate proved was false, and in which he conceded defeat. Consequently, later Neoclassicals can think that they actually won arguments that Neoclassical participants at the time actually conceded that they lost. This is Paul Krugman, writing in 2014:

And what’s going on here, I think, is a fairly desperate attempt to claim that the Great Recession and its aftermath somehow prove that Joan Robinson and Nicholas Kaldor were right in the Cambridge controversies of the 1960s. It’s a huge non sequitur, even if you think they were indeed right (which you shouldn’t.) But that’s what seems to be happening.

This unscientific behaviour by Neoclassical economists have several consequences that enabled the dangerous nonsense I detail in the next chapter to be published.

Firstly, they are raised in a virtual ocean of unrealistic domain assumptions, while at the same time these false assumptions are essential to the Panglossian vision they have of capitalism. That makes them almost blind to the assumptions in a Neoclassical economics paper: they read the method by which the results were derived from the assumptions, rather than casting a critical eye over the assumptions themselves.

Secondly, the essential role of these assumptions is to preserve the Neoclassical vision of capitalism, and not to preserve capitalism itself—which they innately believe is indestructible anyway. They become zealots for market solutions above all other approaches to remedying society’s ills.

Thirdly, the inability to understand the role of energy, and raw materials in general, in enabling human society to evolve, has led to a training of economists devoid of any real knowledge of the biophysical nature of existence.

This combination of foibles—accepting almost any assumptions, so long as they preserve the vision of capitalism as a self-regulating system, believing that capitalism can in fact survive any threat, and having virtually no knowledge of the physical nature of production—has had the fatal result that they could not accept that climate change could be a serious threat to capitalism. So when William Nordhaus “proved” this result, subject of course to some “simplifying assumptions”, they were happy to accept such assumptions without even considering that they were insanely false assumptions about the nature of the biosphere.



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Putting Energy Back into Economics

Human society is energy blind. Like a fish in water, it takes for granted the existence of that without which it could not survive.

As with so many of humanity’s problems, this conceptual failure can be traced back to an economist. However, the guilty party is not one of “the usual suspects”—Neoclassical economists—but the person virtually all economists describe as “the Father of Economics”, Adam Smith.

Smith led economics astray on the vital issue of energy in the very first sentence of The Wealth of Nations, when he stated that:

THE annual labour of every nation is the fund which originally supplies it with all the necessaries and conveniences of life which it annually consumes… (Smith 1776, p. 10. Emphasis added)

I emphasize “labour” in that sentence because, apart from that word, it is virtually identical to the opening sentence of Richard Cantillon’s Essay on Economic Theory, which was published two decades before The Wealth of Nations:

Land is the source or matter from which all wealth is drawn; man’s labor provides the form for its production, and wealth in itself is nothing but the food, conveniences, and pleasures of life. (Cantillon 1755, p. 21. Emphasis added)

With that one word altered, economics took a terrible lurch away from realism and into fantasy. Cantillon’s insight was that what existed before Man and outside human society—let alone outside “the economy”—was the source of the material wealth we generate within the economy. Smith’s substitution saw an action within the economy itself—the work of the labourer—as the source of value, and the division of labour over time as the source of its growth.

Cantillon’s perspective, that wealth originated outside the economy—though the form wealth took was shaped within it—was correct, according to the incontrovertible Laws of Thermodynamics (Ulgiati and Bianciardi 2004; Eddington 1928, p. 37). Smith’s perspective was wrong, because he contemplated that the closed system of the economy could produce more outputs than inputs over time. This wasn’t known to be false until a century after The Wealth of Nations, when the Laws of Thermodynamics were developed, so Smith cannot be criticised for that mistake. But economists today should not persist with models of production that violate the Laws of Thermodynamics.

From the First Law, that energy is conserved, we know that there cannot be a surplus of outputs over inputs. From the Second Law, that energy degrades when used to do work, we know that order declines over time in a closed system—which the economy, considered in isolation from the environment, is. So, even worse than “no surplus”, there is “more disorder”: the economy, considered in isolation from the environment, must degrade rather than grow. To explain the economy, we must start from a flow of energy from the environment into the economy, and end with waste that must be dumped back into the environment, as a consequence, not merely of growth, but of any economic activity whatsoever, whether the economy is expanding or contracting.

Classical and Neoclassical economics developed in ignorance of these Laws, and therefore developed in ignorance of the role of energy in production. Marshall used the term “energy” 79 times in the foundational text for Neoclassical economics, his Principles of Economics (Marshall 1890 [1920]), but always to describe human initiative and action, and not once in the thermodynamic sense. Energy, which should be front and centre in the economic analysis of production, instead disappeared from view.

Neoclassical Economics—the Cobb Douglas Production Function

Cobb and Douglas, when they developed the now dominant Neoclassical model of production, considered only Labour and Capital as inputs—though they did state that “we should ultimately look forward toward including the third factor of natural resources in our equations and of seeing to what degree this modifies our conclusions” (Cobb and Douglas 1928, p. 164). That was never done. Instead, after an initially rocky reception, the Cobb-Douglas Production Function (CDPF), with only Labour and Capital as inputs, became the accepted model of production for Neoclassical economists. The reason for its acceptance was neatly expressed by Robert Solow when he quipped to Franklin Fisher that:

had Douglas found labor’s share to be 25 per cent and capital’s 75 per cent instead of the other way around, we would not now be discussing aggregate production functions. (Fisher 1971, p. 305)

Cobb and Douglas found that result by fitting the function shown in Equation to index number data, which they had laboriously assembled from Census data and an established index of manufacturing output (see Table 4 in the Appendix). In Equation , P stands for manufacturing output, L and C for employment and capital respectively in manufacturing, and b is a constant:


Their regression returned the result shown in Equation :


They reported an extremely high correlation coefficient, not merely for Equation , but for what they described as the data “with trends eliminated”:

The coefficient of correlation between P
and P’ with trends included is .97 and with trends eliminated is .94. (Cobb and Douglas 1928, p. 154)

This implied a high level of robustness for their result, but this is not the case. The results and high correlations for the absolute value data are correct, but as Samuelson later observed, this was largely due to the collinearity of the data (Samuelson 1979, pp. 929). However, their stated results for the “trends eliminated” data are an artefact of their method of de-trending, which was to analyse the three-year moving average. When annual changes are used, the results are disastrous: the coefficient for is negative (and, for what it’s worth, the R2 is much lower)—see Table 1.

Table 1: Parameter values and R2 from the Cobb-Douglas index data, and annual fractional change in the data

The results are similarly bad when modern data is fitted—see Table 5 in the Appendix for the Penn World Tables data for the USA from 1950 till 2019 (Feenstra, Inklaar, and Timmer 2015) and the fractional annual rate of change. The results from fitting the CDPF to this data are shown in Table 2 and are similarly disastrous for Neoclassical theory. A fit of the CDPF to aggregate data returns an of 1.24, which heavily weights Capital’s contribution to output, and gives Labour a negative weight. The annual rates of change data generates a value for which is less than 1, but also “wrong”, in terms of the Neoclassical theory of income distribution: it attributes 71% of the change in output to Capital and only 29% to Labour. This may in fact be more realistic, but it conflicts with distribution of income data, and therefore with Neoclassical theory. As Solow said, had Cobb and Douglas returned results like these, Neoclassical economists “would not now be discussing aggregate production functions”.

Table 2: CDPF fitted to PWT data for the USA from 1950 till 2019

Rescued by Solow’s Residual

However, Neoclassical economists were saved the embarrassment of encountering these results by Solow’s introduction of technical change into the CDPF. His intentions were laudable, but to achieve his objective he had to add two assumptions—that the exponents in the CDPF were the marginal products of Labour and Capital, and that these were equivalent to income-share data:

The new wrinkle I want to describe is an elementary way of segregating variations in output per head due to technical change from those due to changes in the availability of capital per head. Naturally, every additional bit of information has its price. In this case the price consists of one new required time series, the share of labor or property in total income, and one new assumption, that factors are paid their marginal products. Since the former is probably more respectable than the other data I shall use, and since the latter is an assumption often made, the price may not be unreasonably high. (Solow 1957, p. 312. Emphasis added)

Of course, Neoclassical economists were more than willing to pay this “price”, since it was to assume that their theory of production and of income distribution were both correct, and consistent with each other. They could then derive the contribution of change in technology from the difference between change in GDP and change in the two income-distribution-weighted “factors of production”. From this date on, the exponents in the CDPF were not derived from empirical data, but were simply assumed to be correct, and equal to the shares of Labour and Capital in income distribution data—1/3rd for Capital and 2/3rds for Labour (Solow 1957, Table 1, p. 315). Variation between changes in output and the weighted changes in inputs was attributed to “total factor productivity” and measured by “the Solow Residual”. The fact that, in Solow’s initial paper, 87.5% of growth was attributed to technical change, and only 12.5% to changes in the factor proportions of Labour and Capital, was only moderately embarrassing. Subsequently, Neoclassical economists have since simply assumed that their models of production and distribution are correct, and the coefficients of the CDPF have altered from flawed empirical findings to unquestioned theoretical assumptions.

All of this was without considering energy: to this day, the vast majority of Neoclassical models of production consider only Labour and Capital as inputs. But when energy was considered by some Neoclassicals, it was accorded the same treatment: its exponent was set by its share in GDP, and this was assumed to be equal to its marginal productivity.

The Power(lessness) of Energy?

Two of the very few Neoclassical papers that include energy in a production function and ascribe a numerical value to it are (Engström and Gars 2016) and (Bachmann et al. 2022). The former uses an exponent of 0.03 and the latter of 0.04, in production functions of the form shown in Equation :


Both made Solow’s assumption that the share of energy in GDP is equal to the marginal productivity of Energy. This led Bachmann et al. to comment that:

Therefore, for example, a drop in energy supply of log E = -10% reduces production by logY = 0.04 x 0.1 = 0.004 =0.4% … [which] … “shows that production is quite insensitive to energy E as expected” (Bachmann et al. 2022, Appendix, p. 5. Emphasis added).

The data begs to differ. Table 6 and Figure 1 to Figure 5 show Gross World Product against Primary Energy Supply for the years 1971 till 2019. Far from production being “quite insensitive to energy”, as assumed by Neoclassical economists, the empirically derived value of is 0.97, rather than the 0.03-0.04 value assumed by Neoclassical economists. Instead of production being “quite insensitive to energy”, to a reasonable first approximation, production is Energy.

Table 3 shows the coefficients for regressing GDP and change in GDP |(Y/Y) against linear equations for Energy and change in Energy (E/E).

Table 3: Regression of Energy against Gross World Product

Figure 1: Gross World Product and Energy Consumption over time

Figure 2: Energy vs GWP

Figure 3: Ratio of GWP in US$2015 billion to Energy in MTOE from 1971 till 2019

Figure 4: Change in GWP and Change in Energy in Percent p.a.


Figure 5: Correlation of change in Energy and change in GWP in Percent p.a.

This empirical data, as Bachmann et al. unintentionally show, is an effective refutation of the Neoclassical theories of production and income distribution, and confirmation of the Post-Keynesian theories.

They compare the polar opposites of the Cobb-Douglas and the Leontief in a CES production function, where the elasticity of substitution between inputs for Cobb-Douglas equals 1 and that for Leontief equals 0. They correctly lay out the implications of the Leontief case, that:

Leontief production… implies that Y = E/ … and hence logY = log E … Therefore, if the elasticity of substitution is exactly zero, production Y drops one-for-one with energy supply E … Intuitively, the Leontief assumption means that energy is an extreme bottleneck in production: when energy supply falls by 10%, the same fraction 10% of the other factors of production X lose all their value (their marginal product drops to zero) and hence production Y falls by 10%. (Bachmann et al. 2022, Appendix, pp. 5-6. Emphasis added)

They plotted the theoretical relationships between energy input and GDP output for different values of the substitution parameter in their Figure 1 (reproduced as Figure 6 here).

Figure 6: Bachmann et al.’s theoretical predictions of change in output for a change in energy

They then rejected the Leontief function, on the grounds that its prediction of a 1:1 fall in production for a fall in energy leads to nonsensical results in terms of Neoclassical theory:

Extreme scenarios with low elasticities of substitution and why Leontief production
at the macro level is nonsensical
… The blue dashed line in Figure 1 showed that output falls one-for-one with energy supply in the Leontief case… the marginal product of energy jumps to 1/ [their exponent for energy] while the marginal product of other factors … falls to zero. If … factor prices equal marginal products, this then implies that similarly the price of energy jumps to 1/ and the prices of other factors a fall to zero… this then also implies that the expenditure share on energy jumps to 100% whereas the expenditure share on other factors falls to 0%. We consider these predictions to be economically nonsensical. (Bachmann et al. 2022, p. 15. Italicised emphasis added)

These predictions are nonsensical, but at the same time, the Leontief case fits the empirical data (which, following Solow’s lead, they did not consult). It is not the data which is false, but the assumption they made that “factor prices equal marginal products”. Therefore, wages, profits and the price of energy cannot be based upon the “marginal product” of labour, capital and energy respectively. The Neoclassical Cobb-Douglas model of production is false, and the Post-Keynesian Leontief model of production is correct. The question now remains as to why the Leontief model is correct.

From Empirical Regularity to the Role of Energy in Production

The Leontief Production Function began as an empirical regularity between GDP, however measured, and Capital, however measured. The ratio was relatively constant over time and showed no trend—see Figure 7 for Capital to Output ratios derived from the Penn World Tables database.

Figure 7: Capital to Output Ratios are reasonably constant over time

This led to the pragmatic Post-Keynesian school adopting the capital to output ratio as its “production function”, with the justification that this relationship was found in the data, but with no real explanation as to why it was found. Leaving aside the minimum form in which the LPF is often expressed but seldom used, we have, as in the Goodwin model (Goodwin 1967):


Here v is the capital to output ratio. With K having the dimension of Widgets, and Y of Widgets per year, for dimensional accuracy, v must be a time constant denominated in Years.

The empirical regularity behind the LPF can be explained by the aphorism that Ayres, Standish and I applied in “A Note on the Role of Energy in Production” (Keen, Ayres, and Standish 2019), that:

labour without energy is a corpse, while capital without energy is a sculpture. (Keen, Ayres, and Standish 2019):

This suggested that the inputs of Labour and Capital assumed by both the CDPF and the LPF should be replaced by the energy inputs to both Labour and Capital, via the substitution shown in Equation :


Here respectively L and K stand for units of Labour and Capital, EL and EK represent the energy consumed by a unit of Labour and a unit of Capital, and eL and eK are time constants (dimensioned by 1/Year) representing the proportion of these inputs that are turned into useful work over a Year. This then suggests a way to derive the LPF from the dimensionality of the substitution proposed in Equation (5). In the standard single commodity CDPF and LPF, Y and K are denominated in “widgets per year” and “widgets” respectively—units of a universal commodity that can be used for either investment or consumption:


The substitution in (5) on the other hand has the dimensionality of units of Energy per year:


Call this Q, denominated in units of Energy per year, to distinguish it from Y, denominated in units of widgets per year:


Y is therefore equal to Q divided by EK:


Equating Equation (9) with Equation (4) shows that the empirically derived capital to output ratio v is in fact the inverse of the proportion of inputted energy that machinery turns into useful work:


This provides a physical explanation for the empirical regularity on which the Post-Keynesian model of production is based: it is due to the role of machinery in turning energy—predominantly fossil fuel energy—into useful work. This model therefore ties Post-Keynesian theory to the initial accurate insights of the Physiocrats, that Nature is the source of wealth, and that what human ingenuity does is enable the conversion of “this superfluity that nature accords him as a pure gift” (Turgot 1774, p. 9) into useful work. Given the close relationship between GDP and Energy shown in Figure 2 to Figure 5, at a first approximation, GDP is useful energy. Equation (9) can therefore be used in place of Equation (4) in Post-Keynesian models.

The Post-Keynesian model is also consistent with the Laws of Thermodynamics, including the Second Law (which the Physiocrats did not realise) that doing work generates waste as well as desired output. With the capital to output ratio averaging 4 globally, and ranging between 3 and 5 for developed nations, the magnitude of eK is of the order of 0.2-0.33. This then quantifies the waste generated in production as being of the order of 0.67-0.8: humanity generates more waste than output. The constancy of the capital to output ratio, much criticised by Neoclassical economists, is in fact due to the impossibility of substituting any other input for energy, and intrinsic limits to the efficiency of conversion of energy into useful work given by the Second Law of Thermodynamics.


The Neoclassical Cobb-Douglas Production Function, with its exponents assumed to be equal to the income shares of factor inputs, and also equal to the marginal product of those inputs, cannot be reconciled with energy data, or with the Laws of Thermodynamics, and it is therefore wrong.

The Post-Keynesian Leontief Production Function, on the other hand, is not only empirically accurate, but is also consistent with the Laws of Thermodynamics. Though the construction of a universal commodity in aggregate production functions has always been a convenience, the fact that GDP and Energy are so tightly coupled means that the LPF is a reasonable first approximation to reality. Solow’s observation that “As long as we insist on practicing macroeconomics we shall need aggregate relationships” (Solow 1957, p. 213) is correct, but the only aggregate production function that fits the bill is the Leontief Production Function.


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It’s a Mixed Credit-Fiat World

In contrast to its attitude to private debt, which it ignores, mainstream economics obsesses about government debt. But this volte-face doesn’t besmirch its record of being 100% wrong.

This is the first half of chapter nine of my draft book Rebuilding Economics from the Top Down, which will be published later this year by the Budapest Centre for Long-Term Sustainability

The previous chapter was Why Credit Money Matters, which is published here on Patreon and here on Substack.
If you like my work, please consider becoming a paid subscriber from as little as $10 a year on Patreon, or $5 a month on Substack

Government debt, mainstream economics tells us, is a scourge to be minimized, if it can’t be entirely avoided. These quotes are from Mankiw’s influential macroeconomics textbook {Mankiw, 2016 #6107}, with indicative passages highlighted:

When a government spends more than it collects in taxes, it has a budget deficit, which it finances by borrowing from the private sector or from foreign governments. The accumulation of past borrowing is the government debt… (555)

The government debt expressed as a percentage of GDP roughly doubled from 25 percent in 1980 to 47 percent in 1995. The United States had never before experienced such a large increase in government debt during a period of peace and prosperity. Many economists have criticized this increase in government debt as imposing an unjustifiable burden on future generations… (557)

These trends led to a significant event in August 2011: Standard & Poor‘s, a major private agency that evaluates the safety of bonds, reduced its credit rating on U.S. government debt to one notch below the top AAA grade. For many years, U.S. government debt was considered the safest around. That is, buyers of these bonds could be completely confident that they would be repaid in full when the bond matured. Standard & Poor’s, however, was sufficiently concerned about recent fiscal policy that it raised the possibility that the U.S. government might someday default. (559)

Increases in government debt are a concern because they place a burden on future generations of taxpayers and call into question the government’s own solvency. (595)

This attitude towards government debt and deficits—that government debt should be minimised, that deficits are undesirable, that interest payments on government debt are a punitive impost on future generations, and that high debt and high interest payments can even lead to a government going bankrupt—are key facets of contemporary politics. They were behind the attempt by the UK Cameron government to run surpluses rather than deficits, on the principle that, by “saving for a rainy day”, the government would have more money on hand when crises struck in the future. They lie behind the recurring “debt ceiling” debates in the US Congress. They are the basis of the Eurozone rules, enshrined in the Maastricht Treaty, that government debt should not exceed 60% of GDP, and deficits should be no more than 3% of GDP.

And they are all completely wrong, as is easily shown by looking at the accounting of the mixed credit-fiat monetary system in which we live. I will explain this very, very slowly. It may be tedious to read—it was tedious to write!—but this is necessary, given that utterly fallacious beliefs about the financial system are ingrained into, and damage, our political and social systems, thanks to erroneous mainstream economic thinking.

  1. The Fundamentals of Fiat Money Creation

Figure 30 shows the absolute basic accounting for a Credit money system: banks create money by marking up both sides of their balance sheets. They add Credit dollars per year to Deposits, which are their Liabilities; and they add precisely the same sum to Loans, which are their Assets.

For the non-bank private sector, the act of borrowing also increases its Assets and Liabilities equally: Deposits, which are its Assets, rise by Credit dollars per year, and Loans, which are its Liabilities, rise by precisely the same amount. There is therefore no change in the net worth of either the Banking Sector, or the Non-Bank Private Sector from the creation of credit-money.

Figure 30: The fundamental accounting for Credit Money

The Government’s role in money creation can be considered the same way, by modelling the two fundamental actions of governments: spending on the non-government private sector (either in the form of purchases or transfers), and taxation of the private sector. Figure 31 adds these to the Non-Bank Private Sector’s Godley Table in Figure 30, but without completing the double-entry.

Figure 31: Introducing Government Spending and Taxation without completing the double-entry

How should it be completed? I hope that it is obvious that the only way to complete this double-entry picture is that government spending increases the Equity—the net financial worth—of the non-bank private sector, while taxation reduces it.

This is shown in Figure 32. Government spending increases the net financial worth—the difference between financial assets and financial liabilities—of the private sector, and taxation reduces it.

Figure 32: The double-entry view of Government Spending and Taxation

Figure 33 adds the Banking Sector’s Godley Table to the model, but also without completing the double-entry.

Figure 33: Government Spending and Taxation including the Banking Sector without completing the double-entry

The only sensible way to complete this picture is to add an Asset which is increased by government spending (and reduced by taxation)—and this Asset is normally called “Reserves”. That is done in Figure 34, which shows that government spending increases Reserves and Taxation reduces them.


Figure 34: Government Spending increases Reserves as well as Deposits—and taxation reduces them

At this point, several things should be obvious. Firstly, from the Liabilities side of the Banking system’s ledger, government spending creates money in the same way that new bank loans do, by increasing the Deposit accounts of the non-bank private sector. Similarly, taxation destroys money in the same way that the repayment of bank loans does, by reducing the Deposit accounts of the non-bank private sector.

Secondly, from the Assets side, net government spending—when government spending exceeds taxation—also increases the Assets of the banking sector, in the form of Reserves. This again is akin to how net loan growth—when new loans exceed the repayment of old loans—increases the Assets of the banking sector, in the form of Loans.

We can simplify the exposition of government money creation by defining the difference between government spending and taxation as the Deficit, and using that in future tables rather than using two rows for government spending and taxation respectively:


It follows therefore that a government Deficit—an excess of government spending over taxation—creates money for the Non-bank Private Sector, and creates Reserves for the Banking Sector, as shown in Figure 35.

Thirdly, since a Deficit adds to the Assets of the Non-bank Private Sector, without creating an offsetting Liability, as is the case with a bank loan, a Deficit increases the net worth—the Equity—of the Non-Bank Private Sector. Far from borrowing money from the private sector, as Neoclassical economists claim, the Deficit creates both money and net financial worth for the private sector.

Figure 35: A Government Deficit increases the net financial worth of the private sector

This is already a dramatically different assertion to the conventional wisdom that, as Mankiw puts it, a budget deficit is financed “by borrowing from the private sector” {Mankiw, 2016 #6107, p. 555}. And unlike the conventional wisdom, this assertion is logically sound. The only way the conventional wisdom could be correct would be if the Deficit had a negative impact on Deposit accounts. Then borrowing would occur as Deposits fell, another Asset of the non-bank private sector—”Loans to the Government”—rose. But in that case, government spending would have to decrease Deposits, and taxation would have to increase them! The conventional wisdom of economics, as is so often the case, is absurdly false.

Instead, just as bank lending creates money by increasing the banking sector’s Assets (Loans) and Liabilities (Deposits) simultaneously, a government deficit creates money by increasing the banking sector’s Assets (Reserves) and Liabilities (Deposits) simultaneously.

This leads to a general principle for money creation: since money is predominantly the Deposit accounts of the Non-Bank Private Sector, to create money, a financial operation must increase both the Assets and the Liabilities of the Banking Sector.

For banks, the process is easy—and this is why banks offer Deposit accounts in the first place. When a bank creates a loan, it marks up both sides of its balance sheet: it increases its Assets by adding to Loans, and it increases its Liabilities by adding to its customer Deposits. This is not possible for a Non-Bank Financial Institution: it can reallocate funds between its Assets, and gain when Assets increase in value, but it can’t increase the value of its Assets by its own operations. Banks can—so long as they can find willing borrowers.

The process of government money creation is more complicated than that of credit money creation, because the government can’t directly write up bank Assets and Liabilities. Instead, it has to increase a bank Asset—Reserves—after which banks will then allocate the same sums to the Deposit accounts of their customers.

How are Reserves increased? To show that, we need to introduce a third Godley Table, that of the Central Bank. That is done in Figure 36, but without completing the double-entry logic.

Figure 36: Introducing the Central Bank without completing the double-entry

How do we balance that row? We could show this as negative equity for the Central Bank—if, as is the practice amongst many advocates of MMT (Modern Monetary Theory), we consolidated the Central Bank and the Treasury into one entity. But there’s no need to make that simplification with Minsky. We can, instead, show the financial sector in its realistic complexity, by adding another Liability of the Central Bank—the “deposit account” of the Treasury at the Central Bank. This is called the “Consolidated Revenue Fund” (CRF) in the UK, and the “Treasury General Account” in the USA (TGA). I use the American acronym in Figure 37.

Figure 37: The Central Bank with double-entry completed and the Treasury TGA introduced

Reserves rise because of a transfer of funds from the TGA to Reserves. To show how these funds are generated, we need to add the Treasury’s Godley Table. That is done in Figure 38, again without completing the double-entry.

Figure 38: The Treasury Table introduced, without completing the double-entry

I hope it’s obvious that the only way to balance this line is the make the second entry in the Treasury’s Equity. That is done in Figure 39, which shows that the Treasury’s position is the exact opposite of the Non-Bank Private Sector’s: the positive Equity that the Deficit generates for the Private Sector is created by the Treasury going into identical negative Equity.

Figure 39: The completed basic picture of Government money creation

This simple picture appears unnatural to many people on first sight: what is the government doing, going into negative equity? Isn’t that a bad thing?

In fact, the government being in negative financial equity is the essence of fiat money. Banks create credit money by expanding their Assets and Liabilities equally; this results in a matching expansion of the non-bank private sector’s Liabilities and Assets. Governments create fiat money by going into negative Equity, which creates matching positive Equity for the non-bank private sector.

This can only work in the places in which a government’s liabilities are accepted as money, which define the locations in which it is the government. This is especially so for government operations on bank accounts. Sometimes, one country’s notes and coins are accepted as means of payment in another—you can sometimes use Euros to buy goods in Hungary, for example. But only the Hungarian government can directly add to Hungarian bank accounts by putting more Forints into them via government spending than it debits from them via taxation.

It is also of the essence of financial assets—claims on other entities—that the sum of all financial assets is zero. If one entity is in positive financial equity, then all other entities in an economy as in precisely the same negative financial equity with respect to it. What entity can sustain permanent negative financial equity? Not banks, because, by definition, banks must be in positive financial equity: a bank whose liquid liabilities exceed its liquid assets is bankrupt. The non-bank private sector can sustain negative financial equity, if its income is sufficient to service its debts, but it’s not a comfortable situation for individuals or companies to have liabilities that exceed their assets.

But a government, whose liabilities are money in its country, can always service its net negative financial position because it creates its own money. Finally, fiat money is backed by the extensive nonfinancial assets of a government: the unalienated land, the buildings, infrastructure, military, etc., of a nation state. There is, in other words, no problem with a government being in negative financial equity with respect to its own currency. It also means that, by running a sufficiently large deficit, it can ensure that both the Banking Sector and the Non-Bank Private Sector are in positive equity.

At this absolutely fundamental level then, net government spending does not involve borrowing from the private sector, and in fact it creates fiat money for the private sector. But what about government bonds? How do they change the picture? Don’t they mean that the government is borrowing from the private sector?

  1. Government Bond Sales

One obvious consequence of the fundamental situation outlined above is that the Treasury’s account at the Central Bank must go negative. In and of itself, this isn’t a problem, since the Treasury and the Central Bank are both wings of the government, and in terms of where the Central Bank’s income is remitted, the Treasury is the effective owner of the Central Bank. It also has no implications for the solvency of the Central Bank, since the negative value of the TGA is precisely offset by the positive value of Reserves. Finally, as Central Banks themselves acknowledge {Bholat, 2016 #6037}, unlike a private bank, it is not necessary for a Central Bank to be in positive equity.

However, virtually all governments have passed laws requiring the TGA to not go negative—and this is the real function of Treasury Bond sales. The upshot of these laws is that Treasuries are required to sell bonds equivalent in value to the deficit, plus interest on existing bonds.

I’ll introduce government bond sales in the simplest possible way—as a sale of a bond to the Central Bank. This is in fact illegal in most countries, since they have also enacted laws that forbid the Central Bank from buying Bonds directly from the Treasury. But there is absolutely no practical impediment to this operation. It also has the side effect that interest payments are unnecessary: in most countries, the Treasury doesn’t pay interest on bonds owned by the Central Bank, and in those which do, the interest income is remitted back to the Treasury anyway. Therefore, interest payments on bonds—the cause of much angst in mainstream economics—can be omitted from the model.

This hypothetical situation is shown in Figure 40. If the value of bonds sold by the Treasury to the Central Bank—shown as the flow —was equal to the Deficit, then the TGA would remain positive (or at least non-negative). This makes no practical difference to fiat money creation—that relies solely upon the Treasury going into negative equity—but is an aesthetic improvement on the situation shown in Figure 39, in that both Liability accounts of the Central Bank (Reserves and the TGA) would be positive. The Central Bank also has positive Assets, whereas in Figure 39 they are zero.

Figure 40: Treasury Bond Sales Direct to the Central Bank

The upshot of this arrangement for the Banking Sector is that the Asset that Deficits generate for it—Reserves—don’t normally earn income (by “normally” I mean “before the “Global Financial Crisis”). I suspect this detail—and not any desire to force prudence upon government money creation—is why most countries have made direct purchases of Treasury Bonds by the Central Bank illegal. Instead, these laws require the Treasury to sell Bonds to the private banks (and primary dealers), with the Central Bank then able to buy bonds from private banks in the “secondary market”.

The “magic” of this arrangement for the Banks is that the funds that private banks use to buy Bonds are created by the deficit itself—both the current deficit and the accumulation of past deficits known as government debt. Banks swap non-income-earning and non-tradeable Reserves for income-earning and tradeable Treasury Bonds. Since the Treasury does have to pay interest on bonds owned by the non-government sector, the act of selling Bonds to the Private Banks also necessitates paying interest on existing Bonds—which is otherwise known as existing Government debt. This generates an income stream for the Banking Sector.

Figure 41 shows this legally required situation, without completing the double-entry details for the impact of interest on bonds for Private Banks. It should be obvious that this payment of interest adds to the net worth of the Banking Sector. And, just as the positive equity from the deficit for the non-bank private sector is created by the Treasury going into negative equity, the positive equity for the Banking Sector from government interest payments is also created by the Treasury going into negative equity.

Figure 41: Bond Sales to Private Banks, without completing the double-entry

A comparison of Figure 39 to Figure 40 and Figure 41 shows how absurd it is to describe the Treasury selling Bonds to the Banking Sector as the Treasury borrowing from the Banking Sector.

Neither arrangement is needed for the Treasury to create fiat money: the deficit alone does that, as Figure 39 shows, and it is financed by the Treasury going into negative equity, not by it selling Bonds to anyone. The only thing preventing Figure 39 from being the normal situation is a law requiring the TGA to not go into overdraft; if that law were repealed, there would be no need for Bond sales at all. Similarly, the only thing preventing Figure 40—direct Treasury bond sales to the Central Bank—is a law prohibiting it. These laws benefit the Banking Sector by letting it earn interest income on the Asset created for it by the Treasury, rather than (normally) not earning interest on Reserves.

Figure 42 completes the picture by showing interest on bonds as increasing the Equity of the Banks. It is then obvious that, just as the deficit creates net equity for the non-bank private sector, the payment of interest on bonds creates net equity for the banking sector.

Figure 42: Treasury Bond sales complicate the process, but don’t change the nature of fiat money

The final operation needed to complete the basic picture of government finances is the sale of Treasury Bonds by Banks to the non-bank private sector. Most of these sales are to Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs), but for simplicity I simply show this as a sale to the Non-Bank Private Sector in Figure 43. Once again, it would be ridiculous to describe this sale of a financial asset by the Banking Sector to the Non-bank Private Sector as “the government borrowing from the private sector”, but that’s how it’s described by Neoclassical economists.

Figure 43: Bond Sales to Non-Banks by Banks

However, this operation is the only type of Bond sale that affects the quantity of money, and it reduces it rather than increasing it: Deposit accounts at banks fall, while the Non-bank Private Sector’s holdings of an income-earning Asset rise. The sale of Treasury Bonds by Banks to the Non-bank Private Sector—mainly to Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs)—thus destroys money.

We can now combine this model of fiat money creation—for that is what a Deficit actually is—with the model of credit money creation outlined in the previous chapter to show the real-world consequences of misunderstanding money creation. There is no better indication of the negative impact of mainstream misunderstandings about money than its role in causing the Great Depression.

Puncturing the Hubris of Economics

The greatest disjuncture in the social sciences is between the image that economists have of their discipline, and its reality. A decade before David Graeber published Debt: the First 5000 Years (Graeber 2011), the future chief economic advisor to President George W. Bush published a paper with the confronting title of “Economic Imperialism” (Lazear 2000), in the discipline’s most prestigious journal, The Quarterly Journal of Economics. Lazear was not criticizing economics for attempting to take over other fields of social science, but lauding it for doing so:

There are two claims made in this essay. The first is that economics has been imperialistic, and the second is that economic imperialism has been successful. (p. 103)

This article is valuable, not for its insights, but for highlighting the rampant hubris of mainstream “Neoclassical” economics at the apogee of its influence. It opened with the declaration that “Economics is not only a social science, it is a genuine science” (p. 99). More than 40 pages and over 17,000 words later, it closed with:

Economics has been successful because, above all, economics is a science. The discipline emphasizes rational behavior, maximization, trade-offs, and substitution, and insists on models that result in equilibrium. Economists are pushed to further inquiry because they understand the concept of efficiency. Inefficient equilibria beg for explanation and suggest that there may be gaps in the underlying models that created them.

Because economics focuses so intently on maximization, equilibrium, and efficiency, the field has derived many implications that are testable, refutable, and frequently supported by the data. The goal of economic theory is to unify thought and to provide a language that can be used to understand a variety of social phenomena. The most successful economic imperialists have used the theory to shed light on questions that lie far outside those considered traditional. The fact that there have been so many successful efforts in so many different directions attests to the power of economics. (p. 142)

The paper’s length gives the clue that this was a solicited paper, intended to provide an assessment of the state of economics at the beginning of the new millennium:

To commemorate the end of one century and the beginning of another, the Board of Editors of the Quarterly Journal of Economics invited a select group of distinguished economists to submit articles assessing the accomplishments of the discipline of economics in the twentieth century. We have asked each of these scholars to reflect on “what we know that Marshall did not” in different areas of economics. (Editors 2000)

If ever a discipline deserved to be skewered, economics at the turn of the millennium was it, and David Graeber wielded the skewer with aplomb and humour. Economics is not a science, but a collection of self-referential and self-supporting myths, each of which cannot be dislodged without causing the entire edifice to collapse. Debt: The First 5,000 Years focused upon the myth that money sprung out of barter, and its attendant myth that the State and the Market are “diametrically opposed principles”, when in fact “they were born together and have always been intertwined”.

The evidence—the sort of thing on which a genuine science is based—that a society based upon barter has never existed is overwhelming. As David put it:

The story of money for economists always begins with a fantasy world of barter…

For centuries now, explorers have been trying to find this fabled land of barter—none with success…

missionaries, adventurers, and colonial administrators were fanning out across the world, many bringing copies of Smith’s book with them, expecting to find the land of barter. None ever did. They discovered an almost endless variety of economic systems. But to this day, no one has been able to locate a part of the world where the ordinary mode of economic transaction between neighbors takes the form of “I’ll give you twenty chickens for that cow.”

I never expected David’s well-documented evidence that barter-based societies were mythical to convince Neoclassical economists to abandon the myth, because without that myth, their entire paradigm unravels. But David’s work did strengthen the resolve of, and improve the analysis done by, the subsets of critical economists to which I belong: the Post-Keynesians, the Evolutionary Economists, the Biophysical Economists, and Modern Monetary Theorists. We frequently find ourselves referring to David’s work when we attack the myth of barter, and his work has also had a creative impact upon us.

In my case, David’s explanation of the origins of money in credit directly influenced my modelling the role of credit in economics. Building on David’s work, as well as that of radical economists like Joseph Schumpeter (Schumpeter 1934) Irving Fisher (Fisher 1933), Hyman Minsky (Minsky 1963; Minsky 1977, 1982), Basil Moore (Moore 1979), Augusto Graziani (Graziani 2003, 1989), and Wynne Godley (Godley 1999; Godley and Lavoie 2005), my colleagues Michael Hudson (Hudson 2009, 2004, 2020, 2024) Dirk Bezemer (Bezemer 2014; Bezemer 2011, 2010), Gael Giraud (Keen and Giraud 2016), Matheus Grasselli (Giraud and Grasselli 2019; Costa Lima et al. 2014; Grasselli and Costa Lima 2012) and I (Keen 2023; Keen 2021, 2015) have shown that credit plays an essential role in economics.

But neither our work, nor David’s, has influenced mainstream economics one jot. The last resort of the Neoclassical scoundrel is the argument that the fact that money didn’t evolve out of barter, but out of credit, is irrelevant: credit makes no significant difference to macroeconomics. Therefore, it’s easier to stick with the myth, and model capitalism as a barter system. Nothing of significance is lost.

This is how Neoclassical economists initially reacted to the Bank of England‘s startling admission in 2014 that the non-mainstream economists who asserted that bank lending—otherwise known as credit—created money, were correct, and the mainstream was wrong, in the paper “Money creation in the modern economy”:

The reality of how money is created today differs from the description found in some economics textbooks: Rather than banks receiving deposits when households save and then lending them out, bank lending creates deposits. (McLeay, Radia, and Thomas 2014, p. 14. Emphasis added)

You might think that, though economists could ignore one troublesome anthropologist, surely, they couldn’t ignore the Bank of England? I did too initially, but time proved me wrong.

Firstly, they disputed that the fact that bank lending creates money actually matters:

We establish a benchmark result for the relationship between the loanable-funds and the money-creation approach to banking. In particular, we show that both processes yield the same allocations when there is no uncertainty. In such cases, using the much simpler loanable-funds approach as a shortcut does not imply any loss of generality. (Faure and Gersbach 2022, p. 107; Faure and Gersbach 2017. Emphasis added)

Only a Neoclassical economist could write “when there is no uncertainty” and “does not imply any loss of generality” in the same paragraph…

Finally, they ignored the Bank of England completely.
When the Swedish Central Bank awarded its fake “Nobel” in Economics (Offer and Söderberg 2016) to Ben Bernanke, for a model of banking in which bank loans don’t create money, the so-called “Scientific Background” paper for his Prize did not even cite the Bank of England‘s contrary declaration about bank lending (Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2022).

David’s name was, of course, nowhere to be seen.

It would be futile, therefore, to expect economics to reform itself because of David’s exposé of the myth of barter. Instead, we should focus on David’s other gifts: the capacity to develop a realistic framework for understanding the world—such as his concept of “bullshit jobs” (Graeber 2018)— and to whimsically ridicule the absurd in the process.

The concept of “Bullshit Jobs” made intuitive sense to normal people, many of whom provided the materials for that book. But according to the Neoclassical theory that wages are based upon a worker’s “marginal product”, bullshit jobs could not exist, because the “marginal product” of a bullshit job is negative.

So then, how can we make sense of this obviously real phenomenon? Blair Fix argues, based on an empirically derived and supported hypothesis, that incomes are based not on the productivity of the individual, but on their rank in a hierarchy:

Neoclassical economists argue that the rich are different, because they are more productive… Marxists, in contrast, argue that the rich are different, because they exploit workers… What makes the rich different, I propose, is… their greater control of subordinates—what I call ‘hierarchical power’. (Fix 2020, p. 2)

This generates an incentive for the creation of bullshit jobs within a corporation, since the more people who report to a manager, the higher that manager’s status, and rank in a corporate hierarchy, will be. Bullshit jobs have nothing to do with productivity, and everything to do with power.

Similarly, I have developed a framework to show that credit is a critical aspect of a capitalist economy, by turning what Neoclassical economists think is their strength—mathematics—against them. Chronologically, this was done firstly by finding overwhelming empirical evidence that credit does matter; secondly, by developing a computer program—named after another great iconoclast, Hyman Minsky (Minsky 1982)—which enables a monetary economy to be modelled easily; and thirdly, by developing a mathematical proof that credit is indeed a fundamental determinant of economic activity.

I detail these here to show that key ripostes that economists make to many criticisms—that they lack empirical verification, that they cannot be modelled, and that they cannot be proved—are false. One has to be deliberately blind to the data to not see the impact of credit on the economy, credit can be modelled, but not within the Neoclassical paradigm—one must renounce it instead—and the logical proof that credit matters is irrefutable. This is why Neoclassical economists are so resistant to the well-founded wisdom in David’s work: admit David, and they have to exit themselves.

Credit: The Data

In rejecting Irving Fisher’s argument that the Great Depression was caused by a “debt-deflation”, Bernanke put “the counterargument”:

that debt-deflation represented no more than a redistribution from one group (debtors) to another (creditors). Absent implausibly large differences in marginal spending propensities among the groups, it was suggested, pure redistributions should have no significant macroeconomic effects. (Bernanke 2000, p. 24. Emphasis added)

Apart from the mischaracterisation of credit as “pure redistributions”, this is an empirical proposition, which could have been easily checked against data that existed when Bernanke made this claim. It was wrong then, and even more obviously today, with modern quarterly data on debt from the Bank of International Settlements (Dembiermont, Drehmann, and Muksakunratana 2013).

Figure 1 plots private debt from 1947 till 2023, and credit against the unemployment rate from 1981 to 2023, when the private debt level has exceeded 100% of GDP. The negative correlation between credit and unemployment is visually obvious, and in the period between 1990 and 2015—which covers the boom leading up to the 2007 “Global Financial Crisis” and its aftermath—the correlation exceeded -0.9: when credit rises, unemployment falls, and vice versa. Far from having “no significant macroeconomic effects”, credit is possibly the most significant of all of the determinants of macroeconomic performance.

Figure 1 Private Debt, Credit and Unemployment in the USA:

Empirically then, it is obvious that credit does matter. The remaining question is why does it matter? This is answered partially by comparing two models of banking: the Neoclassical model of “Loanable Funds”, in which banks are “mere intermediaries” which do not lend money, and the real-world model I call “Bank Originated Money and Debt”, in which, as the Bank of England says, “bank lending creates deposits”.

Credit: The Model

As the quote from Faure and Gersbach illustrates, in the Neoclassical model of banking, banks are “mere intermediaries” between savers and borrowers: they take in funds from savers and lend them out to borrowers.

Figure 2 is a very simple rendition of this model: Savers and Borrowers have deposit accounts; they spend out of them at different rates, and the sum of their spending is GDP; and Borrowers pay interest to Savers (for simplicity, I have made the Banks neutral in this model).

Figure 2 shows a run of the model in which, starting in Year 10, Savers lending out 25% of their Deposit accounts every year, until such time as debt reaches 170% of GDP—the peak level of actual US private debt during the GFC. Then the control parameter LendRate is reversed, so that Borrowers pay off the equivalent of 25% of Savers’ deposit accounts every year.

The macroeconomic effect of these dramatic changes in Credit are minimal. There is a small effect of growing GDP as borrowers—who spend more rapidly than savers—take on more debt, and a small effect of falling GDP as borrowers repay debt, but it is relatively trivial: GDP rises from $240 per year at zero debt to $260 per year at a private debt level of 170% of GDP, and this is over a simulation time of seventy years. If this was all credit added to the macroeconomic equation, then it would be sensible to ignore it, as Neoclassicals do.

Figure 2: The Neoclassical “Loanable Funds” model of banking

However, that is not the real-world. In the real-world, as the Bank of England declared, banks create money by issuing new loans. Figure 3 captures this, by showing Loans as an Asset of the Banks rather than of Savers. But otherwise, the model is identical to the Loanable Funds model in Figure 2.

However, the economic outcome couldn’t be more different: GDP grows virtually 100-fold over the 30 years of credit growth, and it falls dramatically as credit goes negative for the subsequent years.

Figure 3: The real-world model of “Bank Originated Money and Debt”

The model confirms that Credit matters, as the data itself showed. The next question—that Neoclassicals don’t even want to ask, let alone answer—is why?

Credit: The Proof

As the models indicate, credit has significant macroeconomic effects when bank lending creates money, but virtually no effect when banks are just conduits between savers and borrowers—as Neoclassical economists pretend that they are. The reason for this difference is easily shown using a device I call a Moore Table, in honour of the great pioneer of endogenous money research in economics, Basil Moore (Moore 1979, 1988; Moore 2006). A Moore Table lays out monetary expenditure and income in an economy in terms of expenditure flows between sectors (or people and companies) in the economy. Each row shows the expenditure by a given sector, and the sectors that are the recipients of that expenditure, with expenditure having a negative sign and income having a positive sign. Necessarily therefore, the sum of each row is zero.

Each column shows the net income of each sector. This can be positive (if income exceeds expenditure) or negative (if expenditure exceeds income), but the aggregate must again be zero.

By construction, the negative of the sum of the diagonal elements of the table is aggregate expenditure, and it is identically equal to the sum of the off-diagonal elements, which is aggregate income. In the limit, if every agent in a country were included in the table, then it would measure that country’s GDP.

Figure 4 shows the simplest example, of an economy with money, but no credit or debt of any kind. Instead, there is a fixed stock of money, with each sector spending on the other two sectors.

Figure 4: Aggregate Expenditure and Income with no lending

Unremarkably, both aggregate expenditure and aggregate income are the sum of the flows A to F, as shown by Equation (1):


Figure 5 shows the Neoclassical model of Loanable Funds, and gives the example of the Services sector lending Credit dollars per year to the Household sector, and the Household sector then spending this borrowed money on the Manufacturing sector. The Household sector also has to pay Interest dollars per year to the Services sector, based on the level of outstanding debt. The transfer of money in the loan is shown across the diagonal, because only income-generating transactions are shown across the rows.

This model has Credit reducing the expenditure that the Services sector can do (you can’t spend money that you have lent to someone else), while increasing the spending that the borrower—the Household sector—can do. This additional spending by Households boosts the income of the Manufacturing sector, but it is precisely offset by the lower level of spending by the Services sector on Manufacturing (the flows A to F in this table do not have to be the same as in Figure 4).

This means that the entry for Credit cancels out on both the diagonal (aggregate expenditure) and the off-diagonal (aggregate income), so that Credit is not part of aggregate expenditure or aggregate income in Loanable Funds. Therefore, if Loanable Funds was an accurate description of what banks actually do, Neoclassicals would be correct to ignore credit, as they do in their macroeconomics.

Figure 5: Aggregate Expenditure and Income with Loanable Funds lending

The only effect of including “peer to peer” lending in this model is that Interest payments become part of Aggregate Expenditure and Income—see Equation (2).


Figure 6 shows the real-world situation of bank lending. Credit adds to both the Assets of the banking sector, and its Liabilities—the deposit accounts of the Household sector. In this simple example, Household then spend this additional money on the Manufacturing sector. The logical and practical import of this situation is that Credit appears only once in both aggregate expenditure—the spending by the Household sector—and aggregate income—the income of the Manufacturing sector. Consequently, Credit does not cancel out, as it did for Loanable Funds.

Figure 6: Aggregate Expenditure and Income with Bank Originated Money and Debt lending

Instead, as Equation (3) shows, Credit is part of Aggregate Expenditure and Income. Given how volatile Credit is—as the US data in Figure 1 shows, it went from plus 15% of GDP in 2007 to minus 5% in 2009—it is the causa causans of macroeconomic instability. By ignoring it, Neoclassicals are modelling a system of petty commodity exchange, not real-world capitalism.


Therefore, empirical data and mathematics, the weapons that Neoclassical economists like to wield to intimidate other social sciences, can instead show that their paradigm is based on myths rather than science. Economics could be a radically different—and even useful—social science if it absorbed, rather than deflected, the criticisms that David made of it. But it never will, because the core elements of the Neoclassical paradigm are antithetical to the evolutionary foundations of genuine social sciences like Anthropology and Sociology.

Equilibrium as a Hallmark of Science?

Above all, the component of the Neoclassical paradigm that makes it impossible for it to be a genuine social science is the obsession with modelling the economy as if it is in equilibrium (Kornai 1971), or as if has an innate tendency to return to equilibrium after an “exogenous shock”. That concept, which Lazear thought was the hallmark of a science, is instead the mark of an intellectual dead end.

Ironically, the founders of the Neoclassical school of thought were aware of this. Jevons wrote in 1888 that:

The real condition of industry is one of perpetual motion and change. Commodities are being continually manufactured and exchange and consumed. If we wished to have a complete solution of the problem in all its natural complexity, we should have to treat it as a problem of motion—a problem of dynamics. But it would surely be absurd to attempt the more difficult question when the more easy one is yet so imperfectly within our power. (Jevons 1888, p. 93. Emphasis added)

Likewise, in predicting what their successors in the 20th century would achieve, John Bates Clark wrote in 1898—in an article entitled “The Future of Economic Theory”, which had a very similar genesis to Lazear’s—that:

The great coming development of economic theory is to take place, as I venture to assert, through the statement and the solution of dynamic problems… A static state is imaginary. All actual societies are dynamic; and those that we have principally to study are highly so. Heroically theoretical is the study that creates, in imagination, a static society. (Clark 1898, pp. 2, 9)

At the end of that century, while devotees like Lazear were exultant about their equilibrium-centric analysis, wiser heads were despairing. The mathematician John Blatt acerbically observed in 1983 that:

A baby is expected to first crawl, then walk, before running. But what if a grown-up man is still crawling? At present, the state of our dynamic economics is more akin to a crawl than to a walk, to say nothing of a run. Indeed, some may think that capitalism as a social system may disappear before its dynamics are understood by economists. (Blatt 1983, p. 5)

Blatt’s prescient remark predated the domination of economic modelling by what economists call Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models, and lest an economist tell you that, therefore, this criticism is out of date, here is “Nobel” Prize winner Paul Romer on the topic of those very same models in 2016:

In the last three decades, the methods and conclusions of macroeconomics have deteriorated to the point that much of the work in this area no longer qualifies as scientific research … macroeconomic pseudoscience is undermining the norms of science throughout economics. If so, all of the policy domains that economics touches could lose the accumulation of useful knowledge that characteristic of true science, the greatest human invention. (Romer 2016, Abstract, p. 1)

Why has economics failed so badly? Arnsperger and Varoufakis provide a paradoxical but convincing argument that the very failures of Neoclassical economics are the source of its power. The failure to prove results they expected—driven primarily by the fact that, when put into dynamic form, the equilibria of their models almost always turned out to be unstable (Blatt 1983, Chapter 7, pp. 111-146)—led to arcane assumptions being added to hang onto their Holy Grail of Equilibrium, despite mathematics which proved that their God did not exist. Rather than causing the paradigm to undergo a desperately needed scientific revolution (Kuhn 1970), this led to the concept of equilibrium being turned into a quasi-religious belief about the innate nature of capitalism, using assumptions that are mind-bogglingly stupid.

However, since these stupid assumptions enabled economists, however tenuously, to hang on to the core beliefs of Marshall (Marshall 1890 [1920]), Jevons and Walras (Walras 1954 [1899]) that capitalism was a utility-maximising and cost-minimising system, and since these core beliefs corresponded to the ideological desires of society’s elite, this transformation of equilibrium from an unfortunate modelling compromise (Clark 1898; Jevons 1888) to the hallmark of a science (Lazear 2000) cemented the prestige of economics in the media and in social policy. As Arnsperger and Varoufakis put it:

such failure, instead of weakening neoclassicism, has reinforced its hold over the imagination of both the elites and the public at large. (Arnsperger and Varoufakis 2006, pp. 6-7)

The resultant belief of today’s Neoclassicals—that a discipline which, in Lazear’s words, “insists on models that result in equilibrium” (Lazear 2000, p. 99)—is therefore a science is beautifully kyboshed by one of the most famous models in science, Lorenz’s “Butterfly” model of turbulence in fluid dynamics, which underpins modern meteorology (Lorenz 1963). With just three variables and three parameters, this model has three equilibria, all of which are unstable—see Figure 7. The three equilibria are obvious in the model: they are the point (0,0,0)—with the simulation beginning very nearby at (1,1,1,), after which it is propelled away—and the two “eyes of the mask”. Rather than being where the model “results in equilibrium”, equilibria are where the model will never be.


Figure 7: Lorenz’s “strange attractor” in which all 3 equilibria of this very simple model are unstable

Other pivotal works in post-WWII science show how ignorant economics is of what modern science is. Economics today is obsessed with deriving macroeconomics, the study of the whole economic system, from microeconomics, the assertions (false, of course) that Neoclassical economists make about the behaviour of consumers, firms and markets. Yet over 50 years ago, a real Nobel Prize winner (in Physics), P.W. Anderson, wrote the influential paper “More is Different”, in which he asserted, on the basis of Lorenz’s work and the understanding of complex systems that flowed from it, that what Neoclassicals are attempting to do is impossible. This is because, though reductionism is a valid scientific method (within limits), its obverse of “constructionism” is not:

The main fallacy in this kind of thinking is that the reductionist hypothesis does not by any means imply a “constructionist” one: The ability to reduce everything to simple fundamental laws does not imply the ability to start from those laws and reconstruct the universe… Instead, at each level of complexity entirely new properties appear, and the understanding of the new behaviors requires research which I think is as fundamental in its nature as any other… Psychology is not applied biology, nor is biology applied chemistry. (Anderson 1972, p. 393)

And neither, to continue Anderson’s hierarchy, is anthropology simply applied economics. In fact, a better strategy—in line with David’s method—would be to undertake an anthropological study of economics itself, to work out why this peculiar discipline has simultaneously become both so dominant and so dysfunctional.

Fortunately, there is work—of a fittingly satirical kind—to build upon, in the form of the non-orthodox economist Axel Leijonhufvud’s wonderful parody “Life Among the Econ”:

The Econ tribe occupies a vast territory in the far North. Their land appears bleak and dismal to the outsider, and travelling through it makes for rough sledding; but the Econ, through a long period of adaptation, have learned to wrest a living of sorts from it. They are not without some genuine and sometimes even fierce attachment to their ancestral grounds, and their young are brought up to feel contempt for the softer living in the warmer lands of their neighbours, such as the Polscis and the Sociogs.

Despite a common genetical heritage, relations with these tribes are strained—the distrust and contempt that the average Econ feels for these neighbours being heartily reciprocated by the latter—and social intercourse with them is inhibited by numerous taboos. The extreme clannishness, not to say xenophobia, of the Econ makes life among them difficult and perhaps even somewhat dangerous for the outsider. This probably accounts for the fact that the Econ have so far not been systematically studied. Information about their social structure and ways of life is fragmentary and not well validated. More research on this interesting tribe is badly needed. (Leijonhufvud 1973, p. 327)

In the spirit of David’s whimsical wit, my penultimate conclusion is expressed by correcting the errors in Lazear’s description of economics:

Economics has been successful because, above all, economics is a cult. Its dominant sect emphasizes rational behavior, maximization, trade-offs, and substitution, and insists on models that result in equilibrium, thus insulating itself from 20th century developments in genuine sciences. Economists are pushed to further irrelevance because they are obsessed with the concept of efficiency. Inefficient equilibria beg for dynamics and evolutionary explanations, and I suggest that there may be gaps in the brain wiring of economists who do not understand this.

Because economics focuses so intently on maximization, equilibrium, and efficiency, the field has derived many implications that are untestable, irrefutable, and frequently contradicted by the data. The goal of economic theory is to suppress critical thought and to provide a language that can be used to distort a variety of social phenomena. The most successful economic imperialists have used the theory to shed confusion on questions that lie far outside issues that they deludedly think they comprehend. The fact that there have been so many successful efforts in so many different directions attests to the capacity of economics to deceive.

My ultimate conclusion is a personal one. David began as an influence on my economic thinking when I first read Debt: the First 5000 Years in 2011 while working in Sydney. We became close friends when we met after I moved to London it 2014. That friendship became firmer still when his wife, the love of his life, and intellectual and artistic collaborator Nika Dubrovsky entered the picture.

Figure 8: David, myself, and his wife Nika Dubrovsky, in their home in London in December 2019

I had expected that we’d socialise, bounce ideas off each other, laugh, and collaborate for many years to come. But on September 2nd 2020, those expectations were dashed. Instead, I found myself writing a eulogy to him. It opened, as one does these days, with Tweets:

Oh David! @davidgraeber. . They say only the good die young, but why did you have to be one of them? There’s even more bullshit in the world now that you are no longer with us. It was a pleasure to know you, and it is a tragedy to say goodbye.

I’m an agnostic and so was David @davidgraeber. But if he’s doing anything at all right now, it’s an anthropological study of Heaven. Preceded by a brief study of Hell, but just for comparative reasons. The Devil was sad to see him go.

I’m agnostic, but for the very first time, I am wishing that there is life after death, I told @stacyherbert , when she wrote “He’s actually trending in America now on Twitter! I wonder if he would be mortified by that or laughing his ass off . . . I suspect the latter?”

So yes David, this fellow agnostic wishes he’s wrong, and I hope you can read this and are laughing at what a sentimental twat I’m being. And being jealous of me getting smashed on Tequila as I write this—though I suppose Heaven has much better Tequila than we get down here on the Purgatory that is Earth in 2020.

The only saving grace of David’s far-too-early death is the thought that at least he has missed seeing how much more of a purgatory life on Earth has become in the subsequent years.

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Why Credit Money Matters

On October 10, 2022, I realised that there was no hope of ever reforming mainstream economics, since on that date, Ben Bernanke and two other Neoclassicals were awarded the “Nobel” Prize in economics for their work on banking. They assumed the validity of the “loanable funds” model of how banks operate—as Bernanke said in his biographical note on the Nobel website, “banks and other lenders are themselves borrowers, since they must raise funds from deposits or in capital markets in order to lend”. And yet that model had been flatly contradicted years earlier by the Bank of England (McLeay, Radia, and Thomas 2014) and the Bundesbank (Deutsche Bundesbank 2017).

The Bank of England declared that:

banks do not act simply as intermediaries, lending out deposits that savers place with them, and nor do they ‘multiply up’ central bank money to create new loans and deposits… This article explains how, rather than banks lending out deposits that are placed with them, the act of lending creates deposits — the reverse of the sequence typically described in textbooks. (McLeay, Radia, and Thomas 2014, p. 14. Emphasis added)

The Bundesbank stated, in rather more technical language, that:

It suffices to look at the creation of (book) money as a set of straightforward accounting entries to grasp that money and credit are created as the result of complex interactions between banks, non- banks and the central bank. And a bank’s ability to grant loans and create money has nothing to do with whether it already has excess reserves or deposits at its disposal. (Deutsche Bundesbank 2017, p. 13. Emphasis added)

I was almost euphoric when those papers were published. Mainstream economists had ignored contrary research by non-mainstream authors for decades, but surely, they could not ignore such prestigious institutions when they also contradicted mainstream beliefs?

As usual, I underestimated them: mainstream economists could quite easily ignore, not only rebels like Basil Moore (Moore 1979, 1983, 1997) and Hyman Minsky (Minsky, Nell, and Semmler 1991; Minsky 1993), but even Central Banks. The award of the “Nobel” to Bernanke made that obvious. The so-called “Scientific Background” paper published by the Nobel Foundation did not even cite these well-known Central Bank papers (Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2022, pp. 61-72), while the published reactions by Neoclassical economists to the Bank of England’s paper have been limited to explaining why it didn’t matter (Faure and Gersbach 2022).

This determined indifference to the process by which money is created is a defining feature of mainstream economics. Schumpeter put very well both the accurate contrarian and the mythical conventional attitudes towards money in his short but magisterial book The Theory of Capitalist Development. He opened the Chapter entitled “Credit and Capital: the Nature and Function of Credit” with the observation that his evolutionary analysis of capitalism led to:

the heresy that money … perform[s] an essential function, hence
that processes in terms of means of payment are not merely reflexes of processes in terms of goods. In every possible strain, with rare unanimity, even with impatience and moral and intellectual indignation, a very long line of theorists have assured us of the opposite. (Schumpeter 1934, p. 95)

That “very long line of theorists” to which Schumpeter referred has over a century of additional theorists today. At the very beginning of an indoctrination into Neoclassical thought, students are taught “money neutrality”: the argument that if you double all prices and incomes, nothing changes. Therefore, only relative prices matter, not money prices.

The belief that money doesn’t matter percolates from micro to macro, with the result that almost all Neoclassical macroeconomic models entirely omit the existence of banks, and private debt, and money.

Even when they do consider private debt, they assert that only the distribution of debt matters, and not its absolute magnitude. Bernanke, in the subsequent essay to the one for which his “Nobel” was awarded, dismissed Irving Fisher’s “Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions” (Fisher 1933):

because of the counterargument that debt-deflation represented no more than a redistribution from one group (debtors) to another (creditors). Absent implausibly large differences in marginal spending propensities among the groups, it was suggested, pure redistributions should have no significant macroeconomic effects. (Bernanke 2000, p. 24. Emphasis added)

Similarly, Eggertsson and Krugman’s attempt to explain the role of debt began by noting that mainstream analysis ignored debt:

Given the prominence of debt in popular discussion of our current economic difficulties and the long tradition of invoking debt as a key factor in major economic contractions, one might have expected debt to be at the heart of most mainstream macroeconomic models—especially the analysis of monetary and fiscal policy. Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, however, it is quite common to abstract altogether from this feature of the economy. (Eggertsson and Krugman 2012, pp. 1470-71)

While admitting that this might be an error, they still asserted that only the distribution of debt—and not its level, nor its rate of change—was of significance for macroeconomics:

Ignoring the foreign component, or looking at the world as a whole, the overall level of debt makes no difference to aggregate net worth—one person’s liability is another person’s asset.

It follows that the level of debt matters only if the distribution of that debt matters, if highly indebted players face different constraints from players with low debt. (Eggertsson and Krugman 2012, p. 1471. Emphasis added)

Shortly, I’ll prove logically that these assertions are false, and that Schumpeter was correct to assert that “money … perform[s] an essential function”. But initially, I’ll demonstrate this case using a device that is unique to my Minsky software, the Godley Table. Before I do, I need to discuss something else that economists rarely think about, since economists are by training and disposition ignorant of it: accounting.

  1. Of Assets, Liabilities, and Equity

Accounting is the means by which we keep track of who owes whom, and who owns what. Things that you own are your Assets; obligations you owe to others are your Liabilities. The difference between the two is your net worth, which is often called your Equity.

There are two types of Assets—Financial and Nonfinancial. Minsky can handle both types of Assets, but in this discussion of money I’ll focus on Financial Assets only.

A Financial Asset is a claim on some other person or entity, and, as Eggertsson and Krugman note above, “one person’s liability is another person’s asset”. Also, as they imply, the sum of all Financial Assets and Liabilities is zero: if you add together what someone else owes you (your Asset) and what that person owed you (their Liability), you get zero. But this does not mean, as Eggertsson and Krugman explicitly state, that this means that the level and rate of change of debt is unimportant—far from it. To understand why, you need far more than the superficial understanding of accounting possessed by Neoclassical economists.

Accounting was invented when the 14th century Franciscan monk Luca Pacioli realised that by dividing accounts into Assets, Liabilities and Equity, enforcing the rule that Assets minus Liabilities equals Equity, and making two entries for every transaction, you could guarantee an accurate record of commerce. This was the origin of what is called the “fundamental accounting equation”:


Minsky uses this concept to enable monetary flows to be modelled very easily, and checked for errors as they are built. Other system dynamics programs like Vensim, Stella, etc., can model monetary flows too, but they don’t include the automatic check that the right entries have been made for the right accounts.

Figure 24 shows a Godley Table with three common transactions—buying goods, taking out a loan, and paying taxes—where the first two operations are filled in correctly and the third is in error. Paying for goods involves taking Payment dollars out of the Buyer’s account and transferring to the Seller’s; taking out a loan involves increasing the Buyer’s account (its Asset) and increasing the Bank’s Loans (its Asset); taxation reduces the amount in the Buyer’s account and does not increase Reserves—in fact it reduces them. Minsky catches this error because the operation shown on the final line of Figure 24 violates the rule that Assets minus Liabilities minus Equity equals zero.

Figure 24: A Godley Table with 3 sample transactions and one error

This simple system has many advantages over the modelling of monetary flows using the flowchart system that is common to all system dynamics programs—including Minsky. The “A-L-E=0” check makes sure that each transaction is recorded properly. The tabular layout is also much easier to read than a tangle of “wires” on a standard system dynamics program. You can also check a model line by line: if each line is correct, then the overall model can be trusted.

A simple model built using this system illustrates the fallacy behind the argument that, because “one person’s liability is another person’s asset”, therefore, the level and rate of change of private debt is of no macroeconomic significance. The basic model—shown in Figure 25—treats banks as mere intermediaries that enable Savers to lend to Borrowers. Both Savers and Borrowers spend money on each other, and Borrowers must pay interest to Savers equal to the prevailing interest rate times the amount of Loans outstanding. Loans don’t show up in the Banks’ Table because they are an Asset of the Savers. Spending by Savers and Borrowers is determined by SpendRate parameters, where the SpendRate for Borrowers is higher than that for Savers. Defining GDP as the sum of the spending by Savers and Borrowers on each other plus the Interest payments, with the values given to the parameters and the amount in their accounts, GDP starts at $240 per year.

Figure 25: A simple model of Loanable Funds

Figure 26 adds some graphs to this model, and runs it with (a) no credit for the first ten years; (b) credit equal to 25% of the deposits of savers per year until the private debt to GDP ratio hits 170% of GDP, which is the peak level of private debt that the USA experienced during the Global Financial Crisis; and then (c) running it with negative credit—meaning that borrowers are repaying savers, rather than taking out new loans—until the debt level falls back to zero once more.

The increase in debt increases GDP, and the reduction in debt reduces it, because Borrowers have a higher propensity to spend than Savers. But the change in GDP is slight: it rises from $240 per year to $260 per year, which is a trivial change, given that it took almost 30 years to go from zero debt to 170% of GDP. If this was all that including banking in a macroeconomic model would add, then it would make sense to ignore it, as Neoclassicals like Bernanke and Krugman do.

Figure 26: Running the Loanable Funds model with positive and then negative credit

To illustrate that this is an extremely bad inference from the correct observation that “one person’s liability is another person’s asset”—I hesitate to say stupid, but what the heck, it’s stupid—the next model, shown in Figure 27, makes only two very simple changes: it treats Loans, not as an asset of Savers, but as an asset of Banks; and for simplicity, it assumes that banks spend all the interest income they earn, so that bank spending replaces Interest payments as an input to GDP. Therefore, the only substantive difference between these two models is that Figure 26 is the fictional Neoclassical model in which banks are “mere intermediaries” between Savers and Borrowers, while Figure 27 models the real-world situation outlined by the Bank of England back in 2014, that banks don’t need Savers’ funds in order to lend, and in fact that bank lending creates money.

And what a difference the real-world makes! Rather than lending making only a minor difference to GDP, it increases it dramatically. This is why banks, and private debt, and money, are essential if one is to model the real-world capitalist economy, and not a Neoclassical fantasy.

Figure 27: Treating Loans as an Asset of the Banking Sector—which they are in the real-world

However, there is still one possible way for Neoclassical dogma to hang on: perhaps this is all just a “nominal” phenomenon, adding to monetary demand, but not changing real demand? We can dispense with that escape route by working from first principles to show that credit—the change in private debt—is an essential and highly volatile component of both aggregate expenditure and aggregate income.

  1. Proving that money matters macroeconomically

Schumpeter’s assertion that money matters is easily proven using a device I call a Moore Table, in honour of the great pioneer of endogenous money research in economics, Basil Moore (Moore 1979, 1988; Moore 2006). A Moore Table lays out monetary expenditure and income in an economy in terms of expenditure flows between sectors or agents in the economy. Each row shows the expenditure by a given sector, and the sectors that are the recipients of that expenditure, with expenditure having a negative sign and income having a positive sign. Each column shows the net income of each sector. All entries in a Moore Table are flows of dollars per year.

By construction, the negative of the sum of the diagonal elements of the table is aggregate expenditure, and it is identically equal to the sum of the off-diagonal elements, which is aggregate income. In the limit, if every agent in a country were included in the table, then it would measure that country’s GDP.

Table 6 shows the simplest example, of an economy with money but no credit or debt of any kind. Instead, there is a fixed stock of money, with each sector spending on the other two sectors. With flows labelled A to F, both aggregate expenditure and aggregate income are the sum of the flows A to F.

Table 6: A Moore Table showing expenditure IS income for a 3-sector economy


Table 7 shows Loanable Funds, with the Services sector lending Credit dollars per year to the Household sector, and the Household sector then spending this borrowed money on the Manufacturing sector. The Household sector also has to pay Interest dollars per year to the Services sector, based on the level of outstanding debt. The transfer of money in the loan is shown across the diagonal, because only income-generating transactions are shown across the rows.

This model has Credit reducing the expenditure that the Services sector can do (you can’t spend money that you have lent to someone else), while increasing the spending that the borrower—the Househol sector—can do. This spending boosts the income of the Manufacturing sector, but it is precisely offset by the lower level of spending by the Services sector on Manufacturing (the flows A to F in this table do not have to be the same as in Table 6).

This means that the entry for Credit cancels out on both the diagonal (aggregate expenditure) and the off-diagonal (aggregate income), so that Credit is not part of aggregate expenditure or aggregate income in Loanable Funds. Therefore, if Loanable Funds was an accurate description of what banks actually do, Neoclassicals would be correct to ignore credit in their macroeconomics.

Table 7: The Moore Table for Loanable Funds


With the real-world situation of bank lending, Credit adds to both the Assets of the banking sector, and its Liabilities—the deposit accounts of the Household sector. In this simple example, Household then spend this additional money on the Manufacturing sector. The practical import of this situation is that Credit appears only once in both aggregate expenditure—the spending by the Household sector—and aggregate income—the income of the Manufacturing sector. Consequently, Credit does not cancel out, as it did for Loanable Funds, and Credit is therefore part of Aggregate Expenditure and Aggregate Income.

Table 8: The Moore Table for Bank Originated Money and Debt


Therefore, banks, debt, credit and money must be included in macroeconomics: To leave them out is to omit the most volatile component of aggregate demand from your analysis. This is the root of the complete failure of mainstream economists to see the Global Financial Crisis coming, and in fact to understand the business cycle itself.

  1. The Empirical Record

Bernanke’s assertion that credit—which, as a believer in the Neoclassical myth of Loanable Funds, he falsely describes as “pure redistributions”—”should have no significant macroeconomic effects” (Bernanke 2000, p. 24 ) implies that a regression between credit and a significant macroeconomic indicator would return a very weak result. Instead, the R2 for a linear regression of credit and unemployment between 1990 and 2014 is 0.85—see Figure 28. This implies that credit, which is omitted from Neoclassical macroeconomic models, is by far the most important determinant of economic performance.

Figure 28: The huge negative relationship between credit and unemployment when private debt levels are very high

The relationship is less powerful at times of lower private debt—see Figure 29—but it is still highly significant: by omitting credit from their macroeconomics, Neoclassical economists are omitting the major determinant of macroeconomic performance.

Figure 29

In fact, the relationship is so significant that, when I constructed a data set on debt back to 1834 using both modern Federal Reserve data and two Census data series (Census 1949, 1975), it alerted me to an economic crisis of which I was previously unaware: the “Panic of 1837”. The event is so long back in history, and so precedes modern media—including both photographs and movies—that it has been largely forgotten, but in more contemporary accounts it was described as “an economic crisis so extreme as to erase all memories of previous financial disorders” (Roberts 2012, p. 24). Extant explanations of the crisis ascribe all manner of causes to it, but I identified it simply from the fact that it, like the “Great Recession” and the Great Depression, had an extended period of negative credit—see Figure 30.

Figure 30

Private Debt, its rate of change (credit), and banks, and money, are therefore critically important components of the macroeconomy. By ignoring them all, Neoclassical economics is as realistic a model of a monetary production economy as Ptolemy’s Heliocentric paradigm is of the solar system.




Bernanke, Ben S. 2000. Essays on the Great Depression (Princeton University Press: Princeton).

Census, Bureau of. 1949. “Historical Statistics of the United States 1789-1945.” In, edited by Bureau of the Census. Washington: United States Government.

———. 1975. “Historical Statistics of the United States Colonial Times to 1970.” In, edited by Bureau of the Census. Washington: United States Government.

Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, The. 2022. “Financial Intermediation and the Economy.” In. Stockholm: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Deutsche Bundesbank. 2017. ‘The role of banks, non- banks and the central bank in the money creation process’, Deutsche Bundesbank Monthly Report, April 2017: 13-33.

Eggertsson, Gauti B., and Paul Krugman. 2012. ‘Debt, Deleveraging, and the Liquidity Trap: A Fisher-Minsky-Koo approach’, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 127: 1469–513.

Faure, Salomon, and Hans Gersbach. 2022. ‘Loanable funds versus money creation in banking: a benchmark result’, Journal of economics (Vienna, Austria), 135: 107-49.

Fiebiger, Brett. 2014. ‘Bank credit, financial intermediation and the distribution of national income all matter to macroeconomics’, Review of Keynesian Economics, 2: 292-311.

Fisher, Irving. 1933. ‘The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions’, Econometrica, 1: 337-57.

Gleeson-White, Jane. 2011. Double Entry (Allen and Unwin: Sydney).

Keen, Steve. 2014. ‘Endogenous money and effective demand’, Review of Keynesian Economics, 2: 271–91.

———. 2015. ‘The Macroeconomics of Endogenous Money: Response to Fiebiger, Palley & Lavoie’, Review of Keynesian Economics, 3: 602 – 11.

Kumhof, Michael, and Zoltan Jakab. 2015. “Banks are not intermediaries of loanable funds — and why this matters.” In Working Paper. London: Bank of England.

Kumhof, Michael, Romain Rancière, and Pablo Winant. 2015. ‘Inequality, Leverage, and Crises’, The American Economic Review, 105: 1217-45.

Lavoie, Marc. 2014. ‘A comment on ‘Endogenous money and effective demand’: a revolution or a step backwards?’, Review of Keynesian Economics, 2: 321 – 32.

McLeay, Michael, Amar Radia, and Ryland Thomas. 2014. ‘Money creation in the modern economy’, Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, 2014 Q1: 14-27.

Minsky, Hyman P. 1993. ‘On the Non-neutrality of Money’, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Quarterly Review, 18: 77-82.

Minsky, Hyman P., Edward J. Nell, and Willi Semmler. 1991. ‘The Endogeneity of Money.’ in, Nicholas Kaldor and mainstream economics: Confrontation or convergence? (St. Martin’s Press: New York).

Moore, Basil J. 1979. ‘The Endogenous Money Supply’, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2: 49-70.

———. 1983. ‘Unpacking the Post Keynesian Black Box: Bank Lending and the Money Supply’, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 5: 537-56.

———. 1988. Horizontalists and Verticalists: The Macroeconomics of Credit Money (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge).

———. 1997. ‘Reconciliation of the Supply and Demand for Endogenous Money’, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 19: 423-28.

Moore, Basil John. 2006. Shaking the Invisible Hand: Complexity, Endogenous Money and Exogenous Interest Rates (Houndmills, U.K. and New York: Palgrave Macmillan).

Palley, Thomas. 2014. ‘Aggregate demand, endogenous money, and debt: a Keynesian critique of Keen and an alternative theoretical framework’, Review of Keynesian Economics, 2: 312–20.

Roberts, Alasdair. 2012. America’s first Great Depression: economic crisis and political disorder after the Panic of 1837 (Cornell University Press: Ithaca).

Schumpeter, Joseph Alois. 1934. The theory of economic development : an inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest and the business cycle (Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts).


The Macrofoundations of Macroeconomics

I share Blanchard’s vision that “The pursuit of a widely accepted analytical macroeconomic core, in which to locate discussions and extensions, may be a pipe dream, but it is a dream surely worth pursuing”. But he—and Neoclassical economics in general—err with the false belief that “Starting from explicit microfoundations is clearly essential; where else to start from?” (Blanchard 2016, p. 3). The answer to Blanchard’s purportedly rhetorical question is that the proper foundation of macroeconomics is not microeconomic theory, but macroeconomics itself.

This is chapter six of my draft book Rebuilding Economics from the Top Down, which will be published later this year by the Budapest Centre for Long-Term Sustainability

The previous chapter was I’M NOT DISCREET, AND NEITHER IS TIME, which is published here on Patreon     and here on Substack.
If you like my work, please consider becoming a paid subscriber from as little as $10 a year on Patreon, or $5 a month on Substack

This may sound paradoxical: how can your foundations be what you are trying to build on those foundations? But in fact, macroeconomic definitions which all economists must accept—simply because they are both true by definition, and essential to the study of the macroeconomy—can easily be turned into dynamic statements that enable the development of a realistic macroeconomic dynamics.

This process of building macroeconomics from macroeconomic definitions yields simple models which fit the data with far less use of arbitrary parameters than Neoclassicals impose on their “microfounded” models—and no use at all of carefully calibrated “exogenous shocks”—and which can be easily extended and made more realistic by adding further definitions (Keen 2020).

Since this chapter—and the models in it—is necessarily complex, I’ll start with its key takeaways. Working directly from incontestably true macroeconomic definitions, it is obvious that:

  • Capitalism is an inherently cyclical system (rather than an equilibrium system);
  • It is liable to collapse into a debt-deflation; but
  • It can be stabilized by counter-cyclical government spending.

These conclusions are the opposite of the a priori biases of Neoclassical microeconomics. And, these results are derived from definitions that all economists must accept, which are turned into dynamic models using empirically realistic simplifying assumptions. The contrary Neoclassical beliefs that capitalism tends towards equilibrium, that debt-deflations are impossible given the (as usual, false) assumptions of the Loanable Funds model of banking, and that government intervention almost always makes the social welfare outcome worse, are based on foundations that are rotten, both intellectually and empirically.

  1. Inherent Complexity and Cyclicality

Though, as noted in Chapter 3, three dimensions are needed to generate a fully complex system, two fundamental definitions are sufficient to demonstrate how different this approach is to Neoclassical modelling—and how realistic it is as well. These two definitions are the employment rate, and wages share of GDP: the former characterises the level of economic activity, and the latter the distribution of income.

The employment rate is how many people are employed, divided by the population; the wages share of GDP is the total wage bill, divided by GDP. Using for the employment rate, L for employment, N for population (because I’ll later use P for Prices), for the wages share of GDP, W for total wages, and Y for GDP, the starting definitions for a genuinely well-founded macroeconomics are:




Applying the rules discussed in the previous chapter to Equation yields:


The same operation applied to Equation yields:


These two equations make two extremely simple, and obviously true, dynamic statements:

  • The employment rate will rise if employment rises faster than population; and
  • The wages share of GDP will rise if total wages rise faster than GDP.

Deriving a dynamic model from these true-by-definition statements is a straightforward task that I have put in a later section, so that I can focus here on the essential point that a realistic and inherently cyclical macroeconomic model can be derived directly from macroeconomic definitions which are beyond dispute.

The model derived from these two definitions is shown in Equation :


Developing this model required the introduction of several parameters, and their names were chosen so as to make interpreting their meaning relatively easy: KYr is the Capital to Output ratio, for example. The names, meanings and values of of all the parameters in this model are given in Table 3.

Table 3: Parameters in the models


There’s are many programs that can simulate this model, from mathematical systems like Mathematica and Maple, to system dynamics programs like Vensim … and Minsky. I use Minsky because (a) I invented it; (b) it’s free; and (c) it’s the only program designed to model the dynamics of money, which becomes critically important in subsequent chapters.

The model is inherently cyclical, as Figure 13 illustrates.

Figure 13: Inherent and endemic cycles in a definitions-based dynamic macroeconomic model

Capitalism is therefore at its core a cyclical, rather than an equilibrium system. The Neoclassical portrayal of capitalism as a system that always returns to equilibrium after a disturbance is both a relic of the 19th century belief that equilibrium was an unfortunate but necessary assumption needed to enable modelling (Jevons 1888, p. 93—a belief which ceased to be valid in the mid-20th century), and a characteristic that Neoclassicals artificially impose on their RBC and DSGE models, because they have elevated equilibrium from a modelling compromise into a critical component of their vision of capitalism as a welfare-maximizing system—which it isn’t.

Given that this model can be derived directly from macroeconomic definitions, with none of the arbitrary assumptions that characterized Ramsey’s derivation of his growth model—let alone the crazy assumptions added by later Neoclassicals to apply Ramsey’s model to the macroeconomy (Solow 2010, p. 13)—this model should be regarded as half of the foundational model of macroeconomics—half because it does not yet include the financial sector or the government, which I add in the next two sections.

This model is, in fact, Richard Goodwin’s “growth cycle” model, which he developed in 1965 (Goodwin 1966; Goodwin 1967). My sole contribution here is to show that, rather than being based on “ad-hoc” equations, Goodwin’s model can be directly and easily derived from strictly true macroeconomic definitions, and straightforward simplifying assumptions.

Goodwin’s model has been neglected in economics, largely because Neoclassical economists abhor non-equilibrium systems, but also because of an unfortunate paper—for which I must confess that I was one of the referees who recommended its publication—which incorrectly derided its empirical accuracy. Entitled “Testing Goodwin: Growth Cycles in Ten OECD Countries”, it concluded that “At a quantitative level, Goodwin’s … estimated parameter values poorly predict the cycles’ centres” (Harvie 2000, p. 359).

In fact, this conclusion was due to a mistake by Harvie that he later frankly described to me as a “typical schoolboy error”: he used numbers in percentages, when his work had been done in fractions. That put his numbers out by a factor of 100—a fact that I only discovered when I attempted to use his parameters in a model. This mistake was corrected by (Grasselli and Maheshwari 2017), who found that the properly calibrated model was consistent with the data for OECD countries.

Figure 14 illustrates this with respect to US data from 1948 till 1968: using historically reasonable parameter values, the equilibrium of the model in Figure 13 precisely reproduces the average value for the employment rate and wages share between 1948 and 1968, even though the model is still very incomplete., The model also reproduces the cyclicality of the empirical data—something that a Neoclassical model cannot do without adding (carefully calibrated!) “exogenous shocks”—though not the actual magnitude of those cycles.


Figure 14: USA Employment and Wages Share Dynamics from 1948 till 1968

The next section completes this as a model of a pure capitalist economy by introducing the financial sector, in the form of the private debt to GDP ratio (in a later chapter, I explain why private debt is an essential component of the foundational model of macroeconomics).

  1. Debt-Deflation in a Pure Credit Economy

The debt ratio dr is the level of private debt (DP) divided by GDP:


In dynamic form, this definition is:


As usual, this equation has a straightforward verbal interpretation: the private debt ratio will rise if private debt grows faster than GDP.

Several modifications are required to variables in the previous model to integrate private debt dynamics into it. Debt means interest payments, so the rate of interest r was added as a parameter (it can be a variable in more elaborate models); profit is now net of interest payments as well as of wages; and Goodwin’s extreme assumption that capitalists invest all their profits is replaced by an investment function iG, (based on the rate of profit r) which has the same form as the wage change function in the previous model, and which assumes—rather too generously—that all debt is used to finance productive investment. As explained in the Section 7.6, this results in the following 3-equation system:


Here gr stands for the growth rate; w stands for the wage change function; iG stands for gross investment (investment before depreciation) and is a function of the rate of profit; and the profit share s is introduced, since it plays a significant—and surprising—role in the dynamics of the model.

The parameters for the investment function, and the interest rate, are shown in Table 4.

Table 4: Parameters added to the Goodwin model to include private debt

#With this model, “we’re not in Kansas anymore”,
when compared to the Neoclassical view of reality. The model can reach equilibrium, but most likely it will not. It will appear to be heading for equilibrium, only to cycle away from it (Pomeau and Manneville 1980). The people who don’t borrow in this simple model—workers—are the ones who pay the cost of borrowing, via a lower share of national income. The people who do borrow—capitalists—don’t pay the cost, but they are also the last ones to realise that, when the system is unstable, it is headed for a breakdown that will bankrupt them. Finally, the direct beneficiaries of rising private debt—bankers—end up owning everything of nothing.

The technical reason for this much greater complexity of this model over Goodwin’s is the fact that a model needs three dimensions in order to display complex behaviour—”Period Three Implies Chaos”, as Li and Yorke put it (Li and Yorke 1975). Goodwin’s model, with just two dimensions (the employment rate and the wages share ), is constrained by the nature of differential equations to display a very limited range of dynamic behaviours. But when the third dimension of the private debt ratio dr is added, much more complex and realistic behaviours can be generated.

Figure 15 shows a run of the model that does converge to equilibrium (though very slowly: it takes a millennium for the cycles to become imperceptible).

Figure 15: The model with investment and capital to output parameters that lead to equilibrium

With the parameter values used in Figure 15, the new system-state in this model—the level of private debt—has an equilibrium which is comparable to the level of the 1950s. But as Figure 16 illustrates, this was no equilibrium: the ratio rose substantially, and normally constantly, until hitting a peak of 170% of GDP in 2008.

Figure 16: USA Private Debt level since WWII (

If we choose parameter values for the model that generate this peak level of private debt as an equilibrium—by changing the slope of the investment function from 5 to 5.86—then we get an entirely different class of dynamics from this model. What Costa-Lima and Grasselli characterized as the “good equilibrium” of this model (Costa Lima, Grasselli, Wang, and Wu 2014, p. 35) becomes an unstable “strange attractor”, while the “bad equilibrium”—of a zero level of employment, a zero wages share, and an infinite debt ratio—becomes a stable attractor. If run for long enough, the model eventually collapses into zero wages share, zero employment, and an infinite debt ratio.

One emergent property of this model is that, with parameter values that lead to a private debt crisis, the volatility of the model declines prior to the crisis, in a manner which was replicated by the real world in the “Great Moderation” that preceded the “Great Recession” of 2007. This phenomenon is more obvious with nonlinear behavioural functions, which are applied in the model shown in Figure 18. The nonlinear functions shown in Figure 17 are generalized exponentials. These give a consistent curvature compared to a linear function, and rule out anomalies like negative investment. I’ve used linear functions for workers’ wage demands and capitalist investment decisions thus far, not because they’re more realistic—far from it—but because their use confirms that the cyclical behaviour of the models is driven, not by assumptions imposed by the modeller, but by the structure of the economy itself.

Figure 17: Nonlinear versus linear functions for wage change, investment and government spending change

With these functions and parameter values, the pure credit model undergoes a debt-induced crisis—see Figure 18.


Figure 18: A Private-Debt-induced Crisis with a nonlinear investment function

This still very simple and stylized model has an important real-world implication, which I noted in the conclusion to my first paper on this topic, “Finance and Economic Breakdown: Modelling Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis” (Keen 1995): a period of tranquillity in a capitalist economy is not inherently a good thing, but can in fact be a warning that a crisis is approaching:

From the perspective of economic theory and policy, this vision of a capitalist economy with finance requires us to go beyond that habit of mind that Keynes described so well, the excessive reliance on the (stable) recent past as a guide to the future. The chaotic dynamics explored in this paper should warn us against accepting a period of relative tranquility in a capitalist economy as anything other than a lull before the storm. (Keen 1995, p. 634. Emphasis added)

In contrast, equilibrium-obsessed Neoclassical economists saw the “Great Moderation” as a “welcome change to the economy” (Bernanke 2004), and actually attributed it to their successful management of the economy:

The sources of the Great Moderation remain somewhat controversial, but as I have argued elsewhere, there is evidence for the view that improved control of inflation has contributed in important measure to this welcome change in the economy. (Bernanke 2004)

The other emergent property of the model is equally striking: though firms (capitalists) are the ones doing the borrowing in this model, it is the workers who pay for rising debt via a declining workers’ share of income. Profits cycle around the equilibrium level until the crisis, while workers’ incomes decline as a direct effect of the rising income share going to banks.

This model is, of course, a mathematical rendition of Hyman Minsky’s “Financial Instability Hypothesis” (Minsky 1975, 1982). Though other specialists on Minsky emphasise his classification of finance into Hedge, Speculative and Ponzi Finance, and the change in the relative proportions of these financial archetypes through the business cycle, my favourite expression of the FIH as a dynamic process is the following from “The Financial Instability Hypothesis: An Interpretation of Keynes and an Alternative to ‘Standard’ Theory”:

The natural starting place for analyzing the relation between debt and income is to take an economy with a cyclical past that is now doing well. The inherited debt reflects the history of the economy, which includes a period in the not-too-distant past in which the economy did not do well. Acceptable liability structures are based upon some margin of safety so that expected cash flows, even in periods when the economy is not doing well, will cover contractual debt payments.

As the period over which the economy does well lengthens, two things become evident in board rooms. Existing debts are easily validated and units that were heavily in debt prospered; it paid to lever. After the event it becomes apparent that the margins of safety built into debt structures were too great. As a result, over a period in which the economy does well, views about acceptable debt structure change. In the deal-making that goes on between banks, investment bankers, and businessmen, the acceptable amount of debt to use in financing various types of activity and positions increases. This increase in the weight of debt financing raises the market price of capital assets and increases investment. As this continues the economy is transformed into a boom economy…

It follows that the fundamental instability of a capitalist economy is upward. The tendency to transform doing well into a speculative investment boom is the basic instability in a capitalist economy. (Minsky 1977, pp. 12-13; 1982, pp. 66-67. Emphasis added)

Minsky’s genius was his capacity to see this fundamental instability of capitalism, free of the hobbling Neoclassical assumption of equilibrium, and to relate this to the level of private debt—an insight he garnered from Fisher (Fisher 1933) rather than from Keynes, whom he didn’t properly appreciate until he read the brief essay “The General Theory of Employment” (Keynes 1937) in 1968 (Minsky 1969a, p. 9, footnote 6; 1969b, p. 225).

We now have three-quarters of a foundational dynamic model of capitalism. The final element needed to complete this model (prior to the introduction of prices) is a government sector.

  1. Stabilising an Unstable Economy

A government sector is added by applying Kalecki’s insight that net government spending adds to profits. Kalecki began with Table 5, which shows GDP in terms of both income (the left-hand column) and expenditure:

Table 5:Kalecki’s basic Income and Expenditure Identity (Kalecki 1954, p. 45)

Assuming that workers spend all of their incomes, Kalecki equated Gross Profits to the sum of Gross Investment and Capitalists’ Consumption, and then asked the causal question: which comes first? His answer was that:

it is clear that capitalists may decide to consume and to invest more in a given period than in the preceding one, but they cannot decide to earn more. It is, therefore, their investment and consumption decisions which determine profits, and not vice versa. (Kalecki 1954, p. 46. Emphasis added)

Kalecki then included government expenditure and taxes and exports, and allowed for some saving by workers. Simplifying his final equation somewhat, this led to the relationship that:


The model in this section follows Kalecki (Kalecki 1954, p. 49) by redefining profit to include net government spending (spending in excess of taxation), adds an equation for the rate of change of net government spending as a function of the level of unemployment, and a differential equation for government net spending:


Figure 19 simulates this system with nonlinear behavioural functions and the same system parameters as the unstable private-sector-only model in Figure 17, to illustrate the result that, as Hyman Minsky argued, “big government virtually ensures that a great depression cannot happen again” (Minsky 1982, p. xxxii). However, the process is more complex—fittingly—than Minsky could envisage with purely verbal reasoning.

The definitive treatment of the dynamic and stability properties of this model is given by Costa-Lima, Grasselli et al. in “Destabilizing a stable crisis: Employment persistence and government intervention in macroeconomics” (Costa Lima, Grasselli, Wang, and Wu 2014), though their model was more complicated than the one shown here.

The obvious outcome that the model remains cyclical, but does not undergo a breakdown, is due to a characteristic of complex dynamic systems known as persistence. Given the commonality of this phenomenon in real-world systems, and the unfamiliarity of economists with tis concept, it is worth quoting their paper at length:

Persistence theory studies the long-term behaviour of dynamical systems, in particular the possibility that one or more variables remain bounded away from zero. Typical questions are, for example, which species in a model of interacting species will survive over the long-term, or whether it is the case that in an endemic model an infection cannot persist in a population due to the depletion of the susceptible population.

In our context, we are interested in establishing conditions in economic models that prevent one or more key economic variables, such as the employment rate, from vanishing… we prove … that under a variety of alternative mild conditions on government subsidies, the model describing the economy is uniformly weakly persistent with respect to the employment rate

[W]e can guarantee that the employment rate does not remain indefinitely trapped at arbitrarily small values. This is in sharp contrast with what happens in the model without government intervention, where the employment rate is guaranteed to converge to zero and remain there forever if the initial conditions are in the basin of attraction of the bad equilibrium corresponding to infinite debt levels… no matter how disastrous the initial conditions are, a sufficiently responsive government can bring the economy back from a state of crises associated with zero employment rates…

On the other hand … austerity implies that the government cannot prevent the economy from remaining trapped in the basin of attraction of at least one of the bad equilibria, which is of course an undesirable outcome. (Costa Lima, Grasselli, Wang, and Wu 2014, pp. 31, 37. Emphasis added)


Figure 19: Net government spending stabilizes the previously unstable system

  1. Conclusion

Though these models are still very simple, they generate a picture of the economy that is at once totally different to the Neoclassical fantasy of eternal (but sometimes exogenously shocked) equilibrium, and empirically much easier to fit to actual data. In the next Chapter I show that these models can also be developed by following the causal approach of system dynamics, which also make it easier to add further real-world complexities to the basic models. Blanchard’s dream of “a widely accepted analytical macroeconomic core, in which to locate discussions and extensions” is alive and well, but only if the dead-end of Neoclassical equilibrium modelling is abandoned.



Bellino, Enrico. 2013. ‘On the stability of the Ramsey accumulation path (MPRA Paper No. 44024).’ in Levrero S., Palumbo A. and Stirati A. (eds.), Sraffa and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory (Palgrave Macmillan: Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, 2013. ).

Bernanke, Ben S. 2004. “Panel discussion: What Have We Learned Since October 1979?” In Conference on Reflections on Monetary Policy 25 Years after October 1979. St. Louis, Missouri: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Blanchard, Olivier. 2016. ‘Do DSGE Models Have a Future? ‘, Peterson Institute for International Economics.

Blatt, John M. 1983. Dynamic economic systems: a post-Keynesian approach (Routledge: New York).

Costa Lima, B., M. R. Grasselli, X. S. Wang, and J. Wu. 2014. ‘Destabilizing a stable crisis: Employment persistence and government intervention in macroeconomics’, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 30: 30-51.

Fisher, Irving. 1933. ‘The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions’, Econometrica, 1: 337-57.

Goodwin, R. M. 1966. ‘Cycles and Growth: A growth cycle’, Econometrica, 34: 46.

Goodwin, Richard M. 1967. ‘A growth cycle.’ in C. H. Feinstein (ed.), Socialism, Capitalism and Economic Growth (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge).

Grasselli, Matheus R., and Aditya Maheshwari. 2017. ‘A comment on ‘Testing Goodwin: growth cycles in ten OECD countries”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41: 1761-66.

Harvie, David. 2000. ‘Testing Goodwin: Growth Cycles in Ten OECD Countries’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24: 349-76.

Jevons, William Stanley. 1888. The Theory of Political Economy ( Library of Economics and Liberty: Internet).

Kalecki, M. 1954. Theory of Economic Dynamics: An Essay on Cyclical and Long-Run Changes in Capitalist Economy

(MacMillan: London).

Keen, Steve. 1995. ‘Finance and Economic Breakdown: Modeling Minsky’s ‘Financial Instability Hypothesis.”, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 17: 607-35.

———. 2020. ‘Emergent Macroeconomics: Deriving Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis Directly from Macroeconomic Definitions’, Review of Political Economy, 32: 342-70.

Keynes, J. M. 1937. ‘The General Theory of Employment’, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 51: 209-23.

Li, Tien-Yien, and James A. Yorke. 1975. ‘Period Three Implies Chaos’, The American Mathematical Monthly, 82: 985-92.

Minsky, Hyman P. 1969a. ‘The New Uses of Monetary Powers’, Nebraska Journal of Economics and Business, 8: 3-15.

———. 1969b. ‘Private Sector Asset Management and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy: Theory and Practice’, Journal of Finance, 24: 223-38.

———. 1975. John Maynard Keynes (Columbia University Press: New York).

———. 1977. ‘The Financial Instability Hypothesis: An Interpretation of Keynes and an Alternative to ‘Standard’ Theory’, Nebraska Journal of Economics and Business, 16: 5-16.

———. 1982. Can “it” happen again? : essays on instability and finance (M.E. Sharpe: Armonk, N.Y.).

Pomeau, Yves, and Paul Manneville. 1980. ‘Intermittent transition to turbulence in dissipative dynamical systems’, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 74: 189-97.

Ramsey, F. P. 1928. ‘A Mathematical Theory of Saving’, The Economic Journal, 38: 543-59.

Solow, R. M. 2010. “Building a Science of Economics for the Real World.” In House Committee on Science and Technology Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight. Washington.


I’m not Discreet, and Neither is Time

That appalling pun highlights a problem with economic modellers in general: the treatment of time as a discrete rather than a continuous phenomenon. Though there are (not enough!) exceptions, the habit amongst both Neoclassical and Post-Keynesians economists is to model an economic variable now as depending on other variables one year in the past (and for Neoclassicals, the future).

This is chapter six of my draft book Rebuilding Economics from the Top Down, which will be published later this year by the Budapest Centre for Long-Term Sustainability

The previous chapter was Profit Maximization in the Real World, which is published here on Patreon     and here on Substack.
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For example, the Smets and Wouters Neoclassical DSGE model discussed in Chapter 1 has the following equation to represent consumption {Smets, 2007 #1356`, Equation 2`, p. 588}. The details of the equation are unimportant. What I want you to notice is how time is modelled, with ct representing consumption this year, ct-1 consumption the previous year, ct+1 expectations of consumption next year, and so on:


Similarly, the Post-Keynesian economists Lavoie and Zezza have an equation for consumption which also has consumption this year depending on variables from the year before {Lavoie, 2020 #6348`, Equation 25`, p. 465}:


This is simply the wrong way to model time in an economic model, but it is the norm amongst economists of all paradigmatic persuasions. There is an alternative approach—which is the norm in genuine sciences—of modelling time using differential equations, and that’s what I will use in the remainder of this book.

Unfortunately, the practice of using discrete-time equations (otherwise known as “difference equations”: equations in terms of t, t-1, etc.) is so prevalent, and so accepted not just by Neoclassical economists, but by the staff who teach mathematical methods to young economists, that I have to spend some time dissing it first.

  1. Friends Don’t Let Friends Use Difference Equations

Firstly, ask yourself, does your consumption today really depend on your income last year?

Of course not! Unless you are a billionaire, your expenditure today will be influenced by your income in the last week to month, not a year.

But that’s reasoning at the level of a single individual, and macroeconomic modelling, which is the focus of this book, is about aggregates. This brings in another level of distortion. The use of a difference equation for aggregate investment, for example implies that the investment decisions of all firms occur at the same frequency: that they are coordinated somehow. This is nonsense. Individual firms invest at very different frequencies to each other: a fast-food delivery service might invest on a monthly basis; a semiconductor producer might have a decade-long investment horizon.

The sum of many such asynchronous investment decisions ends up looking like a flow of investment decisions over time—which is the sort of thing that a differential equation portrays much more easily than a difference equation.

Thirdly, why do economic models use a one-year time-delay for everything? Fundamentally, because of laziness: it’s just easy to use a delay of 1 for everything.

There’s also a technical reason for this. Let’s say you took my criticism here seriously, but decided to still use difference equations, and to make your time-step a week rather than a year. Then you could have a difference equation for consumption with a time step of a week, which is reasonable, and one for investment with a time step of 52 weeks (a year), which is also reasonable. But then, to simulate your model you would need to provide 52 “initial conditions” for investment—if you had investment today depending on profits from 52 weeks ago, you would need to supply the model with 52 weekly values for profits (and investment) before it could be simulated.

Worse still, if you found by empirical research that the time delay in investment was actually 78 weeks, you would have to redesign your model to reflect that—and supply the additional 26 initial conditions as well.

This is where the laziness comes from: it’s so hard to do difference equations well, that economists do them badly instead, l and reduce everything to a one year time delay.

Fourthly, difference equations have some qualitative features that differ from those of differential equations, which can introduce spurious dynamics into a model. For example, I noted earlier that three dimensions are needed before a dynamic system can display complex behaviour—which used to be called “chaos”. But that’s only true of continuous-time equations. A one-dimensional difference equation can display chaotic behaviour, and one of the most famous such system is the logistic difference equation:


The pattern it generates is indeed fascinating—see Figure 11—and it has some real-world applications, notably in population dynamics for species with high reproduction rates.

Figure 11: Chaotic behaviour in the discrete-time logistic equation

But if you’re trying to model a process in an economic model that has logistic characteristics, then using a discrete-time form, when the process is better described by the continuous form, will introduce spurious dynamics. Figure 12 shows how a continuous time logistic equation behaves. This might be more boring, but it will also be more realistic. A difference-equation model will generate more “interesting” dynamics, but simply because it uses the wrong modelling approach, not because the underlying economic system is truly chaotic (though as you will see, the macroeconomy can be chaotic—or rather complex).

Figure 12: Convergent behaviour in the continuous-time logistic equation

Some economists think that the discrete nature of economic data necessitates using discrete time models to reproduce it. The definitive riposte to this argument was given by the “father of system dynamics”, the engineer Jay Forrester, when he first encountered—and was seriously dismayed by—economic modelling in the 1950s. He observed that:

Time intervals of model solutions are often too widely spaced for the predictions being attempted. For example, a model solved annually to arrive at new annual values of economic variables would, if anything, be useful in predicting future trends over a five-year period but not year-to-year variations. As a rough rule-of-thumb, one would want solutions spaced closely enough to define a smooth curve through the fluctuations in which we are interested. {Forrester, 2003 #4915`, p. 334. Emphasis added}

In the concluding part of the paper, entitled “A future approach to model building”, Forrester reiterated that the belief that discrete data necessitated discrete modelling was simply wrong:

The incremental time intervals for which the variables of a model are solved step-by-step in time must be much shorter than often supposed… For models of the national economy as a whole it is unlikely that the time interval can be longer than one month and it is entirely possible that weekly intervals might be necessary.

This solution interval is unrelated to the interval at which national statistics and economic indicators are measured. The model should generate the instantaneous values of the variables which exist in the real system, whether or not these can be measured. The measurability of some of these variables is immaterial to the structure of the model and the incremental time steps through which it is advanced. The frequency of collection of statistics will only determine the frequency with which the model can be compared with reality, and in turn will affect the ease of getting the model structure and coefficients to converge toward their real counterparts.

The incremental time interval used for model solution will, on the other hand, be related to the lengths of the time constants which have been incorporated in the structure of the model. As a rough generalization, it will be necessary to have several solution intervals within the shortest time delay which is recognized in the model. Correspondingly, the model will need several solution intervals in a half-cycle of the highest frequency response which is to be generated at any point in the model. {Forrester, 2003 #4915`, p. 343. Emphasis added}

It might be thought that this would make mathematical modelling more complicated—wouldn’t the need for high frequency modelling force you to specify economic processes in intricate detail? In fact, the reverse is the case, because mathematicians have developed techniques for simulating dynamic systems that take care of the time intervals for you (the most famous being the Runge-Kutta algorithm), and these have adaptive mechanisms to improve simulation accuracy and speed as well. Rather than having to worry about the simulation time interval, you can forget about it, and well-established mathematical routines take care of it for you.

Another frequently made objection to continuous time methods is that economic decisions, such as investment, are based on lagged data, rather than current data, and therefore period analysis is needed to capture these lags. For example, Godley & Lavoie 2007 assume:

that governments react to lagged inflation rates, rather than to actual or expected inflation rates, on the realistic grounds that fiscal policy may have a reaction time somewhat longer than monetary policy. {Godley, 2007 #1240`, p. 92}

Therefore, they use the two equations shown in Equation to represent “real pure government expenditures” g, and the “growth rate of real pure government expenditures”, , where the rate of growth of government expenditure is a function of “the growth rate of potential output” gr, the change in the lagged inflation rate , and the deviation of the lagged inflation rate from the target inflation rate :


In fact, lags are easily represented in differential equations, using what is known as a “first-order time lag”, to relate the delayed perception of the rate of inflation to the actual, instantaneous rate of inflation . I’ll use rather than for the time-lagged inflation rate, since a time lag can be any length, not merely “one period”. The time-lagged inflation rate is defined by its rate of convergence to the actual inflation rate, which is given by the “time constant” (which, in an elaborate model, can be a variable if desired) which measures the length of time, in years, that it takes for the perceived rate of inflation to converge to the actual rate of inflation . If =0.5 this is a 6-month lag; if =1, a year, and so on. This rate of convergence is given by the differential equation shown in Equation :


Similarly, the growth rate of government expenditure is expressed as a differential equation:


The variable growth rate can now defined as something like Equation , or it could be replaced with its own differential equation.


This approach is vastly superior to the discrete approach to time lags (which is more correctly called a time-delay, rather than a time-lag), for many reasons.

Time-lags are flexible. Your lag can be a fraction of a year, or multiple years, or even an irrational number if you wish: it doesn’t have to be 1,2, 3 “time periods”, as in conventional economic modeling. And of course, I’m being generous in saying that! As already noted, economic models use a time delay of “1 period” for almost everything. In Lavoie and Godley 2007, interest payments have a lag of -1 (equation 1); spending is negatively related to the interest rate with a lag of -1 (equation 2); taxes on wealth are lagged -1 (equation 7). This is typical. Factors which in the real world occur at vastly different frequencies—consumption, for example, has a much higher frequency than investment—are all corralled into the same arbitrary frequency.

Therefore, the time-delays (not time-lags) in discrete time economic models—which is to say, the vast majority of economic models—are spurious. They have nothing to do with the actual characteristics of time-dependent actions in the real economy. Time lags, on the other hand, can be derived from empirical data. They are also easy to edit: a time lag is a simple scalar, and if you find that you’re using the wrong value—say, data shows that the time lag in investment is actually 1.5 years when your model uses 3 years—then all you have to alter is that number. On the other hand, if discrete-time economic models did time delays properly, they would have different delays for consumption (short) versus investment (long). This simply isn’t done. If it were, and then empirical data indicated that the delay was different to what the model used, a wholesale re-writing of the model is necessary.

The final reason for economists using difference equations is simply habit. It’s what they’ve always done, therefore a century later, it’s what they still do: if there’s a difference equation approach at hand, that’s what they’ll use, even if differential equation methods are superior.

For that reason, I have not enabled difference equation logic at all in Minsky. Given how inappropriate difference-equation models are for modelling the economy, and yet how much they are used by economists, Minsky
deliberately does not support time-delays: “friends don’t let friends use periods”. We may need to introduce time-delays at some point, to enable the importing of models from other system dynamics programs, but if so, they will exist solely for that purpose.

With these issues covered, it’s time to turn from critique to construction.

  1. A Simple Approach to Dynamics Using Ratios

Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) are hard, and “Partial Differential Equations” (PDEs) even more so. If you want to become truly fluent in dynamic modelling, then I recommend doing mathematics courses in calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra (which you need to work out the stability properties of dynamic systems).

But it’s also possible to do a lot of dynamic modelling using something with which everyone is familiar: percentages (or rather, ratios). If you say, for example, that “the rate of growth of GDP is 2.3% per year”, you are stating a differential equation: you are saying that the rate of change of GDP equal 0.023 times the current value of GDP. The following are equivalent statements:


The ratio form is the most useful, since the logic of logarithms lets you convert division and multiplication of ratios into addition and subtraction. For example, if you have a variable x in your model, then mathematicians indicate its rate of growth by putting a “hat” over the variable:


If x is the ratio of one variable X to another Y, then then the ratio of the rate of change can be converted into the rate of change ratio of X minus the rate of change ratio of Y:


Similarly, the ratio of rate of change of the product of two ratios is the sum of their rates of change ratios:


This simple rule makes it surprisingly easy to build dynamic macroeconomic models using ratios. Macroeconomics abounds with definitions that are ratios: the employment rate, for example is the ratio of the number of people with a job to the population. It is therefore possible to start with a set of definitions and develop a dynamic model. I’ll illustrate this procedure in the next chapter.

  1. A Simple Approach to Dynamics Using System Dynamics

System dynamics, which was invented by Jay Forrester in the 1950s, is simply a way to generate systems of ordinary differential equations. So long as the flowchart forms a causal loop, it generates a set of differential equations which can be of daunting complexity. But if you can read the flowchart, you can understand the model.

Building an insightful system dynamics model isn’t easy, but it is far easier than the laborious methods that Neoclassical economists use to purport to derive macroeconomic models from microeconomic: when Blanchard noted that the fool’s errand of deriving a macroeconomic model from microeconomic concepts implied “a long slog from the competitive model to a reasonably plausible description of the economy” {Blanchard, 2016 #5194`, p. 3}, he wasn’t joking. I remember discussing modelling some detail of the monetary system with Michael Kumhof of the Bank of England—who is the only Neoclassical economist who understands that banks create money {Kumhof, 2015 #5120. Michael remarked it would take of the order of months to add it to his DSGE model. I replied that it would take me of the order of minutes to do the same thing in Minsky. I’ll illustrate that point in the next few Chapters.

Profit Maximization in the Real World

An essential component of Neoclassical microeconomics is the proposition that firms maximize their profits by equating marginal revenue—the addition to total revenue caused by the last unit sold—to marginal cost—the addition to total costs caused by the last unit produced. This proposition plays a fundamental role in all DSGE-based macroeconomic models too, in the form of profit maximization rules for the competitive and monopolistic industry sectors that are integral parts of these models. The former maximize profits by setting price equal to marginal cost: since they lack market power, for them, the market price is a constant, and therefore price equals marginal revenue. The latter set price at a markup above marginal cost, at the point where marginal cost equals marginal revenue.

This is chapter five of my draft book Rebuilding Economics from the Top Down, which will be published later this year by the Budapest Centre for Long-Term Sustainability

The previous chapter was The “Anything Goes” Market Demand Curve, which is published here on Patreon and here on Substack.
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The formulas in DSGE models that apply these rules are normally far more complicated than the simple rules taught in microeconomic textbooks, but they are based on the same principles: setting marginal revenue equal to marginal cost maximizes profits, because these are the slopes respectively of total revenue and total cost. When the slopes of the total revenue and total cost curves are the same, the gap between them—which is total profit—is maximized.

There are logical problems with this argument (Keen and Standish 2010, 2015), but there is a far more important problem: the conclusion that a firm maximises profits by equating marginal revenue and marginal cost requires that marginal cost rises with output, but this condition does not apply for the vast majority of firms in the real world.

The logical basis of the condition is the “The Law of Diminishing Returns”, that output rises as variable inputs rise, but at a decreasing pace. To cite Samuelson and Nordhaus’s textbook again:

Under the law of diminishing returns, a firm will get less and less extra output when it adds additional units of an input while holding other inputs fixed. In other words, the marginal product of each unit of input will decline as the amount of that input increases, holding all other inputs constant. (Samuelson and Nordhaus 2010, pp. 108-109)

The Law of Diminishing Returns then generates the standard model of a firm’s cost structure, in which marginal costs are steeply rising, the average total cost curve is U-shaped, and average fixed costs are relatively small—see Figure 5, which is taken from Samuelson and Nordhaus’s textbook.

Figure 5: The standard textbook model of the cost structure of the representative firm (Samuelson and Nordhaus 2010, p. 131)

The Law of Diminishing Returns is logically correct, given its assumptions, as is the shape of the cost curves derived from it. But it is also, to quote the humourist H. L. Mencken, “neat, plausible, and wrong”. When economists have investigated the actual cost structures of real firms—as opposed to the imaginary ones with which economics textbooks are populatedthe universal result has been that, for the vast majority of firms, marginal cost is either constant, or falls with increasing output.

The last economist to discover this was Alan Blinder, who ranks as highly as Blanchard in the pantheon of influential Neoclassical economists: he was Vice-Chair of the Federal Reserve, Vice-President of the American Economic Association, and was and remains a prominent “New Keynesian” macroeconomist.

A distinguishing feature of “New Keynesian” DSGE models, compared to “New Classical” RBC (“Real Business Cycle”) models, is that New Classicals assume that prices adjust instantly to clear markets, whereas New Keynesians assume that prices are “sticky”—and hence that some unemployment of resources is involuntary. New Keynesians came up with many theories as to why prices should be sticky, each with different implications for the economy. To resolve this debate, Blinder decided to do a survey of American manufacturing firms, to see if their prices were indeed “sticky”, and if so, why.

The survey itself was enormous: 200 firms were directly interviewed, and their output accounted for “7.6 percent of the total value added in the nonfarm, for-profit, unregulated sector” of the US economy (Blinder 1998, p. 67). It was, without a doubt, the largest survey ever undertaken of the cost structures and behaviours of corporations.

It also contained a surprise for Neoclassical economists, which Blinder introduced as follows:

Another very common assumption of economic theory is that marginal cost is rising. This notion is enshrined in every textbook and employed in most economic models. It is the foundation of the upward-sloping supply curve…

The overwhelmingly bad news here (for economic theory) is that, apparently, only 11 percent of GDP is produced under conditions of rising marginal cost. Almost half is produced under constant MC … But that leaves a stunning 40 percent of GDP in firms that report declining MC functions. (Blinder 1998, pp. 101-102. Emphasis added)

Blinder summarised this result in what is possibly the ugliest graph ever published in an economics book—see Figure 6.

Figure 6: Blinder’s graphical summary of his survey’s findings on the shape of the marginal cost curve

In fact, virtually all of Blinder’s empirical findings were a surprise to Neoclassical economists. For my purposes here, the second-largest surprise (after the discovery that marginal costs are either constant or falling) was that average fixed costs were extremely high—compared to conventional economic theory—at on average 44% of average total costs at the firm’s normal operating level (see Table 1). Compare that to Samuelson and Nordhaus’s toy model in Figure 5, where average fixed costs are far smaller than average variable and marginal costs. [Footnote 1]

Table 1: Blinder’s summary of his empirical results (Blinder 1998, p. 106)

Blinded concluded that:

While there are reasons to wonder whether respondents interpreted these questions about costs correctly, their answers paint an image of the cost structure of the typical firm that is very different from the one immortalized in textbooks. (Blinder 1998, p. 105. Emphasis added)

However, though these results were a surprise to textbook writers, they were not at all a surprise to anyone who had ever surveyed firms about their cost structures. The definitive survey of such surveys was done by Fred Lee (Lee 1998). He found 71 surveys between 1924 and 1979, all of which found the same result, that marginal costs are constant or falling for the vast majority of firms.

The definitive explanation for this phenomenon—which contradicts the “Law” of Diminishing Returns—was given by Andrews in 1949:

On the usual assumptions, the static law of diminishing returns is held to justify the short-run average-cost curve being drawn as U-shaped. The rising branch of the U, in particular, is justified by the assumption that there will be an optimum dosage of the direct [“variable costs”] cost factors, after which average direct costs rise and, in the end, more than counterbalance the effect of the falling overhead-cost curve [“fixed costs”].

However, the rising part of the average direct-cost curve, and hence of the average total-cost curve, even when it would exist, is not relevant to normal analysis. The normal situation is that the businessman will plan to have reserve capacity, his average-cost curve falling for any outputs that he is likely to meet in practice, and his average direct costs, which the second part of this paper will treat as of crucial importance in the theory of pricing, normally being practically constant for very wide ranges of output. (Andrews, Lee, and Earl 1993, p. 78; Andrews 1949)

The reasons why real-world firms have substantial excess capacity, and therefore do not experience diminishing marginal productivity, are quite simple.

Firstly, Neoclassical textbooks describe factories as cartoonish shambles. For example, this is Mankiw’s explanation of why “Hungry Helen’s Cookie Factory” experiences diminishing marginal productivity:

At first, when only a few workers are hired, they have easy access to Helen’s kitchen equipment. As the number of workers increases, additional workers have to share equipment and work in more crowded conditions. Hence, as more and more workers are hired, each additional worker contributes less to the production of cookies…

when Helen’s kitchen gets crowded, each additional worker adds less to the production of cookies; this property of diminishing marginal product is reflected in the flattening of the production function as the number of workers rises… Because her kitchen is already crowded, producing an additional cookie is quite costly. Thus, as the quantity produced rises, the total-cost curve becomes steeper. (Mankiw 2001, pp. 273, 275)

“Hungry Helen’s Cookie Factory” is, of course, a made-up example: there is no such firm. Nor does “Thirsty Thelma’s Lemonade Stand” exist, nor “Big Bob’s Bagel Bin”: they are all simply products of Mankiw’s febrile (and alliterative) Neoclassical imagination. Equally, “Al’s Building Contractors” is a fictional example that Blinder uses in his textbook (Baumol and Blinder 2011). [Footnote 2]

In the real world, factories are designed by engineers to reach peak performance at or very near capacity. As Eiteman put it in 1947, engineers design factories:

so as to cause the variable factor to be used most efficiently when the plant is operated close to capacity. Under such conditions an average variable cost curve declines steadily until the point of capacity output is reached. A marginal curve derived from such an average cost curve lies below the average curve at all scales of operation short of peak production, a fact that makes it physically impossible for an enterprise to determine a scale of operations by equating marginal cost and marginal revenues unless demand is extremely inelastic. (Eiteman 1947, p. 913)

Real-world manufacturers, when they had the Neoclassical model explained to them, have often felt insulted by it. For example, Eiteman and Guthrie sent a survey to one thousand firms, which asked them to nominate which of 8 curves most closely approximated their average costs (Eiteman and Guthrie 1952)—see Figure 7. Of the 366 firms who replied, literally only one selected Curve 3, which is the one that is most like the standard drawing in Neoclassical textbooks (such as that in Figure 5 on page 1, from (Samuelson and Nordhaus 2010))—see Table 2. On the other hand, over 60% of firms chose Curve 7, and another 34% chose the very similar Curve 6.

Figure 7: Eiteman & Guthrie’s eight hypothetical average total cost curves (Eiteman and Guthrie 1952, pp. 834-835)

Table 2: The responses to Eiteman and Guthrie’s survey on the shape of the average cost curve: “Table II.-Choice of Cost Curve by Companies Without Reference to Number of Products” (Eiteman and Guthrie 1952, p. 837)

Curve Indicated

Number of Companies





























Eiteman and Guthrie noted that “The replies demonstrate a clear preference of businessmen for curves which do not offer great support to the argument of marginal theorists,” and continued that “If some of the personal comments of those who answered the questionnaires were to be repeated here, they would serve further to emphasize this conclusion”. They cited one businessman, who remarked that:

“‘The amazing thing is that any sane economist could consider No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5 curves as representing business thinking. It looks as if some economists, assuming as a premise that business is not progressive, are trying to prove the premise by suggesting curves like Nos. 3, 4, and 5.” (Eiteman and Guthrie 1952, p. 838)

Secondly, when a factory is first constructed, it is built with expansion of sales in mind: a factory which operates at 100% capacity on day one of its operations is a factory that was too small in the first place.

Thirdly, in a genuinely competitive industry, virtually every firm hopes to increase its market share—and precisely because this will increase its profits. It needs spare capacity in order to do this, and since all firms do it, the aggregate potential output of the industry substantially exceeds the proportion that is used. Even during the boom years of the 1960s, capacity utilization in the American economy never exceeded 90%, and it has trended down ever since—see Figure 8.

Figure 8: Aggregate capacity utilization in the USA:

The preconditions needed for diminishing marginal productivity to apply therefore do not exist in the real world. They exist only in the childish imaginations of Neoclassical textbook writers.

In 1949, Andrews sketched the standard real-world situation, in which diminishing marginal productivity does not apply, because a well-managed firm has idle capacity. Rather than having its machinery operated at beyond its optimal variable inputs to fixed capital ratio, as is assumed by economics textbooks, it has substantial spare capacity.

Figure 9: Andrews’ graphical summary of the normal cost curves for a manufacturing business (Andrews, Lee, and Earl 1993, p. 80)

The practical import of this actual representative shape of the cost curves for a manufacturing firm was given by Eiteman in 1948:

marginal cost curves will lie below average cost curves at all points of operation short of capacity. As a consequence, marginal cost curves will no longer intersect marginal revenue curves (1) when average revenue curves are horizontal or (2) when average revenue curves are high and almost horizontal. Under either of these conditions, business managers would simply produce as much goods as the current market would absorb without reference to marginal cost and marginal revenue. (Eiteman 1948, P. 900. Emphasis added)

The import of this is devastating for both Neoclassical micro and macroeconomics.

Neoclassical microeconomics is predicated on the output level of the firm being based on its marginal cost. A profit-maximizing firm produces where marginal cost equals marginal revenue, because that output level maximizes profits: any higher output level than that actually reduces profits. But as Figure 10 illustrates, marginal cost (which equals variable cost when it is a constant with respect to output) lies well below total cost: any firm that did price at marginal cost would rapidly go bankrupt. The real-world profit-maximization condition is to sell as many units as possible—and preferably at the expense of sales to your rivals, with whom you compete not on price but on non-price issues like product differentiation. Hence, Figure 10 shows price P as a constant, not because of a silly Neoclassical assumption like “perfect information”, but because in a mature industry in the real world, additional sales by one competitor normally come at the expense of the sales by another.

Additional output lowers average fixed costs, which are a very significant component of total costs. Lower per unit fixed costs, with constant per unit variable costs and—in a competitive industry where non-price, product-differentiation-based competition dominates—this results in rising total and per-unit profits as capacity utilization rises, right out to the factory’s capacity, as Figure 10 illustrates.

Figure 10: Profit, Revenue and Costs at the target output level for the representative firm

Real-world profit maximization, therefore, involves selling as many units as possible, rather than stopping selling when “marginal cost exceeds marginal revenue”. Any real-world sales manager who told his staff to stop selling would (and should) be sacked.

This is why Blinder described the results of his survey as “overwhelmingly bad news … (for economic theory)”. Not only does the theory not describe the behaviour of real-world firms, but all the welfare conclusions that flow from marginal this equalling marginal that disappear as well—and they have already been destroyed in any case by the logical fallacies in the derivation of the market demand curve covered in the previous chapter.

Macroeconomics that is based on Neoclassical microeconomics inherits these false microeconomic assumptions, and they play critical roles in the algebraic derivation of an RBC or DSGE model. But in the real world, which these models purport to describe, these conditions are strongly violated.

Therefore, even if it were possible to derive macroeconomics from microeconomics—which the previous chapter showed was a fool’s errand for any complex system—then Neoclassical microeconomics is not the right foundation for it.

So, what to do? I’ll give my alternative in the following chapters, after a brief Appendix which lays out the mathematics of real-world profit maximization, and speculates about what a real-world microeconomics might look like.

  1. Appendix: Real World Profit Maximization and Real-World Microeconomics

Eiteman’s conjecture—that the profit-maximisation strategy of real-world firms is to sell as many units as possible—is easily illustrated using Figure 10. A firm with the cost structure of a typical real-world firm has fixed costs of F (which are a substantial component of total costs at the target output level—of the order of 40% of the market price, according to Blinder’s research), constant variable costs per unit AVC=V—so that marginal costs are also constant, and equal to V—total revenue which is equal to the market price P times the quantity sold, and a price level P that substantially exceeds average variable and hence marginal costs: P>V.

The profits of the firm are given by Equation :

The differential of profit with respect to the quantity sold is therefore always positive:

Therefore, as Eiteman said, the best strategy for the firm is to sell as many units as it can. Since its competitors are all trying to do the same thing, while market demand is, for mature industries, a relatively stable fraction of GDP, this leads to the evolutionary competitive struggle we witness in most real-world markets.

We can get a slightly more informative formula by rearranging Equation to show profit per unit:

The differential of profit per unit with respect to q is:

The rate of change of profit with respect to output can also be expressed in terms of fixed cost and profit per unit of output by simply rearranging the definition of profit:

This confirms the graphical intuition in Figure 10. An increase in output means that the height of the rectangle for total fixed costs falls, while the height of the rectangle for total variable costs remains constant, as does the height of the rectangle for total revenue. The falling height of average fixed costs means that the gap between average revenue and average costs grows. Total profit therefore rises with rising output, because the substantial fixed costs of production are spread over a larger number of units sold. Profit per unit grows as fixed costs per unit shrinks.

Given these fundamental problems with both the theory of demand and the model of production, the only thing one can say in favour of Neoclassical microeconomics is that it gives Neoclassical microeconomists something to do. But it is worse than useless in the real world: with of the order of 95% of firms not having the pre-conditions to experience diminishing marginal productivity, and a theory of demand that does not transcend a single individual, the games Neoclassical microeconomists play are just that: games.

This real-world analysis raises the possibility of an evolutionary microeconomics that, while it could not be used to derive macroeconomics, would be compatible with the macroeconomics I will develop in subsequent chapters, and could also say something useful about actual competitive behaviour. An increase in sales by one firm will give it more internally-generated funds to invest and both expand output and differentiate its product further, while the allure of large profits would encourage innovation by small unprofitable firms aspiring to become big profitable ones.

This dynamic, evolutionary process could explain the actual distribution of firm sizes, which as Axtell established, do not conform to the Neoclassical taxonomic classes of “monopoly, oligopoly, and competitive” but instead display a power-law “Zipf” distribution (Axtell 2001, 2006). As Axtell remarked, “The Zipf distribution is an unambiguous target that any empirically accurate theory of the firm must hit” (Axtell 2001, p. 1820). The Neoclassical model has no chance of doing so, while an evolutionary model based on firms where size enables faster growth, and the profitability of large companies encourages product innovation by its smaller rivals, just might be able to reproduce the actual structure of real-world markets.

Andrews, P. W. S. 1949. ‘A reconsideration of the theory of the individual business: costs in the individual business; the determination of prices’, Oxford Economic Papers: 54-89.

Andrews, P. W. S., F. S. Lee, and Peter E. Earl. 1993. The Economics of Competitive Enterprise (Edward Elgar: Aldershot).

Axtell, Robert L. 2001. ‘Zipf Distribution of U.S. Firm Sizes’, Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science), 293: 1818-20.

———. 2006. “Firm Sizes: Facts, Formulae, Fables and Fantasies.” In, edited by Center on Social and Economic Dynamics.

Baumol, W. J., and Alan Blinder. 2011. Economics: Principles and Policy.

Blinder, Alan S. 1991. ‘Why are Prices Sticky? Preliminary Results from an Interview Study’, The American Economic Review, 81: 89-96.

———. 1998. Asking about prices: a new approach to understanding price stickiness (Russell Sage Foundation: New York).

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[Footnote 1: The short-run supply curve, according to Neoclassical theory, begins at the point M in Figure 5, at which point fixed costs are just 25% of total costs in Figure 5. As a fraction of total costs, they fall sharply from that point on.]

[Footnote 2: Why did Blinder, a decade after he found that diminishing marginal productivity does not apply to real-world firms (Blinder 1991, 1998), still teach it in his textbook (Baumol and Blinder 2011, pp. 127-133)? This reflects the phenomenon noted by Kuhn (Kuhn 1970)and Planck (Planck 1949), that most scientists, once they are committed to a paradigm, continue to cling to it even after presented with evidence that it is wrong. Blinder’s case has some additional pathos, in that his discovery clearly disturbed him, so much so that the explanation he gives for diminishing marginal productivity, and one of the examples he gives of it, are both wrong, even from the point of view of Neoclassical economics.

Blinder claims that “The ‘law’ of diminishing marginal returns … rests simply on observed facts; economists did not deduce the relationship analytically” (Baumol and Blinder 2011, p. 132), which is simply and doubly false: it was derived from deductive logic rather than observation, and it has been contradicted by observed facts—including Blinder’s own research.

He then gives, as an example of “diminishing marginal productivity”, the case of Chinese grain output over a 15-year period: “In China, for instance, farmers have been using increasingly more fertilizer as they try to produce larger grain harvests to feed the country’s burgeoning population. Although its consumption of fertilizer is four times higher than it was 15 years ago, China’s grain output has increased by only 50 percent. This relationship certainly suggests that fertilizer use has reached the zone of diminishing returns” (Baumol and Blinder 2011, p. 132).

This not an example of “diminishing marginal productivity”, because that deductive concept is based adding more and more variable inputs to a fixed input at a point in time. Any student who used Blinder’s answers in a course taught using another textbook would be failed.

I see Blinder’s behaviour as evidence of how disturbing the results of his own research were to Blinder himself, and as an example of the mental gymnastics that believers in the failed paradigm of Neoclassical economics are willing to undertake to avoid abandoning the paradigm.

Other Neoclassical economists have taken the easier route of not reading Blinder’s research at all. My evidence here is its sales rank on Amazon— 2,538,317th as of September 17th 2023, versus Mas-Colell’s textbook’s rank of 81,426th (even though it is three years’ older than Blinder’s book)—and the trivial number of reviews it has—literally only one, versus 149 for Mas-Colell’s textbook.

I will leave finding out who wrote the solitary review of Blinder’s text as an exercise for the reader: see]